Outside Fengyuan City, the chill is overwhelming.

Above the void, the fuzzy silhouettes hidden behind Frost all shot together and moved the law of ice, laying a net of heaven and earth between the whole world, and horizontally fenced all the routes of the southern wind giant wolf into the city.

At the same time, behind the wolf of the south wind that rushed forward, the eldest princess led people by the ice bird, aggressive.

In the cultivator's sight on the ground, above the Armor-Eater Forest, ice birds filled with a large number of cultivators appeared one after another, spreading out mightily, and it was already an extraordinary army.

"I have always heard that the princess of the Snow Mei Kingdom almost controls most of the sect forces in the entire Snow Mei Kingdom except the Snow Wind Mountain. There are countless warriors of all races. At this moment, I saw it, and it really deserves its reputation.

With a solemn sigh, it was heard from the mouths of several extraordinary monks outside Fengyuan City, and then the person on the side nodded, raised his hand to stroke the white beard, and continued to speak:

"There are so many warriors above the Frost and Ice Bird, it seems that this princess should be determined to end this fight for superiority."

"There was interception in the front, chasing soldiers behind, powerful enemies waiting around, and even a few land gods hiding in the dark. In such a situation, this little princess, I am afraid that she will die on the spot!"

A sigh of sigh sounded, and then all the monks outside Fengyuan City were watching all of this. Except for the monks of the Faxia Alliance who shone in their faces, the others looked into the gazes of the giant wolf surrounded by the blizzard. All bring a little complexity.

The world is impermanent, and there will always be some embarrassing stories in this world.

But everyone knew that the weak and the strong were the most basic law of survival in the Supreme Profound Land, so apart from the complexity of the heart, there was no sympathy.

Because in the land of the profound mystery, the strong is the king, so there is no need for sympathy!

"Sister, sister, I am concerned about your condition. If you don't stop, then don't blame your sister for being anxious!"

Between frost, wind, and heavy rain, the voice of the princess of Xuemei Kingdom from behind continued to roll forward, and then this imposing, tall princess raised her right hand and pointed to the front, her complexion getting colder and colder. With a loud shout:

"Do it!"

As soon as this short word came out, the large number of chasing troops behind him all roared and the speed of the ice bird underneath chasing and attacking forward increased several times.

At the same time, countless cold waves were like volcanic eruptions, and the bodies of these chasing ice birds exploded from the inside to the outside, and the void was completely filled with frost vitality in an instant. Then these chasing cultivators covered with ice armor shot forward and poured out almost at the same time. The mighty ice attribute supernatural powers.


Countless ice attribute supernatural powers, directly like a cold ice ghost with teeth and claws, roaring and roaring, rushing forward.

At the next breath, the old woman sitting on the back of the Southern Wolf suddenly turned her head, her icy eyes shot out, and the word by word sounded between the sky and the earth:

"Our former monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom has issued a will. Xuemei’s upper kingdom, from the Xuemei priest to the Xuemei priest, down to any domestic creatures, must regard the little princess as the new monarch. Offenders will be killed without mercy, and after the death of the soul, Do not enter the Antarctic longevity sky.

"Er Deng is now bewitched by the thief, but dare to make a move, really not afraid of destroying Tianzhu?"

The old woman's words resounded like an angry thunder and resounded through the sky, while the former's gaze seemed to pass directly through the mighty miraculous powers like the tide, sweeping across the masked faces above the ice bird, even allowing these people to take action. The action stopped for a while.

"Everyone, this is the end of the matter, and there is no turning back. If things happen today, this princess will repay you with a life-saving grace!"

A harsh voice came from the princess's mouth, and at the same time, she raised her hand again, grabbed an ice bow, drew the bowstring, and shot a cold ice arrow at the location of the wolf of the south wind in front.

The arrow pierced through the void and appeared directly on the back of the wolf of the south wind. Between the moments of the hair, the old woman raised her hand and grasped the howling arrow coming from behind.

The arrow throbbed violently in the palm of the old woman, but it was still squeezed. In the end, the old woman turned the arrow's edge directly, facing the princess in the back, and furiously flicked it back.

The Frost Arrow turned upside down, smashing into the void and flying back down, with great power.

However, the old woman's complexion became more solemn, and he controlled the giant wolf under him, using the void as the ground, and leaped upward again. At almost the same time, the wave of supernatural powers pouring from the rear directly culled.

This is the ultimate showdown between Frost and Frost!

In the next moment, with the sudden wave of the old woman, the storm ice crystals surrounding the wolf of the south wind instantly turned into countless sharp swords and shot outwards, starting to blast to one place with the bombarding ice magical powers, and then annihilated each other. ,

For a time, deafening roars rang through the world, and these blasting sounds were like cracking icebergs, shocking people's minds.

"Princess, be careful!"

As the frost cracking sounded through my ears, a cry of exclamation sounded above the giant ice bird in the front.

I saw the ice arrow that was thrown back by the old woman, tearing the void and drilling out, and instantly reached the princess's eyebrows.

At the next breath, when the surrounding exclaims did not fall, on the princess's right arm, countless ice armors instantly stretched out, instantly forming hundreds of ice shield bars in front of her.

"Boom boom!"

A sudden sound of cracking of the ice shield indicates that this arrow is rapidly breaking through the defense.

However, the princess's cultivation level should not be underestimated. She raised her hand and slammed forward, and more ice shields appeared, which was worthy of blocking the thrown back arrow in front of her.

Then a strong and fierce color appeared in the princess's eyes, her face was also full of evil intentions, and she opened her mouth and let out a roar at the front:

"Everyone who is hiding in the dark, don't do anything at this time, let's wait when, don't forget, we are grasshoppers on a rope now, since we have already decided, don't cower!"

The princess of Xuemei Country rolled out with this scream, and then the fuzzy figures standing proudly in front of the wolf of the south wind all raised their heads together, staring down with eyes that were enough to freeze the void.

How cold these eyes were, and even contained extremely violent murderous intent, and then these figures raised their hands together and slapped them in front of them.

After an instant, the ice net between the whole sky and the earth on the horizontal fence instantly swept down toward the front.

At the same time, the back of the South Wind Wolf pouring out ice crystal fragments, the old woman retracted her gaze from the back, staring at the front with the same cold eyes, and the roar continued to roll out:

"You people, the old man knows who it is. If you retreat quickly, it will be too late!"

The old woman's roar resounded everywhere, and then a vague response sounded from the void in front of him:

"You're just an old southern wind wolf from the Snow Wind Mountain. Even the priests of the Snow Wind Temple have abandoned the little princess. What if you cultivate it?"

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