The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2210: Either they are broken or they die

"This general, Deputy Chief Cheng of the Breaking Division of the Daxia Military Headquarters, Shiye."

Outside Tangdu City, on the top of the sacred tree of war, which belonged to the stronghold platform of the Bozhen Division, a vigorous voice from the deputy chief of the Bozhen Division sounded, and it was transmitted to everyone below in a blink of an eye.

Afterwards, this slender deputy Si Cheng, who was not rugged, looked at the young faces underneath, with a clever wisdom flashing in his eyes, and the voice of inquiry came out again:

"You guys might as well go and think about it. If the time goes back to three years ago, what are you doing?"

When the question fell, Shi Ye paused for a few breaths, his voice opened his lips, and the voice rolled out again:

"Three years ago, you were at home in a muddle-headed manner, or you were idle, or you learned some craftsmanship of building walls and tiles with a master in order to support yourself.

"Fortunately, someone may have joined a certain sect, looking forward to becoming a child of the inner sect, or studying hard in the cold window, hoping to pass the court trial and become an official.

"And this general is still slashing with the endless mountain and those inexhaustible alien races!"

This rolling voice, as it kept lingering in the ears, all the younger generations present were holding their breaths, and the entire platform suddenly became audible.

The next breath came from the voice of Deputy Chief Cheng Shiye, and once again passed from the front:

"The second question, three years ago, have you ever thought that there will be what it is today?

"With such a generous living and practice conditions, Mr. Xue Gong, who has carefully taught him, also has the Dao soul, exercises, weapons, and knowledge that he once dreamed of!"

Shi Ye's voice just fell, and a young sergeant with his fists clenched below had a blazing flame in his eyes, almost screaming and shouting, but Shi Ye directly raised his hand to stop him.

After that, the deputy Si Cheng of the Pojin Division, who did not take an unusual style of behavior, slowly pressed his hands down to signal to the younger generation of pride in front of him to remain calm, and his vigorous voice came out again:

"I don't need you to roar or shout at this time. I only need you to think and think about the problems just now."

As the voice fell, Shi Ye's eyes narrowed, and he continued to speak, neither light nor heavy:

"You should be clear that the tremendous changes in our country that encompasses all the people, including you and me, wives and children, parents, etc., are so commendable and worthy of our lives to protect them!

"Perhaps while waiting, some people will feel wronged, thinking that they are still young, and even if they are still studying in the academy, they will be called up to the battlefield, but I can tell you that this age is a **** in our army. ."

When he said this, Shi Ye finally brought the iron-blooded evil spirit from the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain. The rich and cold killing intent caused the temperature on the entire platform to drop a lot, followed by the iron and blood. The tone continued to sound:

"In Daxia, in one sentence, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. You and this generation, whether it is food, clothing, or practice, are the best in the history of the vast land of China, so when the whole world changes drastically, When a crisis strikes, it should be rushed to the forefront, which is fair.

"It's not just you, but all of Daxia's school children are now conscripted as reserves. If there is a day when we soldiers who are in service fall ahead, then they will be on top.

"This is responsibility!"

The word "responsibility", the Deputy Chief Cheng of the Destroyer Division, said very categorically, and then his eyes continued to look at the young people in front of him, and the words changed, and the voice came out:

"To tell you the truth, not long ago, the six departments of Daxia squeezed their heads and sent out their own carefully trained young people to participate in the guard team of the queen empress, in an attempt to show the entire court and your majesty their vigorous development. strength.

"The result, I won't say the result, you guys also know very well that it was screwed up, it was screwed up!"

Shi Ye almost ranted this roar, and as soon as this word came out, many of the younger generation in front of him bowed their heads in shame and clenched their fists tighter.

"Mistakes are not terrible. The glory of my Daxia is to know that mistakes can be corrected, but you guys, I will remind once again that we are now in a battlefield where the real life-and-death battlefield and the enemies we face are also unprecedented, so a little bit If you are not careful, it is the yin and yang that separates you, so you will all be desperate!"

After the words were finished, Shi Ye waved his hand to the front, and there was a broken secretary next to him. He took a sealed dossier, strode forward, and quickly distributed it to the younger generation in front of him.

"This time, the details of the missions of the division of the battle, Zhaoer, etc., are all recorded in this file. You have a quarter of an hour to understand and digest. If you still don't understand, please ask me."

After the clear voice sounded on the platform again, Shi Ye strode to the front of the platform, and continued to speak while walking:

"You are all the strongest young generations in the university palaces of Daxia. For so many years, your Majesty has carried the entire Daxia, and now you have to share the burden for your Majesty and fight the enemy bravely!"


After a uniform roar, the younger generation who received the mission file on the platform opened the files in their hands and looked down. Naturally, they included Ao Bai who was standing in one place.

With the next breath, Ao Bai who quickly swept through the file, raised his brows, and said directly:

"Although we have been recruited to the Destroyer Division, it is not for us to destroy the ancient battlefield except Tangdu."

Ao Bai's voice fell, and Guan Shanbei, who was holding a spear, nodded, and a young voice came out:

"Naturally, we won't let us break the formation. Among those of us, we may have a superficial study of formations, but it is really used to break this ancient-level formation. I am afraid that it will be given for hundreds of years. Shake a bit."

After Guan Shanbei finished speaking, he waved his precious spear and hung his spear behind his back. He also looked down at the dossier in his hand, and his voice came out again:

"As the saying goes, there is a specialization in the art industry. Some of the smashing divisions are cultivators who specialize in the method of breaking the squad. Our task is to **** and **** these smashing sects' cultivators to reach the city wall of Tangdu smoothly and guarantee them. Safety when breaking the formation."

As soon as Guan Shanbei said this, the expressions of the younger generations around him suddenly became extremely solemn, because they, who had extremely rich combat missions on weekdays, naturally understood the danger of battlefield **** missions among all missions. , Can be ranked in the top three.

This means that when the cultivators break the formation, the barriers they are responsible for protecting must clashed with the ancient immortals on the city wall. It also means that they and the big formation of stars outside Tangdu , There are only two endings.

Either they are broken, or they die!

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