The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1830: Faxia's League

Since the birth of Daiyu Xianshan, where the vast land of Shenzhou is located, in Beihai three years ago, the originally desolate and unintentional Taoist abandoned place in the north has ushered in a real new life for tens of thousands of years.

And behind this reincarnation, there is always a name that cannot be avoided, Daxia!

This unfamiliar country originated under the North Sea and dominated the northern border, and with the sturdy and tall countless li Great Wall, the entire north was isolated from the sight of all the primordial spirits, and it became a territory under his complete control.

At the same time, in the eyes of all the forces in the Great Profound Land, Daxia, the northern kingdom, was shrouded in mist, far and unpredictable.

And the only news circulating on the market, each one is shocking, and it makes some people think that it is a fabricated by groans and is not reliable!

In fact, in the past few years, the various forces in the Taixuan Land have never stopped investigating Daxia. Compared with the conflicts on the bright side, the clashes in the dark are the most dangerous.

Because of the existence of the Night Dire Division, Da Xia has the world's top scout. He built an airtight dark iron curtain directly out of sight, and also chopped off all the hands that dared to reach out.

But as Zhao Yu said before, although Daxia's national policy at the beginning was to recuperate and rejuvenate, it was never a panacea to close the country. This great country will eventually face the entire world.

This point, Da Xia Zhong officials of the entire cabin hall, naturally knew in their hearts, but the capture of the Jin Jinzong steward also caused the brows of the great Xia officials to frown, and there was evil intent in their eyes.

Then Li Chunfeng, whose old face was full of anger, rose and shrank, and a cold voice came out:

"I can't catch Daxia's colleagues in Nightmare Division and Sitian Supervisor, and they are really brave enough to attack the people of the Jinzong!"

Li Chunfeng's words fell, and among the hundred officials lined up, an Anjiang secretary stepped forward, saluting and saying:

"Master Li, our Daxia scouts and An Jiangsi, we haven't killed those spies who have arrived at the border of Bafeng Pass in recent years. I didn't expect these people to learn cleverly. They chose to attack from the side and start from the Jinzong."

"Jinjin Sect is considered to be one of the deepest sects that meet our Daxia at present, and it is normal for those people to send someone to stare at it."

After Sima Annan finished speaking, he raised his hand to signal the unhappy gold ingot to relax, and then listened to the inquiries from the young emperor above the hall, and rolled down:

"Did Dire Division find out who did it?"

In Zhao Yu's inquiries, although there was not much emotional ups and downs, but with the impossibility to refuse the emperor's majesty, the atmosphere in the entire hall suddenly became particularly solemn.

Then Sima Annan respectfully saluted forward, and Yinglang's response continued to sound in the hall:

"His Majesty, the dire handed by the Night Dire Division wrote that the butler of Young Master Jin had passed through the Wushan Strait Ridge through the team of the Yunwu Sect and entered the core of the Central Plains of the Supreme Profound Land.

"It should be during this passage that people noticed their identity and whereabouts, but those people were very patient and didn't do it right away, but waited until they entered the central government."

"If the old man remembers correctly, the butler of Young Master Jin has a high level of cultivation."

"The palm edge birth and death realm is at its peak, and it carries an extraordinary Dao weapon, and its combat power is extremely extraordinary.

Sima Annan's response fell, Li Chunfeng nodded, raised his hand and stroked the white beard on his chest, and the old voice continued:

"With such a cultivation level, being able to stare at him silently and directly suppress him and take him away shows that the power of this shot is extraordinary."

"Indeed, so a man from the Night Dire Division Si Chengye speculated that the power that captured this young master Jin's house should be the Shenji Pavilion!"

As soon as this statement came out, thick doubts appeared from the faces of the officials in the hall, and then Li Chunfeng narrowed his eyes and said:

"It's the Shenji Pavilion, not the Holy Court?"

"It is not yet possible to judge that the Saint Court is showing signs of action, but since even the ninth Zhe Bojie of Saint Court Martial Arts Palace is the three-eyed spirit race, the relationship between Saint Court and Shen Ji Pavilion may be closer than it appears to be. A lot."

"If this divine machine pavilion is under the control of the holy court, then the hand of the holy court will be too long."

Li Chunfeng's voice was solemn. When the heaven and the luck were stable, the entire Taixuan Land was a peaceful ocean, and all the big forces were hidden under the deep sea, without mountains and water.

Once the air is turbulent, the situation changes suddenly, and the world begins to completely capsize, the ocean will begin to ebb at an extremely violent speed, and then the exact appearance under the sea will be completely revealed.

In other words, when the world is in chaos, there is no such thing as the hidden Sejong Sect. Even if it is the Holy Court, you have to turn out your hole cards one by one step by step.

"The Holy Court is far stronger than what I imagined, there is no doubt about this."

Inside the cabin hall, Zhao Yu's voice sounded, making all officials in the hall straighten up, straighten their bodies, and bow to the front, and then the voice from the young emperor's ears lingered again:

"Speaking of the ninth philosopher of the Saint Court Martial Arts Palace, I thought of something. How is the fusion of the Heavenly Soul Eye brought back by Li Zeng with his daughter?"

When Di Yin fell, Xu Qing, dressed in a black robe of the Radiant Army, stepped forward and responded:

"His Majesty, this Heavenly Soul Eye originally belongs to his mother. With the same blood, the fusion is quite smooth."

"In this case, I can let her have a try on this divine machine book in my hand and see if it can be opened."

Speaking of this, Zhao Yu stretched out his right hand, grabbed it lightly in the void, and directly held a book of magical mechanics that was full of golden light, and gently flicked it downward, and then the book of magical mechanics slowly floated. Down, suspended in front of Xu Qing.

At the next breath, Xu Qing reached out and dragged the Book of Divine Machine in front of him, nodded in response, and then Zhao Yu above waved his hand to signal all the officials below to disperse, and the majestic emperor's voice passed on again:

"According to the previous research on the book of Shenji, this book can be connected to the news of Shenji Pavilion, and the golden format of this book may be able to find out where the housekeeper was detained.

"If you can find out the location of his detention, tell Ye Yi to rescue him, and I will grant him the power to make independent decisions."

Before the sound of Emperor Zhao Yu, outside the cabin hall, a middle-aged man in the official uniform of the military plane stepped in from the outside in a hurry.

Then the messenger official trot all the way to the table of the young emperor. He directly raised his hand to hold up a secret sheet, took a deep breath, and said loudly:

"Your Majesty, there is an urgent report from Fufeng County ahead. They first arrived at the major gates of Fufeng City, led by the Gulf Cooperation Council in the Southeast County, and lobbied everywhere, forming the so-called Alliance of the Summer, to report the failure of the invasion of Beihai a few years ago. Enmity!"

"court death!"

As soon as this statement came out, the whole house was angry!

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