The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1837: Akashi in Shangling City

Fate is sometimes a very strange thing, because it will inadvertently meet those who are destined to confront without knowing it.

For example, at the gate of Shangling City, the old man facing right and the young man facing left!

These two intelligence chiefs, who respectively mastered the vast amount of information in the Taixuan Land, were like ordinary and extremely ordinary creatures, lined up at the gate of the city to enter the city, and talked happily.

And the next encounter is life and death.

The disguise of the Liuge elder of the Shenji Pavilion is quite perfect. If it weren't for the incident of the second prince of the Central Shangguo, he would not be aware of any clues by Ye Yi.

"At this time, in all the news in the world, it was not mentioned that the second prince also participated when the third prince of the Central Kingdom ambushed the Saints in the misty mountains and seas.

"However, this temptation of Shicheng is actually a double-edged sword. If the old man reacts, he will also notice my unusualness."

Inside the small restaurant, there was not much emotional ups and downs in the sound of Ye Yi, then he raised his right hand and opened it, and wisps of dark night appeared in the palm of his hand, directly outlining the appearance of an old man.

The next breath, Ye Yi’s voice, resounded in the room again:

"Please pay attention to this person. Generally speaking, with his confidence, he should not change his appearance in the city."

"Yes, Ye Sicheng, do you need to send more people to find it?"

After Uncle Yu's question fell, Ye Yi stood up, shook his head and said:

"No, wait, this old man should do something. Once he opens the Book of Divine Mystery, the Daxia Treasure Ship where your Majesty is, will react, and we can lock his position by then."

"It's so good!"

A little smile appeared on Uncle Yu's face, and he saluted the front again. When he was about to speak, he heard Ye Yi's voice continue to sound:

"By the way, where is Shanzi now in the central government?"

As soon as this question came out, Uncle Yu did not think about it, and responded directly:

"Master Shan is presiding over the overall situation in Shangxiao City at this time."

"Calling him over here to help in Shang Lingcheng, this Si Cheng always feels that the atmosphere in this city is a little weird."

"No, Yasicheng, take a break first. If you have an order, just call it down."

After speaking, Uncle Yu nodded his head, then stopped speaking, and slowly withdrew from the house.

After noon, the city of Upper Ling was constantly pouring in, like a water tank that was almost completely filled and about to be filled.

Inside the water tank, there was noisy noise, ichthyosaurs confused, and this noise, even when night fell, did not decrease in any way, but became more and more intense.

At the beginning of the lantern, in a private house in the east of Shangling City, the old man of Shenji Pavilion Liuge who slept slowly opened his eyes, and two delicate voices rang in his ears:

"My lord, you are awake."

"What time is it now?"

In the voice of the old man, there was still a characteristic old hoarseness, and then the two glamorous maids who were waiting in the room responded together:

"My lord, it's already dark now, do you need a slave and maidservant to wait for you to eat?"

"Put the old man's clothes on first."

As soon as the old man's voice fell, he had two pairs of white and tender hands. He took the former's plain clothes and put them on carefully. At the same time, there was a little thoughtful color in Liu Ge's eyes, and the voice continued to sound:

"Has your master ever been here?"

"I was here in the middle of the afternoon, because you were still asleep, so I didn't bother you. Now you are waiting outside the house."

"Okay, I know!"

When the words fell, the two glamorous maids continued to carefully dress the old man's clothes, and continued to speak:

"Boss, do you want to call the master in?"

"No, the old man can go out by himself later, and you two will come over."

As soon as the words came out, a trace of anxiety appeared in the maid's eyes, because the aura of the old man in front of him suddenly became extremely fierce, and even the eyes from the inside and out of the old eyes were like bloodthirsty wolves.

However, the two of them were still slaves who had been taken into captivity from other counties, and they had already lost the courage to resist. Even if they were fearful, they could only go forward obediently.

At the next breath, Old Six Pavilion raised his hands, stretched out the necks of the two in front of him, and then gently squeezed, accompanied by a light click, the two living beings easily disappeared into the world.

"For your sake of serving the old man, it is also a gift to let you go on the road without pain."

After he finished speaking, Liu Ge rectified his black robe, walked to the door, and pushed aside.


The sound that came to mind from pushing the door, although not heavy, still made the body of the middle-aged soul race waiting outside the door tremble subconsciously.

Then he looked up and saw the two corpses lying in the house, their bodies trembling more severely, and they knelt directly on the ground with a thud.

"How did the old man tell you that although a woman is good, you must not be emotional, otherwise you will be left behind. It seems that you did not listen."

An icy voice came from the old man’s mouth. The words were cold and almost frozen the entire void. Then the old man lifted his foot and kicked the middle-aged soul race’s chest, kicking the latter into the air, and the voice continued to be heard. :

"Have you forgotten how the butler of Jinjinzong was caught by my Shenji Pavilion?"

"Yes, yes, what Elder Ge teaches is that his subordinates must deal with it cleanly to ensure that no harm will be left."

A painful voice rang from the mouth of the middle-aged soul race above the ground, and then he staggered up from the ground, chasing the old man's back, and walked out of this private house.

As the so-called big hidden in the city, this private house is located in the extremely prosperous section of Shangling City, and the moment the Liuge walked out of the house, his temperament changed 360 degrees in an instant.

All the turbulent aura disappeared, replaced by an honest old man who came to Lingcheng for the first time, and even in his eyes, the curiosity and anxiety that belonged to the disadvantaged appeared.

When night falls, Shangling City is divided into the extreme, and countless creatures in the city are also taking advantage of the turn of day and night to go out to purchase some supplies.

In this way, all the major shops opened their doors in unison, displaying the best things, while shouting one after another:

"The treasure, the treasure just unearthed in the previous period, has extraordinary power, and the one with the higher price will get it."

The shouts resounded everywhere. On the bustling street, Liu Ge Lao, who was completely an ordinary old man, walked eastward along the street step by step. At the same time, his somewhat muddy eyes scanned the surrounding stalls, and the stalls were full of dazzling Products of.

The eastern part of the Central Shangguo is worthy of being the trade center of the entire Taixuan Land. Even if it is only Shangling as a satellite city, the rare treasures in the rest of the county are randomly placed in front of the stall.

Suddenly, Liu Ge Lao, who was stepping forward, stopped directly in front of a booth, and his eyes showed a little surprise.

Then he slowly turned around, looked down at something above the stall in front of him, and muttered:

"What a pure Akashi."

The voice fell, and following the old man's gaze, a fist-sized Akashi was placed impressively above the booth.

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