So what?

These short words have exhausted the helplessness of the creatures under this world.

Especially when living in this chaotic world, even if it is the top power that has already stepped on the bridge of heaven and earth, it will be involuntary and feel deeply powerless.

However, when facing the same situation, different people will make completely different choices, and a small number of people, even if they are crushed, are willing to go.

"The Snow Mountain Temple distorted its own will and did not follow His Majesty's dying edict, and chose to watch from the sidelines. This is their sin, but if you directly attack the little princess, it is even more sinful."

Accompanied by the roar that resounded through the sky, the old woman sitting on top of the wolf's back instantly turned into a phantom and shattered. At the same time, the original size of the southern wolf, which was already as large as a mountain, had an ice-blue body. It began to skyrocket outward.

As the illusory voice said before, the existence of the old woman was originally transformed by the will of this ancient Southwind ice wolf. At this time, the ice wolf, which completely revealed its own body, showed the accumulation of ancient ice species over countless years. Below, the vast power that shook the sky.

In a short while, the body of the wolf of the south wind has swelled out several times, and at the same time, on every strand of its hair, the sharp ice thorns have begun to extend.

Then the endless white mist swept across the square like a torrent, and wherever it passed, the void was frozen, and another iceberg continent gradually took shape.

At the next breath, the giant wolf shook its cold-light long tail and swept it outward along the void, instantly sweeping the torrent of supernatural powers that swept from behind, directly sweeping it to pieces, clearing a large piece of nothingness covered with pitch-black cracks.

After easily sweeping away the magical powers behind him, the wolf of the south wind carrying the girl, still crawling and gaining momentum, stared at the front with his scarlet eyes.

At this time, the distance between the Wolf of the South Wind and Fengyuan City, the gateway of Fufeng County, is not far away, but within this distance, there is a net of heaven and earth and infinite crisis!

"This wolf has been seriously injured a long time ago, and it is now at the end of the crossbow, and it is even back to the light. All follow the orders and charge against the palace!"

The loud shout from the Princess Xuemei Shangguo fell, and she stepped heavily on the ice bird under her body, and then led the army behind, continuing to rush forward.

Fufeng County was right in front of her, which made this princess who cares about a powerful figure no longer able to remain calm and peaceful, and directly gave up on releasing her magical powers from a long distance behind, but directly brought people up and launched the final siege.

"Fight head-on, the princess of the Xuemei Kingdom finally couldn't help it, she must do it all!"

The place where the two princesses confronted was not far to the north, where Fengyuan City was located, and with the rapid changes of the times, more and more monks gathered outside the city at this time.

Even the towering walls of Fengyuan City were full of figures, and even more, greeted the flying races to take off and hovered in the air to carefully watch the civil strife in the snowy kingdom.

It is extremely rare to see the scene of high-ranking monks fighting each other within a top big power at any time.

"A lot of ants have killed the elephant. This ancient southern wind wolf is indeed powerful, but it is isolated and helpless, and the magical ice net is about to be added. I wonder if it can continue to advance?"

"I think it's difficult. The one who is hiding in the dark is obviously the Lord of the Land Fairyland, and more importantly, the Lord of the Southern Wind Wolf has been seriously injured before, so unless someone comes to help, this The life of the little princess must be explained here."

At this time, the monks gathered outside Fengyuan City watching, there are many people with extraordinary vision, so they have made judgments and are not optimistic about the little princess.

However, after the words "Helping Hands" came out, these people raised their heads together, and at the same time looked up, locking on the colorful treasure ship that was hovering above the void outside the city.

From the beginning to the end, there hasn't been a single person who walked out of this treasure ship. With such a strange appearance, everyone below has a lot of doubts.

It is true that these vast and diverse forces gathered outside the Fengyuan City at this time, not only to watch the battle for the power of the Xuemei Shangguo, but more, they want to see the beings. The world is arguing about how sharp and vigorous the Northern Territory Daxia will show.

"This Daxia didn't mean to protect the little princess, why didn't he take action?"

The same sound of doubt came from a monk, and then after a monk thought about it, he opened his mouth and responded:

"Perhaps Daxia is waiting for this little princess to truly enter the realm of Fufeng County. After all, Jun has no joking. This little princess sent it."

As soon as this person’s voice fell, a loud noise came directly from above.


I saw that above the void in the front, the wolf of the South Wind that moved in the sky still burst out with an incredible strength, and several jumps made it easy to rush out of the encirclement of the large princess organized by the rear.

After that, the long tail of the giant wolf continued to sweep, and the monks swarming around him were photographed into icy debris. At the same time, the giant wolf opened its huge mouth, and the rich ice law in the mouth began to violently condense, looking from a distance. , It was like an ice blue star suddenly appeared in the world.

"Do it, do it!"

Facing the unreserved magical power of this southern wind wolf and the violent law of frost, the princess of Xuemei Kingdom immediately screamed with great anxiety.

But in the next moment, a deep joy appeared directly on his face, because the two big frost hands covering the sky and the sun stretched directly above the sky.

These two hands that cover the sky are crystal clear, completely condensed by the laws of substantive ice. At the same time, the violent power pouring outward is like a plow, instantly opening the void layer after layer. Floor.

Such a power that destroys the world and the earth clearly tells the world the identity of the person who makes the best effort.

The top overhaul of the land gods and mountains!

Both palms are in the sky, covering the sky and the sun, and the palm of the law exploded by the upper realm can see space and time in nothing to a certain extent, so the frosty palm of this upper realm can be watched by everyone Underneath, disappear instantly.

In the next instant, the giant palm reappeared, appearing directly beside the southern wind giant wolf, and completely blocked the latter's all possible escape routes, forcing the latter to accept it.

Then, in full view, the two sky-covering palms intersected each other, pressing the huge body of the Southern Wind Wolf directly into the palms.


Between the heavens and the earth, there was an unprecedented roar, which was even countless times higher than the thunder before.

At the same time, the white mist of a rolling cold wave exploded outwards, covering the entire void. In addition, there was a wolf howl with infinite pain.


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