"Sit down, it's been really hard for you these days. This way, the central government is more chaotic than I thought."

In the room of the small restaurant in the east of Shangling city, Ye Yi's steady and young voice sounded, and then he walked into the room, found a seat at random, and greeted the other figure in the room to also take a seat.

At the next breath, in the small room, the voice from the middle-aged secretary of the Sitian Supervisor sounded:

"Huiye Sicheng, this battle with the holy court has had a far greater impact on the central government than on the surface.

"On the bright side, the range of fighting has been suppressed in Tangdu's range and has not spread out, but in other aspects, there has been a clear division."

"You are referring to the original big forces in Central Shangguo, who are all faced with standing in line and choices?"

"Not only that, as far as the most prosperous eastern region of the country is concerned, the impact of the war has also caused a large number of chambers of commerce to hesitate. At the same time, the air ban within the city and so many residents outside the city have caused massive Goods are blocked on the road, which greatly affects trade."

After the middle-aged Sitian Supervisor's official reply fell, he nodded at night and responded:

"Upper Heaven City was originally the center of the trade of countless forces in the entire Taixuan Land. In addition to its unique geographical conditions, it is also backed by the most powerful Shangguo.

"Now that the situation is changing, it is inevitable that many people have begun to change their minds. Although our company has been to the east some time ago, he has learned a lot from the experience of this journey.

Compared with a few years ago, Ye Yi now has completely reduced those special temperaments on her body. In anyone's eyes, she is a young man with a pale complexion and a mediocre cultivation level.

After the voice fell, Ye Yi gently took off the cloth bag behind him and placed it on the desk in front of him. The voice continued:

"Such a situation is not that Central Shangguo wants to see it, because they can't afford it. By the way, how many powers of the entire Shangguo choose between the Holy Court and Central Shangguo?"

As soon as this question came out, after a few breaths of thought, Sitian Supervisor shook his head and said:

"Not many. Most of them use the name of the Taoist Society of the World to delay their refusal."

"This world under the Taoist society can be said to be a sigh of delay for the Central Upper Kingdom, otherwise, with the gradual overbearing of the Holy Court, the Central Upper Kingdom will have a high probability of directly catching fire in the backyard.

"It's like this rebellion in Shangxiao City that almost succeeded!"

Ye Yi said with a solemn voice, the middle-aged man in front of him pursed his lips, leaned forward, and the voice came out:

"Ye Si Cheng forgive the sins. The previous rebellion in Shangxiao City was unfavorable for our investigation, and we didn't detect it in advance."

"Your Majesty didn't mean to blame you. After all, we are human beings, not gods. We are all powerful forces with hands and eyes open to the sky. Our development time is still too short."

After speaking, Ye Yi spoke with a sharp turn, took out the crystal clear Akashi from his arms, and threw it to the middle-aged man in front of him. His voice came out:

"For example, the defensive barrier in a top-tier city like Shangxiao is unusual, and the law of connection is very difficult to investigate some important places.

"However, there is good news. The cultivators who are carrying Akashi's large force southward have completely dispersed in the Central Plains of the Supreme Profound Land, and many people have come near Shangxiao City, so our next move can be carried out. "

As soon as the word unfolding came out, the middle-aged man in front of Ye Yi suddenly showed a deep sense of joy, and said:

"Good, good."

After speaking, the smile on the face of the middle-aged Sitian Supervisor became more intense, and he raised his hand and said again:

"We already have a lot of Akashi in place in our hands. Later, the Chamber of Commerce under Sitian's monitoring system will circulate them in the world.

"In this way, most areas in the core of the entire Taixuan Land will be lit by the guards, which will undoubtedly play a vital role in our follow-up actions."

As the saying goes, the two armies oppose each other and the scouts go first. Whenever these spies are active in the dark, they are the eyes of the great power game.

Whoever has more eyes and good vision means whoever directly takes the lead.

Fortunately, for the sudden rise of the Northern Territory, the Night Dire Division and Sitian Supervisor both have unpredictable detection methods, and all enemies are unpredictable.

"Uncle Yu, pay attention to gradual and orderly progress, and release slowly at the places that are focused on inspection, so as not to cause suspicion."

"Subordinates know."

The middle-aged secretary who was able to be entrusted by Zhao Yu as the chief intelligence officer of Sitianjian in the core place of Taixuan was naturally not an ordinary person. His surname was not important, and the people in Sitianjian were called the rest of the uncles.

Then Ye Yi poured himself a cup of tea, and the steady voice continued:

"Okay, let's get back to the subject, Uncle Yu, how is the investigation of the matter arranged by the Military Aircraft Department? This matter has reached your Majesty's ears."

"Ye Sicheng, you mean the capture of the butler of Jin Jinzong?"

"Jin Jin Sect Young Master has provided a lot of help in many of our matters. His Young Master has a good vision. On the other hand, these people want to extract information about Wu Da Xia from his mouth.

"This matter started because of Daxia, so your Majesty personally ordered to find out the reason and bring it back."

"After receiving the order letter from the Military Aircraft Department, the Superintendent of our Ministry has already mobilized the manpower intensively, and it's a little cocoon."

Uncle Yu's voice was steady and strong, not hurriedly slow, and then his eyes narrowed, and he spoke again:

"The scope of this matter is fairly wide. According to the current ascertained news, the main line is the secret transaction between the people of the Jinzong family in Shangxiao City and the Shenji Pavilion."

When the voice fell, Uncle Yu did not sell it, his voice continued to sound in the house:

"Because the previous turmoil in Shangxiao City involved the Jinjin Sect, this Sect Patriarch and a series of key figures have all been placed under house arrest.

"After that, there were children of this sect, who took charge without authorization and exchanged information with Shenji Pavilion."

"Is this information related to this butler?"

"Exactly, this Shenji Pavilion has been staring at the Jinjinzong from the beginning, and now they send it to the door by themselves, naturally they can't ask for it.

"This butler hid a person in the nearby city of Shangxiao City, and it was a coincidence that the latter's identity was another heir of the Gunjin Sect, a spy who was secretly inserted by the Young Master Jin, so the housekeeper's The whereabouts were directly exposed, and the Shenji Pavilion learned about it."

Speaking of this, Ye Yi's pale face remained unchanged, and he asked softly:

"Have you found out where he is being held?"

"The time is too short, but it has been confirmed that it is not in Shangxiao City, but one of the two satellite cities outside Shangxiao City, one of which is Shang'an City, and the other is Shangling City where we are located."

As soon as Uncle Yu’s voice fell, Ye Yi’s determined voice sounded directly:

"Not in Shang'an, just in Shangling."

As soon as he said this, Ye Yi stared at the puzzled eyes of Uncle Yu in front of him, and the faint voice continued:

"This Sicheng met an old man at the gate of Shangling City, and he could clearly know that the second prince of the Central Shangguo Yin Lie was also involved in the Battle of Wushanhai.

"This news, except for the big figures in Shenji Pavilion, no one else has such great intelligence skills."

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