The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1893: Send to Fufeng County

"Grandma Wolf, the general trend of the world is like a tide and tsunami, swallowing the world, no human power can stop it, although I respect the former monarch, she has fallen after all. This is an irreversible fact."

Above the northern sky of Fengyuan City, an icy voice came from the mouth of the vague figure, resounding everywhere, and then this person continued to raise countless heavy punches condensed by the Law of Frost, and the voice continued to roll out:

"The general trend of the new world has become clear. Going against the sky, you can only die!"

"Presumptuous, perverse behavior, and full of absurd words, if it is in the past, the monarch will directly tear your mouth."

Even if the entire huge body was pressed **** the net of ice, the severely wounded South Wind Wolf still had no compromise in its scarlet eyes, and as soon as his voice fell, a heavy fist hit it directly. Relentlessly continue to bombard the waist of the former.


The wolf of the south wind uttered another wolf howl, and even inside the wolf’s mouth, a large amount of blood poured out, and the dense wounds exploded again on the wolf’s body. At the same time, the original turbulent aura suddenly sank. cut.

"Enclose it in this palace."

The next breath, the princess of Xuemei Nation, standing proudly above the ice bird, raised her right hand, and at the same time, the menacing Xuemei Nation army behind, stopped the charging posture, and surrounded the dying South Wind Wolf. live.

After that, the eldest princess stared at the petite figure sitting on the back of the wolf in front of him. In addition to the intent to kill, there was unspeakable complexity in his eyes.

But soon, these strange expressions all dissipated, leaving only the extremely cold pupils, and then the princess stretched out her hand to the side, a cold voice, spit out from her mouth:

"Get the dragon fishing rod."

As soon as this statement was made, the surrounding followers showed particularly horrified expressions, and then a confidant hesitated, still opening his mouth to persuade:

"His Royal Highness, the dragon fishing rod is our treasure at the bottom of the box. The subordinates are already in control at this time, so there is no need to make such a big fight, right?"

"You have the winning ticket? Then Daxia in the North hasn't made a move, how can you say that the winning ticket is in hand."

A cold voice came from the princess, and then she stretched out her right hand and spread it out. The meaning was self-evident, and the voice continued to sound:

"Only with this dragon fishing rod to tie up my good sister, my palace will feel at ease!"

When the voice fell, a long pole entangled by a golden dragon was placed in the palm of the princess. At the same time, the cold face of the latter became extremely enthusiastic for an instant. As soon as he grasped the golden pole in his hand, he slammed into the front. Flick.


After an instant, a dragon roar rolled out, and then the fishing line that was thrown out directly turned into a golden wandering dragon across the void, completely seeing the frozen ice and laws in front of him, and rushing forward.

"Golden Dragon, could it be the Central Shangguo cultivator who made the move?"

The deafening dragon roar filled the heaven and the earth, and the wandering dragon covered with golden scales exuded the mighty power that covered the heaven and earth, causing the monks outside the city who were watching all this to open their mouths and question.

After all, in the entire Taixuan Land, there is only the Central Shangguo that has such a dragon-attributed bloodline.

But soon, some other well-informed people shook their heads, pointed their fingers at the golden pole in the hands of the princess, and said:

"It's not the people from the central government who made the shot, but the golden long rod in the hands of the princess. It should be the dragon fishing rod in the teleportation. It is said that the sunken island that was reborn on the North Sea that year was the former monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom. Use this rod to pull it out.

"The ability to pull out a sunken ancient fairy island abruptly born in a place of nothingness is enough to show the power of this rod. I originally thought that before the fall of the former Xuemei Kingdom, this treasure would be handed over to the little princess. In my hands, but I didn't expect to be cut off by this princess. It's really incredible."

"Since this dragon fishing rod can pull a fairy mountain back from the endless abyss, if it is used to tie a person, it would be a big fuss."

There was a monk on the ground, shaking his robe sleeve, and speaking loudly, then the monk beside him frowned, and the response came out:

"This means that the princess doesn't want too many variables to appear on her way to become the master of Xuemei Nation!"

As soon as the word "variable" came out, the monk who opened his mouth let out a sigh of relief. After waiting for a few breaths, he looked puzzled, because the monk's response was delayed.


There was a sound of doubt, and the man turned his head and looked aside, but he looked at the middle-aged monk beside him with a good relationship. He was looking up at the sky at this time, his mouth opened, and his face looked astonished.

Then the monk also raised his head and fixed his gaze on the Daxia Treasure Ship above his head. I don't know when, at the fore end of the deck of the Treasure Ship, there was a figure flying in a black robe standing steadily.

"It's Daxia's monk, here, it's finally here!"

Along with this murmur, more and more ground monks began to discover the abnormality on the deck of the Daxia Treasure Ship and let out a cry of exclamation.

At the same time, the fishing line that was waved from the princess of Xuemei Kingdom turned into a golden wandering dragon, and instantly appeared beside the wolf of the south wind.

The dragon's howl resounded through the void unabated, and then the golden dragon wrapped around the huge body of the Southern Wind Wolf, and slowly tightened it, causing countless wounds on the latter's body to gush out piercing blood again.

At the next breath, the golden wandering dragon raised its huge head and stared at the petite figure on the back of the giant wolf with an emotionless gaze. In the end, it opened the dragon's mouth, rushed directly to the front, and took a bite.

The fangs in the golden dragon’s mouth were so sharp that the **** the back of the giant wolf couldn’t even hold her breath, so she was bitten into pieces, but the scene under the dragon’s mouth did not make the princess behind him any happy. , On the contrary, I was shocked.

There was no trace of flesh and blood in the fragments under the dragon's mouth, only the ice cracked outwards.

At the next breath, the princess of Xuemei Country opened her mouth and let out a whistle.

"Where is she?"

Almost at the same time, being pressed on the ice net, the dying wolf of the south wind suddenly raised his head and opened his mouth, directly facing the north, spitting out a blue and white breath of frost.

This breath of frost is so dazzling, from a distance, it looks like a huge sharp ice gun, trying its best to pierce the giant net in front of it.


Accompanied by a shocking loud noise, the giant net that originally encompassed the heavens and the earth was directly pricked out by the Frost Ice Spear.

At the same time, a figure was engulfed in the torrent of frost, and directly crossed the net of heaven and earth, as if teleporting, quickly approaching Fengyuan City!

"The sky is on top, this giant wolf, even if it is bombarded by countless magical powers, has been gathering momentum, so as to take the opportunity to send that little princess into the realm of Fufeng County."

Speaking of this, one after another glances condensed to the petite figure flying outside Fengyuan City, and murmured:

"More importantly, she succeeded!"

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