The big summer treasure ship, the central cabin hall, wave after wave of imperial prestige passed down, filled every inch of space in the hall.

And with the spread of the Zhao Yushengling, more and more Daxia officials hurriedly stepped in from outside the hall and stood with their hands behind them.

After a while, the tall and tall figure, including a forbidden person in Daxia, filled most of the cabin hall, and at the same time, the plump body of the gold ingot bowed his head slightly, and the dark hand raised his forehead. There are fine beads of sweat on it.

At this time, the content discussed in the hall was enough to affect the general changes in the core of the Taixuan, and Zhao Yu’s holy order would easily change the change of the power of the Taixuan, which made the hearts and minds of the golden ingot. The tremor stopped, I just wanted to wait outside the hall at this time.

His gold ingot is also proud to have seen a young master who has seen great winds and waves. Whether it is the final victory of the young master of the rolling golden sect in crisis, or the bright eyes of the torch during the Northern Territory war, this young man with countless wealth, Feeling a touch of pride and contentment.

But at this moment, he heard the voices of the emperor rolling down from the top, and he knew what it is that there are people outside the world, and there is sky outside the sky.

"I just want to know the current situation of Jin Jinzong!"

Jin Yuanbao let out a sigh in his mind, and then listened to Sima Annan, who was continuing to report the matter, and continued to speak:

"Your Majesty, in addition to the above information, there is one more report, which is about the Gold Sect."

As soon as the three words "Gun Jinzong" came out, the gold ingot immediately evoked the spirit, and then took a deep breath, took a few steps forward, and once again sounded the emperor's voice from the young emperor:

"You go on."

"Accomplished, Jinjinzong is one of my earliest allies in Daxia, including its young master, who is also accompanying on the ship at this time. At the same time, this school has mastered the core secrets of the mining of immortal coins in the Taixuan Land and possesses the worthy Weighing massive wealth.

"A few days ago, the young master of the Jinjin Sect and the treasurer Yue made a lot of credit for controlling the economic lifeline of many counties outside the north."

As soon as Sima Annan came up, he exaggerated the gold ingot, which made the latter relax a little uneasy. He hurriedly stepped forward to the queue and said with a high salute:

"Jin Jinzong Young Master Jin Ingot, see Emperor Fuyao in the North!"

A respectful greeting came, and Zhao Yu, who was behind the desk, looked down at the young fat man below, waved and said:

"Be flat, I've seen the folds that Crescent Moon handed over. You did a great job."

Zhao Yu's praise lingered in the hall, causing a smile on the round face of the gold ingot, and then Zhao Yu looked at Sima Annan below and signaled the latter to continue to speak.

At the next breath, Sima Annan approached Jin Yuanbao and said loudly:

"The young master of Jin Yuanbao Jin, since our treasure ship left Daxia, it has been difficult to contact the butler who rushed back to the Jinzong in advance. Not only that, but the whole Jinzong has become less and less news. "

"What happened to this case?"

After the young emperor’s question fell, Sima Annan nodded and responded:

"Although Daxia's intelligence system in the Central Plains of Taixuan is still in the stage of continuous improvement, under the investigation of the Night Dire Division, some situations in this case have still been discovered."

After speaking, Sima Annan took a fold from Xue Bancheng behind, and handed it to Liang Po, who had walked down from the palace, and continued to speak:

"Your Majesty, the main foundation of the original sect of the Gunjin Sect is Tangdu in the Central Shangguo, but this sect knows that the Tao of the Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit, in the entire Central Plains of the Taixuan Land, and even the rest of the counties, has a lot of Stronghold.

"After all, the problem that can be solved with money is not a big problem for the gold sect."

Sima Annan's words came out, and the Daxia officials in the hall showed a faint smile. Then Sima Annan raised his hand and patted the gold ingot beside him, and his voice sounded again:

"As we all know, the great battle between the Central Shangguo and the Holy Court surrounding Tangdu has lasted for nearly three years. This battle has left the originally prosperous Tangdu directly into ruins in many places.

"At the same time, it also caused countless forces that originally took root in Tangdu to withdraw outwards, and among them, Jin Jinzong was included."

"Where is the retreat of Jinjinzong?"

As soon as Zhao Yu's emperor's voice fell, the gold ingot underneath straightened his body, and then responded:

"His Majesty, when the news of the sect general came last time, it was said that the entire sect was moving eastward from Tangdu to another heavy city in the central upper kingdom, Shangxiao."

"This golden family has a great cause, and the wealth in Tangdu is even more numerous. After discarding most of the fixed assets that cannot be taken away, it still took a full two years to completely move. It can be seen that the number of cents is huge."

With a little sigh, after it came out of Sima Annan's mouth, he put away the different color on his face, and said with a serious face:

"Coincidentally, the time when this Jin Jinzong completely moved to Shangxiao was not long ago."

Not long ago, when these four characters came out, everyone in the entire hall showed their thinking. Then Li Chunfeng's eyes lit up, and he said:

"A few days ago, there was a rebellion that shocked the entire Taixuan Central Plains in Shangxiao City. This rebellion finally ended with the suppression of the old Ba Yinqing of the Central Shangguo at the cost of life. It will not be this rolling golden sect and be involved in this rebellion. In the rebellion, right?"

"I was really hit by Master Li."

Sima Annan shook his white robe and his big sleeves lightly. While the complexion of Jin Yuanbao suddenly changed next to him, Yinglang's voice continued to sound:

"Some of the descendants of Jinjin Sect in Shangxiao City have a very close relationship with the former city lord who rebelled against Shangxiao City.

"Although I don't know whether I was directly involved in the rebellion, the Jinjinzong was still in big trouble under the influence.

"According to the report from the Night Dire Division of Shangxiao City, after the princess of the Central High Kingdom entered the lord of Shangxiao City, she directly took away the Sect Master of Rolling Jin Sect."

Sima Annan's words fell, and the solemn color in the gold ingot eyes on the side became more intense, and he muttered:

"The old man is imprisoned, no wonder, no wonder my son can't contact the clan, no wonder those people have ideas in their hearts."

After Jin Ingot finished speaking, he suddenly raised his head, directly facing Zhao Yu above, and said loudly:

"Your Majesty, I promise with my life that the old man will never participate in the rebellion in Shangxiao City, and there should be people from below acting without authorization."

"Young Master Jin, don't get excited. This is the limited information we have obtained at the moment. Since Shangxiao City has just been cleared out, it is more difficult to collect information, so we need to look at it again."

After speaking, Sima Annan patted Jin Yuan on the shoulder again, and then a more solemn voice lingered in the hall again:

"There is one more tricky point. Jin Ingot, your missing housekeeper, should be captured."

Speaking of this, on Sima Annan's handsome face, a thick murderous intent began to appear, and every word of voice followed:

"It should be someone who wants to pry out the news about Daxia that belongs to me from his mouth!"

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