The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1865: Gather together

When the purple moon was in the sky, the corpses were all over the ground, and the blood flowed into a river outside Lingcheng.

A strong to the extreme smell of blood burns the void like a raging fire. Under such a killing, it is even difficult for ordinary monks to stand steadily in this pool of blood.

Then, in the silent void outside Shangling City, a clear voice sounded unhurriedly:

"It's three inches to the southeast, it has to be changed."

After the voice fell, the figure standing above the sea of ​​blood continued to hold the thin metal piece in the hand with one hand, and the other hand was raised, pointing forward, and turning slightly, the whole void appeared With the mighty force, the blood flowing in front of the river moved abruptly three inches to the side.

After changing the topography of the blood flow in an understatement, the figure compared one side, and nodded with satisfaction.

Then he continued to raise his foot and step forward, following the same method, changing the flow of the entire pool of blood little by little, gradually forming an extremely complex pattern.

And if you take a bird’s eye view of the entire city of Shangling from the sky, you will find that the river of blood flowing with countless souls is flowing along one rune after another. At the same time, after these runes are stacked on top of each other, it becomes a huge magic circle. Part.

"It deserves to be one of the foundations of the ancient fairy palace that spans the entire era. Even if there is only a part of this teleportation array, it is so complicated."

A voice of exclamation came from under the black robe, and then after the figure completed all the formations on the slice in his hand, he put away the slice of space and looked up at the sky.

Then his face was illuminated by the moonlight, and if the garrison in Shangling City saw this face here, his chin would definitely fall off, because he and the moon that were in Shangling City and the Night Demon King at the same time were blasting at the same time. Empty, exactly the same length.

There are two moons in this world. In other words, the so-called third zhe moon of Shengting Wugong is actually two people!

"It's not early, we need to speed up, if the central government reacts, I am afraid it will be bad."

A soft word came out of the moon again, and then he raised his hand and grabbed forward, and once again drew out a sheet of metal with countless runes, bowed his head and swept away, frowned, and continued to speak. Road:

"This formation is not a spatial context in the traditional sense, but rather like a summoning formation, which is interesting."

As the words fell, the moon sky stretched his brows, and continued to raise his hand and wave forward. The mighty moonlight power gathered once again and began to engulf the blood flow on the ground, extending it little by little. Continue to slowly form another part of the formation.

As we all know, this legendary space array has caused frantic searches by all parties since the news of its birth. Nowadays, except for the princess of Xuemei Kingdom who claims to have one of the four parties, the rest has not There is too much news.

But Daxia’s taboos actually know that in the battle of Wushanhai not long ago, Daxia and Central Shangguo each cut one-eighth of their teleportation formations.

At this time, the scene outside the city of Shangling clearly showed that the holy court also had the teleportation circle in his hands, and he also started to take action for this reason!

The third philosophical moon sky of Shengting Martial Palace, the most amazing thing is its ability to come and go without a trace, so it is not difficult to guess that it has the top understanding of the law of space.

Then the eyes under the hood of Moon Sky stared at the formation veins that continued to form in front of him, and the voice came out:

"If it is a summoning formation, what will be summoned so that so many people can reach the realm of no distance at the same time?"

After the self-talking question fell, Yuekong pointed to the right hand in front of him, and continued to directly clenched, and began to control the sea of ​​blood in front of him, continuing to portray the spatial rune veins above the thin slices.

This moon sky outside Shangling City deserves to have a deep and incomparable understanding of the way of space. After the first part of the magic circle has been portrayed, the speed of sketching the second part of the law has become faster and faster. More and more precise.

After that, the entire blood formation slowly formed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and when the formation became perfect, an extremely hidden mysterious wave began to slowly emerge from the ground.

"It's really an unheard of volatility. Although it's only a quarter of the entire big formation, I understand a bit of the mystery."

After finishing his words, Yuekong began to slowly raise his right fist, and then all the purple moonlights wandering across the void began to converge rapidly on Yuekong's right fist.


The moonlight, which was billowing like a tide, made a particularly harsh sound when it converged inward, and then Yuekong’s right fist seemed to become a round of light moon, and in the halo of this round of light moon, except In addition to the almost substantive cold moon law, there are also rich to extreme spatial fluctuations.

"Month in hand!"

In the next breath, the moon in the hand, formed by the fusion of the two laws, brightened outward, even illuminating the entire void outside Shangling City.

Under the dazzling moonlight, Yuekong rolled down his body and violently rose up, then slapped the moon in his hand against the blood formation on the ground, and let out a loud roar:

"Get together!"

After the roar, Moon in the hand, which contained the power of the violent space, was directly pressed into the blood formation this round.

Then the mighty white light, centered on Yuekong's hands, spread out and spread, and the blood of the monks in all the formations instantly began to boil.

After an instant, on the ground outside Shangling City, a huge formation directly lit up and appeared between the sky and the earth. Although it was only a quarter of it, it was still extremely shocking.

The **** color, the light moon, and a quarter of the huge teleportation array, all the images are intertwined in one place, making the outside of Shangling city seem to be a **** ancient battlefield.

At the same time, this terrifying array of scenes was also clearly reflected in the eyes of the human shadow shrouded in the fog of war ten miles away.

At the next breath, he kept watching the Great Summer Nightmare Si Shanzi in front of him, jumped down from the strange beast, stood on the ground, stretched out his right hand, and drew a big sword out of the void.

Shanzi's slender five fingers grasped the hilt of the great sword, his eyes narrowed, his eyes shining forward, without much hesitation, he lifted his foot and took a step forward.

After taking this step, the distance between the two parties just reached the critical value of the perception of the fog of the trajectory, and then the fog on the mountain began to quickly dissipate, and his figure holding a sword appeared under the moonlight.

At the same time, at the moment the Shanzi landed forward, the body like a **** and demon in the moon sky within the blood formation suddenly paused, turned his head abruptly, and opened his mouth with a horrified roar:

"who is it?"

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