The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1887: Cause and effect

"Come, here comes, this Snow Charm's battle for the supremacy of the country is finally about to enter the most critical and thrilling moment!"

When the flying race announced the voice of the little princess of Xuemei Country, it resounded across the square outside the city, and a violent riot hit the sky vigorously.

Afterwards, the monks of various sects holding umbrellas, with different complexions, looked into the distance, squinted their eyes, and fell into thinking.

After a while, a middle-aged man from outside the core place raised his hand, stroked his beard and hair, and spoke to the monk beside him:

"This fellow Daoist, Ben Xiu is still in the core place of the Supreme Profound Realm that he has just arrived at. He has heard that after the death of the Xuemei Kingdom, his country has been caught in a battle for superiority.

"But at that time these two princesses weren't as dead and alive as they are now, and now they are about to stage the ultimate showdown. Is there a secret in the middle?"

"There is no secret, but it's all for that position."

An old response came from the old monk on the side, and then this extraordinary, fairy-like old man gently brushed his sleeves and continued to speak:

"It is said that before the death of the former king of the Xuemei Kingdom, the little princess passed the throne, but this world still depends on the strength to speak. The means of the usurpering princess is extremely good, even in a very short time. Within, the situation was almost completely reversed."

"Oh? I would like to hear the details."

The monk who had asked before gave a salute. After the question came out, the old monk with the fairy wind and bones smiled slightly, and then said:

"The specific situation, the old man is still half-knowledge. They are all gossip circulated in the world. Dao friends just listen to it. The old man does not guarantee the authenticity."

"As it should be, I'm also listening to the excitement, old monk, please tell me."

"Well, according to what I heard before, at the beginning, because of the decree of the monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom, the Snow Wind God Sect of the Xuemei Kingdom almost all supported the little princess.

"The Sect of the Snow Wind God can be said to be the pin of the Sea God of the entire Snow Charm. It stands to reason that the position of the little princess should be extremely stable. The support of almost all the secular cities of the Xuemei Kingdom."

At this point, the old monk paused, and his voice continued:

"Therefore, the nature of this dispute over the top position has completely changed, and it has become a dispute between the religious and the secular!"

As soon as the words came out, the cultivators around who heard the words showed unexpected expressions, and then some cultivators turned their eyes and said:

"It stands to reason that in this Xuemei Upper Kingdom, this Xuemei clan should occupy an absolute dominant position. After all, Snow Wind Mountain is the first religious cult in the southern part of Taixuan Central Plains."

"The Xuemei clan is naturally a well-deserved ruler, but after tens of thousands of years of development, the strength of the rest of the domestic ice-attribute cultivators on the southern Xuemei should not be underestimated.

"A lot of ants have killed the elephants. Once these other races are all united, the priests in the Snow Wind Mountain will not be able to turn a blind eye, otherwise it will be a real national chaos."

After the old monk finished speaking, he lifted the umbrella in his hand, looked up at the end of the line of sight that was shrouded in heavy rain in front of him, and continued to speak:

"This is only part of the princess's method, and then she continued to do two things. First, she dedicated a quarter of the treasure in her hand to the holy court, and won the support of the holy court. Send a military palace overhaul to put pressure on Fengxue Shenshan.

"Secondly, I don't know what to do. She actually got the support of the entire Xuemei Shangguo over half of the Shangjing. Under the combination of high and low, the situation was completely reversed.

"I heard that in the end, it directly pulled up a large army and surrounded the entire sacred mountain. Such a scene is the first time in the Snow Charm Country."

"This is a big scene with a large army besieging the Snow Wind Mountain!"

Excited voices sounded from the side, and then the old monk nodded, and the old voice continued to ring in the ears of the people around:

"Naturally it is a big scene. Under this situation, Snow Wind Mountain had to compromise, and finally forced to reluctantly put forward conditions acceptable to both parties."

Speaking of this, the old monk paused. After looking around for a week, the corners of his mouth rose, and the words that raised the volume rolled out:

"That is the orthodox of the people who participated in this World Taoist Association, who can represent Xuemei Shangguo to participate in the World Taoist Association, who is the monarch of this ancient country!"

"That's it."

As soon as the old monk's voice fell, the voices of the surrounding monks suddenly sounded. Since then, these unidentified foreign monks have fully understood the cause and effect after the crowd flocked to the outside of the city.

Then a monk thought for a moment, and then asked:

"Old fellow daoist, the cause and effect are finally understood, but after listening to the people around, isn't this little princess in a good situation now?"

"It's more than bad, it's a life of nine deaths."

When the old monk said this, his old face was full of sorrows, and his voice continued to sound in the heavy rain:

"After losing the firm support of Fengxue Shenshan, this little girl with a mysterious origin and no foundation, just went down the mountain to Fufeng County, and was hunted down all the way.

"For the inheritance of the great man, this time in the chase, the eldest princess has almost pressed all the cards, and it is bound to kill the little princess on the road.

"However, this little princess is not without support. When she descended the mountain, she followed an old sacrificial priest from the Snow Mountain. This person was cultivated to reach the sky and thwarted the siege of the princess. Now she is taking the little princess and approaching directly Fengyuan City where we are located.

"As a result, the situation at this time is extremely chaotic, but one thing is certain, that is, who will be the winner in this battle for the top position, and it will be announced soon!"

The words of the old monk had just fallen, and perhaps the secret of this place outside Fufeng County had once again become more chaotic, causing a thunder snake that pierced through the sky and the earth to fall directly within the violent storm.

The sky-reaching thunder descended mightily, even illuminating the dim sky in an instant.


The sound of thunderous thunder immediately resounded in all directions, while the light above the sky was obscured, and the dark clouds condensed inward, giving people the illusion that day and night were reversed.

In this dim environment, the large Xia Bao Ship, standing in the air above it, seemed even more dazzling.

Then the scene above the sky dome changed again. Within the pouring rain, some dense rainwater suddenly began to condense, turned into ice crystals and mixed in it, and then fell down.

After a few breaths, the umbrella held by one of the monks suddenly sank. Under such an abnormal state, these monks stretched out their right hands and spread them out, then looked at the ice crystals that appeared on the palms, and muttered:

"This heavy rain is frozen!"

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