The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1864: In and out of town

Under the moon, the long road, and the team of chambers of commerce galloping forward, together form a pretty freehand picture.

"The prince should also know that this Shang Lingcheng, but it is an alternative among so many small cities around Shangxiao, because a lot of shameful things are auctioned in this city."

With a little flattering voice, an entourage of the caravan came out. Although the voice of his mouth was not loud, the people in the chamber of commerce who heard about it all showed a tacit smile.

"Your kid is quite appetite for my son. If this trip to Ling Ling can satisfy my son, you will be on my side in the future."

As soon as this remark came out, a strong envy color appeared in the eyes of several people beside him, but during the conversation of this group of people, they did not notice that the scene above their heads began to become extremely abnormal.

The moon leading to the sky above Lingcheng began to become more and more purple, and it became more and more eccentric!

After a while, the huge shadow of Shanglingcheng city pool began to appear in everyone's sight, and the surrounding area suddenly became silent and silent. Only the hoof stepping sound of the alien beast galloping on the long road was densely lingering in the ears. Shore.

But at this moment, the young brother finally discovered the unusualness, turned his head, looked at the old man behind him, and said:

"Old Huang, you have traveled north and south for so many years, have you ever met such a scene with a purple moon in the sky?"

The voice of inquiry came out, as expected, the old response did not come, which made the young man's face a little unhappy, stretched out his hand, and pushed in the direction of the old man.

At the next breath, Young Master's right hand passed directly through the old man's body, and the light touch in his hand indicated that the old man beside the former was just a phantom.

"How is this possible?"

The words of horror did not fall, and above the sky, wisps of purple light were like falling leaves whirling back and forth, carrying a ghostly and terrifying aura, floating down on the nine heavens.

The purple awns shrouded, and the fierce life-and-death crisis caused the young Chamber of Commerce master's cold hair to explode. Just when he wanted to open his mouth and roar, the big head flew out.


Hot and piercing blood spurted out from the neck, and then the purple light slowly dissipated, revealing the exact appearance of the caravan on the road.

I saw that on the long road under the moon, a bunch of strange beasts dragging goods or carrying monks, like crazy demons, ran with their legs, but what is creepy is that the monks above the strange beasts , All lost his head and his life was gone.

And as these headless people continued to move forward, countless headless corpses suddenly appeared on both sides of the entire straight, lying all over the floor.

At the same time, the vitality on the earth leaked from the head being chopped off turned into puffs of gray smoke, which rose into the sky above the sky, and was directly absorbed by that monster purple moon.

What a picture of pit kills under the moon!


The hooves of this Chamber of Commerce rushing towards the alien beasts spread far and wide under the extremely silent purple moon, and even lingered clearly back and forth between the heavens and the earth, but the lives of these alien beasts did not last long.

With the fall of another purple moonlight, the alien beast at the front had no fancy, direct body and head, followed by the second and third heads.

Every moonlight that descends is the most ruthless executioner, harvesting the lives of the alien beasts below neatly, and even beheading most of the alien beasts in just a few blinks.

After a breath, another moonlight descended from the sky, and this time, its target was an extremely inconspicuous little strange beast behind the chamber of commerce team.

Don't look at the light and fluttering appearance of the moonlight flying above the void, but the speed of the cut is as fast as thunder, and it cuts through the void like a teleport.

But only Moonlight, who was the will to kill, did not realize that the head of the figure sitting above the alien beast still existed.

After an instant, a hand stretched out from above, just grabbing this ray of moonlight in the broad hand, and then gently pinching it, the moonlight wrapped in violent sharpness, like a fragile leaf, was directly pinched. broken.

"What kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of the Holy Court?"

A faint voice sounded on the silent road, and then the tall figure sitting on the alien beast continued to gallop forward along the road, but it was originally the mighty and mighty Chamber of Commerce, but now it is only one person.

Below the purple moon, the outline of Shangling City became clearer and clearer. There were countless moonlights that filled the void along the way, and the countless corpses on the ground also represented the same brutal experience outside Shangling City. Incomparable massacre.

The moonlight filled the sky, intertwined in the void, like a loyal army guarding this area of ​​Shura Field.

However, the trajectory mist shrouded in the shadow of the human figure completely blocked the latter's breath, and shuttled through this area of ​​killing as if entering no one's land.

After a while, the figure added by the mist of deceit stopped the strange beast under him at the end of the road, and not far in front of it was the Shang Ling who was cut off from the sky by the purple moon. city.

At this time, Shangling City, looking from the outside, was shrouded by a cylindrical enchantment that reached the sky and the earth, but the gaze of the figure did not gather on Shangling City, but was locked outside the city.

Outside Shangling City, there were bones everywhere, countless headless corpses, almost covering the entire ground outside the city, dazzling scarlet blood, flowing out from the corpse, directly converging into a creepy river.

This is real blood flowing into a river!

At the same time, among these corpses, there was a person standing.

This person was wearing a black robe all over his body, and his figure was vague as a ghost. He was walking and stopping between the corpses in the wild. The moonlight illuminated by the purple moon in the sky shone on the figure, unexpectedly. Gives people an illusion of disappearing and disappearing.

There was no wind under the moon, but the large robe on the figure began to dance on its own. After three breaths, the figure who had walked a certain distance stopped and looked down at the object in his hand, as if he was checking the other side.

This person looked very carefully, not allowing a slight deviation, after raising his head and comparing it several times, he continued to raise his foot forward and began to walk.

Demon Ziyue, corpses everywhere, and that mysterious figure.

This is undoubtedly a very strange picture!

And ten miles away from the city, the tall and straight figure stopped, riding a strange beast under the thick fog of trajectory and tricks, watching here silently, everything is silent, but the most treacherous murderous intent is flowing.

Then the tall and straight figure above the strange beast slowly raised his head, and the moonlight from the purple moon above, passing through the mist of trickery that obscured its breath, just illuminates the half of his face under his hood.

It was an ordinary face, although the nose was tall, but the lips were slightly thin, but the most unforgettable thing was its eyes.

He has two completely different eyes, one gold and one black.

The golden color is the dragon pupil, and in the depths of the other black pupil, there is a roar of billowing thunder!

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