As the saying goes, evil spirits are invisible, and murderous auras are colorless. For ordinary creatures in the Supreme Profound Land, or ordinary monks, the killing intent released within the body is invisible and colorless, and it is even difficult to cause changes in the surrounding world.

In fact, what many people don't know is that whether the evil intentions can be manifested depends not only on their own cultivation level, but more importantly, their own will.

That iron will like steel!

There is no doubt that the Daxia soldiers lined up on the ground outside Tangdu City now possess the strongest will and the sharpest fighting intent of the entire Taixuan.


As Daxia's forwards stepped forward, the earth trembled, and when the earth and the void were trembling violently, the warlike orangutan cloud formed by the rolling **** smoke was like a tsunami like an overwhelming tsunami, without fancy taking the lead. It was shot on the city wall of Tangdu and the big array of stars in the world.

The iron-blooded warfare was like a sea, waves of shock and shaking this Tangdu city, and at the same time, the faces of the Great Northern Dippers on the walls of Tangdu suddenly became extremely solemn.

As the saying goes, from a point of view, from the torrent of warfare that caused the void, the earth, and the city to tremble, you can fully know what an extraordinary army is gathering outside Tangdu at this time.

"Unexpectedly, among mortals, there is such an incredible army, this immortal monarch really has never seen him in his life!"

When the universe of stars was ups and downs under the iron and blood, the immortal king on the wall of Tangdu subconsciously stepped forward, looking down at the infinite pressure below, and began to face the sergeant who was advancing in an orderly manner. The torrent, the increasingly solemn voice, continued to spread:

"Xianjun Tianshu, this immortal increasingly thinks that your idea of ​​using a spear against a spear is not appropriate."

The words of Yaoguang Xianjun fell, and Tianshu Xianjun, who was already surrounded by the dense starlight in front of him, raised his right hand to stop the former's words that were about to continue to speak, and came out with a little overbearing voice:

"Yao Guang, the immortal monarch's way has never flinched, but guarding the Tangdu city wall is naturally the first. Then let Yao Guang take you and stay on the city wall."

After speaking, the starlight behind Tianshu Immortal Monarch suddenly condensed inward, and finally condensed into a dazzling spear. After being grasped by the former, a louder voice suddenly came out:

"A mortal is a mortal, no matter how grand and magnificent the face is, here is still that fragile appearance, the stars and immortals of my Tianshu line, how dare to be scared back by these mortal armies, a joke."

After finishing the sentence, Tianshu Xianjun held the gun and pointed downwards and let out a loud roar:

"Where are the immortals in Tianshu, follow this immortal monarch, and tear the mortals below!"

There was a loud roar, above the universe of stars, the stars that represented the Tianshu star field, in an instant, the light was bright, and then it turned into a star light gun, crashing forward, and rolling forward. The iron and blood wave hits directly against it.

After a while, the starlight and scarlet wave burst open in the void outside Tangdu without any fancy, and the entire sky was flashed extremely violently, followed by the frenzied energy, tearing open the countless fallen Qixianzhi The rain, the earth-shattering abnormality, is like a real star in the sky, and it begins to burst outward.

In the next breath, under the interweaving of stars and blood, a colorful ray of light rushed out directly above the walls of Tangdu, and another dazzling star rose in the void outside Tangdu.

This is the main star of Tianshu, and within the main star, is Tianshu Xianjun!

At the same time, at the moment when Tianshu Xingjun took the immortals behind him into stars and spears, he stepped into the void, and the former Kuimu Zhenjun, who had been swept away, raised his head and uttered an urgent cry:

"Xianjun be careful, this Daxia used vast supernatural powers to directly block the void in front of him, and don't be reckless."

The words of Zhenjun Kuimu hadn't fallen yet, and the stars and streamers had completely rushed out of the city wall of Tangdu, and then Tianshu Xianjun came out with an icy voice:

"Block the void! Our immortals belong to the sky, who dares to block the sky, who can block the void?"

The roar of Tianshu Xingjun sounded like stars hitting the earth, and then on the wall of Tangdu, stars rose up again, rushing into the void, and looking from a distance, it was like a large wave of dense and dense waves flying through the void. Meteor shower.

"So courageous!"

When Tianshu Star Junhuaxing crossed the void and rushed towards the Great Xia Army Formation, a shout from the point of the God of War was heard directly from Wang Jing's mouth.

After that, the youngest man in Daxia's history, his black eyes stared at the raging sea of ​​stars on the city wall of Tangdu ahead. The murderous intent in his eyes was undiminished, and he opened his mouth and uttered two words:

"No space!"

As soon as the word came out, Peng Mu behind Wang Jing waved his big hand, and the sound of drum drums resounding above the sacred tree of war changed again, and it became particularly rapid in an instant, just like the harsh whistling of countless sharp arrows.

At the same time, the sword student who held billions of sword shadows and stood proudly in the void above the head of Daxia Generals, apart from anything else, he held his swords in both hands, directly slashing out at the surging Tianshu Xingjun in front of him.

With a sword, the storm will rise again!

Moments later, the countless sword shadows cruising in the sky of the **** of war, once again under the absolute will of kendo, turned from static to extremely violent. After a violent neigh, it covered the sky and the sun, and began to strangle everything that appeared in the void. Existence above.


The storm sword roars noisily like a devil cry, making everyone who heard the words feel the infinite icy chill, and the gold ingots and sword repairing stars standing on the platform of the gods of war, the temples are all too horrified but suddenly jump .

Then Jin Yuanbao took a deep breath, staring at the countless sword shadows that covered the sky and turned into a roaring storm sweeping forward, rubbing his fat face with his hands again, letting his hanging heart relax a little, and muttered Open the mouth:

"This is no longer a war that ordinary creatures in the Taixuan Land can have. This is simply the battle of the fairy gods in the legend. Are you right, girl Fanxing?"

After Jin Yuanbao's inquiry fell, the female sword repairer beside her did not respond for a long time. After that, Jin Yuanbao turned her head and looked at the stars ahead, only to find that the latter's face was now more serious than ever.

At the next breath, Fan Xing shook his head slightly, and the same extremely serious voice came out:

"No, Young Master Jin, this is not the so-called fairy gods, or the war of gods and demons, this is the war that belongs to our mortals, because there has never been anyone who was born as a high god.

"In this world, all beings are equal, and mortals are strong enough, then they can slaughter the gods!"

Fanxing's words fell, and above the void, the infinite sword shadow like a violent storm appeared in front of the Tianshu meteor.

After a few words, this battle of life and death between mortals and immortals, without too much foreshadowing, directly entered the white-hot stage!

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