The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1894: Assault hurricane

"All-or-nothing, this is a real all-or-nothing!"

Outside of Fengyuan City, the situation is changing rapidly, and every second of time passes forward, there will be unexpected situations.

While each monk is powerful and improves his realm of cultivation, his own thoughts within the sea of ​​consciousness will also grow rapidly along with the breakthrough. On the other hand, the idea of ​​being able to calculate ups and downs is the foundation of the monk's combat wisdom.

Whether it is the eldest princess's sky and earth nets, front and back flanking, or afterwards, the wolf of the south wind will be bombarded by magical powers, just for the opponent's slack, it is actually a manifestation of fighting wisdom.

In this frost gun, the core law of the wolf of the north wind was condensed, and under such a close range of bombardment, the Tianluo ice net was directly poked out a hole.

Although this hole was not open, it was naturally difficult to cross the huge body of the wolf of the south wind, but it was more than enough to send out a petite figure.

And the desperate move of the Wolf of the North Wind also clearly showed one thing.

The last hope of the little princess of the Xuemei Upper Elementary School was that outside Fengyuan City, the colorful treasure ship floating in the sky above the nine heavens.

"This Daxia, can you keep this ill-fated little princess of Xuemei Country?"

"Who is this figure wearing a big robe, what is the realm of cultivation, can it stop the princess's wildest counterattack?"

Suddenly, a series of questioning sounds appeared in the minds of countless monks outside the city, and then everyone focused their eyes on the top. Outside Fengyuan City, the young sword repairman from Qinglian Sword Sect clenched his fists slightly. Tight, he said:

"Senior Sister Fanxing, only one monk has walked out of this big summer treasure ship. Is it too big?"

"I don't know, since Da Xia arranged in this way, he naturally has his backing."

Female Jian Xiu Fanxing just fell in response, and after a breath, the princess from behind shouted hoarsely, rolling out:

"Give it to my palace, catch her, life or death!"

The princess screamed extremely sharply, indicating how terrified her heart was. At this time, above the void, the petite figure that was tumbling and engulfed by the frost and cold current, seemed to the former. Glaring.

"This is the end of the matter, why can't you accept your fate obediently, you must resist, then die to this palace!"

A sharper roar continued to be heard from the princess's mouth, and then she waved the dragon whip in his hand again, controlled the golden swimming dragon, shredded the void, and followed.

But faster than the dragon fishing rod, it is the hand of the terrestrial gods and fairyland that stretches out in the void!

I saw a large crystal clear hand stretched out from top to bottom on the sky where wind, frost and rain were intertwined, and appeared above the petite figure in a blink of an eye.

Compared with this big hand, the little princess Han Wenxing of Xuemei Country, how petite is the body, and under the chaotic hedging momentum, the latter can't even keep her body stable, but constantly roll.

But at this moment when the boundary between life and death was drifting away, Han Wenxing didn't have any fear in her heart because she felt a glance.

A look that is very familiar, even thinking about it day and night!

Since a few years ago, he was sealed in an ice coffin, and after waking up, he came directly to the Snow Mountain. Although this period of time is not short, it is a long time for the girl who has fallen into endless darkness.

As she said before, the world is afraid of darkness, and the reason why she maintains her heart in the darkness is because there is always a gaze that pierces the darkness and guides her.

"Is it Brother Qiu?"

The muttering sound came from the girl's mouth, but this faint voice was completely submerged by the deafening void cracking sound in a blink of an eye, and then the hand of the law of the land gods and fairyland lord, pressed against the sky, and grabbed it inward.

Can she trust Daxia and Qiu Hengji?

The answer is yes.

Qiu Hengji, standing upright on the deck, slowly lifted his right hand forward. At the moment he raised his hand, the world outside Fengyuan City changed completely. appearance.

The violent storms that had originally converged disappeared in an instant, and the heavens and the earth were darkened in a moment.

Then the colorful original breath, like a ribbon floating out, and like a colorful river flowing from top to bottom, occupies the entire void.

This is a world of arcane magic!

And in this world, what fills every inch of void is the original basic law that all dharma cultivation dreams of.

"This, what kind of world is this?"

An incredible voice came from a monk outside Fengyuan City.

Then these people stared at the whole body in disbelief, the wisps of the laws of various colors floating like mist, just wanted to continue to speak, the more dazzling light, directly shining down.

At the next breath, the monks on the ground raised their heads together and continued to look up, their pupils suddenly swelling and shrinking.

I saw three rounds of arcane magic **** like the big sun of the sky with the figure standing on the deck of the big summer treasure ship as the center, leaping out directly from the depths of the void.

Purple, red, blue!

The surface of the huge arcane magic ball in each round flashes and burns with light, and at the same time, it contains the most original aura of the law.

Purple thunder, red red flames and finally blue pure water.

These three elements, which make up the most basic material in the world, shine in the entire void, and under the guard of the tricolor arcane orb, they even give people the illusion of the supremacy of arcane magic and the desire to worship.

"Okay, what a strong existence!"

With every gesture, he directly turned the huge Fengyuan City into his own arcane world. Such a shocking cultivation level had already impressed all the monks outside the city in an instant.

Then Qiu Hengji, the supplicant on the deck of the Daxia Treasure Ship, raised his right hand with five fingers spread out, and gently pressed against the front.

This hand, which was pressed under the gaze of countless lights, did not press fast, but the entire arcane world began to shake rapidly and violently.

After an instant, the three rounds of arcane magic **** hanging high above the nine sky directly began to fluctuate violently, and at the same time turned into two purple and one blue in an instant.

Two thunder orbs and a water orb directly evoked a certain combined arcane law, making a soft bang.

A moment later, under the sky outside Fang Fengyuan City, the roar from the wind suddenly sounded in the deepest part of the void.

Then the whistling of the wind became louder and louder, more and more ear-splitting, and in the end it was as if thousands of soldiers roared at the same time.


"The wind, the wind is roaring, that monk Daxia, the supernatural power released is the wind!"

The exclamation on the ground did not stop, and under Qiu Hengji's palm, the first purple-black wind appeared.

This is a wisp of wind that is hard to describe in words, and in the entire world, only the monks of the Radiant Army have a deep understanding of the power of this wind.

It also has a particularly special name. At the next breath, Qiu Hengji's lips moved, and his voice came out:

"Ancient taboo magical powers. Assault hurricane!"

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