The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2201: Hard stubble

Standing on the city wall of Tangdu at this time, Immortal Tianshu, who looked out, was particularly angry in his heart, because he felt deceit, from the deceit of the ancient immortal who reported to him!

At the next breath, four extremely dazzling and mighty streamers crossed the universe of stars and appeared directly behind Tianshu Immortal Monarch. He looked forward and blurted out:

"It's just a **** Xiaoxian who lied about military affairs!"

The voice fell. These were the Big Dipper monarchs of the God of War who were in the ancient fairy court period. The original steady breathing suddenly rushed a lot, and the voice came out again:

"Is this what the **** little fairy said that only a puppet is here to commit?"

After the words fell, following the gazes of these star monarchs, they extended towards the Tangdu land ahead, and the first thing that caught your eye was the sacred tree of war that went straight into the sky, like the extreme of heaven and earth.

This sacred tree of war standing on the ground outside Tangdu, apart from the huge branches that are distributed in an orderly and intertwined manner, there are also huge platforms around the branches that form one after another.

At this time, the reason why these Big Dipper monarchs were so shocked was that these platforms were not empty, but there were fully armed soldiers.

At the same time, if you continue to look down from this sacred tree of war, you will find a terrifying picture that is even more shocking.

I saw that there were countless densely packed Daxia soldiers in battle armor on this soup city, lined up, extending outwards, a piece of turbulent water, and even the end could not be seen at a glance.

At the same time, a wave of iron-blooded evil spirits that are difficult to describe in words, gush out from the body of every soldier, and gather together into a billowing storm of wolves, covering the sky and the sun, and even the entire sky beyond the soup. Dyed into a dazzling scarlet color.

Among the mighty and dense clouds, there are countless heavy epee shadows that resemble a stormy dragon, which completely seals the void, and at the same time, the edge that is enough to shred the void, together with the most extreme iron-blooded evil intention in the Taixuan world today, directly Hao The mighty impact was on the city wall of Tangdu.


The momentum rushed, the void trembling, and the universe of stars trembled, and then the dignified **** Tianshu within his body became more and more serious, his eyes swept up the large array, and the twenty-eight stars were extinguished and With a dim and miserable appearance, a cold voice came out:

"Above the star formation, twenty-eight stars die twenty-one, and there are seven remaining, all of whom are white tigers and seven-stay immortals. You will all come to this immortal!"

When the voice fell, True Monarch Kuimu, who was hiding not far away, took the other celestial immortals and appeared in front of Immortal Tianshu. Apart from anything else, he knelt on one knee, lowered his head, and directly pleaded guilty. :

"Twenty-eight stars are not good for defending the city. Wu Kuimu and the other white tigers have seven sleepers, let the fairy punish!"

As soon as this proactive call for guilt came out, Immortal Tianshu’s eyes became more and more turbulent. He wanted to continue to scold, but in the end he didn’t say anything. He just raised his hand and waved to Jin Zhenjun and others in front of him. The side swept away directly, hitting the ground of Tangdu city wall fiercely, rolling out all the way.

"Don't be annoyed by Immortal Lord Tianshu, the appearance of such a large army besieged by Daxia is indeed not the true monarch-level immortal of the twenty-eight stars can resist. Although this white tiger and seven-stay immortal is afraid of death, he has finally saved his life. "

The next breath, behind Tianshu Xianjun, a rather young magnetic voice sounded, and then Tianshu Xianjun nodded. Although he did not directly agree, he did not pursue it anymore, and the voice came out again:

"Then Yaoguang Immortal Monarch, in your opinion, how should I deal with this menacing Daxia man?"

Along with this voice of inquiry, within the universe of stars, the figures of ancient immortals from the line of the Big Dipper appeared on the wall of Tangdu. The number of them will be huge almost instantly. The city walls stood full.

Later, the tall and handsome Yaoguang Xianjun raised his right hand and squinted, frowned, and responded with a slight change:

"Tianshu Immortal, to be honest, this immortal is not optimistic about the current situation, because there is always a murderous intent to reach the depths of the soul, so taking a defensive approach may be the best way, and we may have to ask someone Daxian made a move."

These last words sounded, making Zhenjun Tianshu's face extremely solemn for a moment. Then he raised his eyes and looked down at Tangdu, which can be described as a soldier under the city, and his cold voice sounded:

"If it is according to Yaoguang Xianjun, then it is the best policy to defend Tangdu based on this universe of stars and wait for Her Royal Highness and the immortals to complete the grand plan."

After saying this, the immortal Tianshu changed his words, brought a voice that could not be rejected, and then sent out again:

"But Yaoguang, you and the Big Dipper Seven Immortals have been in the position of immortal for so many years, you must understand the character of this immortal, and it is absolutely impossible to make this immortal be a tortoise.

"This immortal monarch can be said to have spent his entire life in battle. He will not so-called defending the city, but will only charge and kill the enemy!"

When the voice fell, Tianshu Immortal Monarch suddenly raised his hand, and blasted a mighty celestial force against the star formation above, and after this celestial force rushed into the big formation, the entire radiant universe enveloped Tangdu suddenly There was a shock, and there was a very clear vibration:


At the same time as this vibration sounded, the entire star array, the Tianshu star belonging to the Big Dipper, suddenly began to brighten.

This kind of light is already different from the light emitted by the 28-star immortals before illuminating their own natal stars, but the endless and vast light of the main star. At the same time, this light of the main star, after pouring outward like a tide, will The rest of the stars in the entire star field are all lit up.

Suddenly, above the universe of stars, a whole star field that almost competes with the sun, shining with a power that no one can despise, then above the sacred tree of the Southern War, Wang Jing's eyes lit up, With an uproarious voice, it sounded directly:

"It seems that some real stubbles have emerged in this soup city."

After the voice fell, Wang Jing clenched his right fist and waved hard at the front. A clear command was sent out:

"According to the command, the second stage of the battlefield transmission continues, the angry beast and the shield front army began to press forward, and the Weiyang army coordinated and got up!"

When the military order fell, a flag began to wave, and then a large number of winged messengers at the top of the sacred tree of war disappeared with this military order in a flash, and then a deafening attack horn sounded soaring into the sky.


This offensive call was like a tiger roar, like a dragon chant, and like a key that opened the door of a **** battle, causing the entire Tangdu to tremble and whisper under the violent and unparalleled blood.

After an instant, all the soldiers of the forward army camp, who had placed their positions on Tangdu, raised their feet together, and suddenly took a step toward the front.


With this step, the earth trembled, and the ground outside Tangdu was cracked!

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