"Mother-in-law, you are hurt."

Between the counties in the Taixuan Land, because of the need of buffering by the two big forces, there is generally a very wide area of ​​ignorance, while the buffer zone outside Fufeng County is an extremely dense forest.

In the forest, there are a large number of ancient trees in the sky, these ancient trees are undoubtedly ancient relics, and the branches are covered with armor made of dense scales instead of traditional bark.

Every ancient tree is reflecting the daunting metallic luster, and these trees also have names that make all the creatures in the core of the Taixuan, not to be ignored.

Eat a tree.

As the name suggests, these armor-chewing trees usually devour creatures, form their own armor, and have extremely strong defenses.

On the other hand, each of the armor-chewing trees in this forest is like an ancient warrior standing upright, and once hostility is felt, the entire forest will riot. Very uncomfortable.

Therefore, in this forest belonging to this clan, even the top-level overhaul of the Supreme Profound Land is unwilling to cause too much conflict with the armor-chewing trees, and because of the existence of these armor-chewing trees, the forest quickly moves forward. The old and the young in the past had some breathing time.

"Mother-in-law, you bleed."

Within the Forest of Devouring Armor, a steady and crisp female voice sounded again, and the place where this voice came from was the back of a giant wolf.

I saw that the whole body of this wolf was icy blue. Although it was not as straight into the sky as the surrounding ancient trees, the whole body was like a small mountain that was sprinting quickly.

This beast is a strange species unique to Snow Wind Mountain, the wolf of the South Wind!

This extraordinary South Wind wolf has an ice-blue soft fur. It runs and jumps, and its hair dances like a soft silk. With every step it jumps out, it can span most of the distance in this forest. At the same time, it was silent, like a ghost blending into the wind and the forest.

At the same time, a small girl was sitting on the back of this wolf. She was wearing a blue-and-white robe. If she didn't pay attention, the hair of the giant wolf under her was almost indistinguishable from each other.

On the side of the girl, there was an old woman who was also wearing a blue and white robe. At this time, there were a lot of blood stains flowing out from under the sleeves of the robe, falling drop by drop.

At the next breath, the old woman's eyes closed and her eyes slowly opened, slowly pressing down the boiling Qi from all over her body, and she responded:

"His Royal Highness, the injury to the old man is not serious."

Although the voice of the old woman was old, it gave people a very kind feeling, with a touch of warmth and relief, but the girl beside her shook her head, and the voice continued:

"No, mother-in-law, I can feel that you were seriously injured. Every previous **** battle was so earth-shattering. Although I don't know much about practice, I can still detect your weakness."

As soon as he said this, the old woman's face showed a little consternation, and then she put away the bleeding right hand without moving the dark color, his complexion returned to normal, and he spoke softly:

"Before the emperor died, the princess was handed over to the old man to let him assist you after you succeeded to the throne, but the old man never expected that the situation today is so bad. This is the old man's fault. "

The old woman said with regret and regret, and then the girl who went north by the wolf of the south wind gently shook her head again, and said in a crisp voice:

"Mother-in-law doesn't have to blame herself. In this situation, it is not your fault. Too often, many people and many things are beyond your control."

As soon as the girl's words of dissatisfaction or dislike came out, the thick sigh made it easy for the old woman to appear in her eyes, and she exclaimed:

"The old man is sometimes very curious. Her Royal Highness will not be old next year, but in the face of life and death, she will be more open-minded than my old lady who has lived for so long."

After the old woman’s response came out, her eyes had a stronger color. Of course, whether it is the Xuemei Shangguo who represents the supreme power, or the crisis situation of being pursued at this time, they are not ordinary young people. Can easily bear.

At this time, there were very few peaceful people like the **** the wolf's back.

"Mother-in-law, when I was studying in the vast land and capital of Shenzhou, my husband once said that the fear in my heart generally stems from the fear of darkness."

The flat voice of the girl rang in her ears, and then the old woman's face was straight, her lips lightly opened, and the voice came out:

"Since Fengxue Shenshan went down, I have been besieged all the way, so that the old man was unable to have a good conversation with the princess. The old man is a little curious at this time. What is the reason for the fear of the dark?"

"The world is afraid of death, because death is eternal darkness, and the world is afraid of loneliness, because loneliness is also a kind of darkness, why people always yearn for light, because light is the opposite of darkness."

After this faint voice came from the girl's mouth, the old woman's eyes showed a little thought, and then murmured:

"According to this statement, the princess is so calm at this time because she has no fear of darkness?"

"I'm still afraid. When I lay in that cold ice coffin, endless darkness enveloped me. Naturally, it was fear, but perhaps because I had experienced darkness, I was more able to accept darkness."

At this point, the girl looked at the dense sky and ancient trees ahead, her red lips lightly opened, and her voice came out again:

"Mother-in-law, you also know that from beginning to end, I didn't have any thoughts about the status of the monarch of the so-called Xuemei Shangguo."

As soon as this remark came out, the old woman sighed slightly, staring into the gaze of the girl in front of her, she also took a little bit of unbearableness, and said:

"My Xuemei Shangguo and Fengxue Shenshan are descendants of the ancient Eight Immortals and Snow Girl, and even the Antarctic Emperor Changsheng, one of the four imperials, is still flowing in his body. They definitely cannot be reduced to a holy court running dog.

"The reason why your Majesty allowed the old man to assist the little princess ascend to the throne, of course, has her reason, so even if the old man is crushed, he will **** you to Fufeng County to represent the orthodoxy of Wu Xuemei's going to the country!

Although the old woman's remarks were quite categorical, but the girl's delicate face did not have much waves, she still looked calm, and then fell into a little silence on the back of the wolf.

The huge southern wind wolf continued to run wildly in this forest, and the surrounding trees retreated swiftly to the rear. Then, after thinking about the old sacred sacred mountain, he straightened his body, and finally couldn't help but ask. :

"His Royal Highness, the old man is puzzled by something, and I still hope to solve it."

"Mother-in-law, tell me."

"His Royal Highness, this time the princess has overwhelmed all the high-ranking monks and came to chase and intercept us. According to the old man's judgment, if he enters Fufeng County through the rest of the route, the old man thinks he is 20% sure.

"But you insisted on rushing to Fengyuan City to rendezvous with Daxia. This means that our whereabouts are clearly exposed to the enemy's eyes.

"It's not that I'm dejected. The eldest princess only needs to gather heavy troops outside Fengyuan City, and the front is our ghost gate."

"Mother-in-law, Fengyuan City is not a ghost gate."

As soon as the old woman's slightly excited voice fell, the girl's still determined response sounded immediately.

Then the girl raised her right hand and stretched it forward, as if she was going to grasp the turning point of the destiny ahead, and her voice continued to sound:

"If we say that there is only a glimmer of life in escaping and ascending to heaven, then this life is the way we stand at this time.

"From beginning to end, I believe only Daxia!"

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