The crimson sunset gradually sinking under the sinking road, after consuming the last glimmer of light and heat, completely dissipated, and then the overwhelming darkness struck mightily.

But this darkness did not last long, and then it began to be severely challenged.

Because of the surface of the sword pavilion outside the lotus platform, the thunder rune that suddenly lit up, as well as the thunder light that ran through the nine days, were emitting a particularly dazzling light.

The thunder light flickered, and the aura was surging to the extreme, heralding the violent battle between Baolian Sword Land and Da Xia, which was about to start, but the light did not continue to increase, but slowly weakened with the downward pressure of the Lotus Terrace Sword Master’s extended right hand. .


The young girl Fanxing looked into the sword pavilion ahead. Lei Lian Jianzun's long sword that was being gradually depressed, slowly exhaled. I don't know when, she was already soaked with sweat, and her feet were soft and involuntarily. Take a step back.

In the sword pavilion, the right hand of the Lotus Terrace Sword Sovereign pressed against the Thunder Purple Sword, although extremely old, but vigorous and powerful, he still pressed down the long sword inch by inch, and at the same time, let the Thunder sword light stay away from the one sitting in front of him. The young emperor

From beginning to end, Zhao Yu’s dark eyes did not have much emotional ups and downs. Even if the sword intent around the whole area was madly gushing out, and even the entire sword pavilion was enveloped by the laws of kendo, the eyes of the young emperor were still like Pinghu, without waves. .

Between heaven and earth, the strong is king.

Daxia can be fearless of the Baolian Sword Ground, but the Baolian Sword Ground can no longer make enemies. This is the reason why the Lotus Terrace Sword Sovereign is soft at this time.

Even the sword repairmen of Qinglian Sword Sect didn't know the exact geometry of Da Xia's strength, even if the move of the sword master of Lotus Terrace might break the sword heart of most of the sword repairs, she had to do so.

Then inside this sword pavilion, the old voice from the Lotus Terrace Sword Sovereign continued to say:

"Your Majesty of the Northern Territory, my Qinglian Sword Sect said from the beginning that my family makes friends, not enemies, so no matter whether this covenant can be concluded or not, you are all distinguished guests."

As the words fell, Sword Sovereign Lotus Terrace made his face green, but the sword in Sword Sovereign Lei Lian who did not say a word fully pressed down, got up and took a step forward, staring at Zhao Yu in front of him, and the voice was softened a lot, and it sounded again. :

"Although His Majesty the Lord of the North has misunderstood the goodwill of our sect, the old man still hopes that his Majesty can regard harmony as the most important thing."

"I Daxia is not a bloodthirsty person. People who do not commit Daxia, Daxia will not commit crimes."

A faint emperor voice came out of Zhao Yu's mouth, and then the young emperor stood up from behind the case table, and the steady emperor voice continued to make his debut:

"This time I was invited by the Sect Master of Taiqing to come across thousands of mountains and rivers from the north, so naturally it is not hostile.

"However, if someone thinks that I have just come here for the first time, and feel that the Central Plains of the Great Xia Taixuan is not well understood, and has a crooked mind, it is a pity that all those who have such thoughts over the years have died."

As soon as the death word came out in Zhao Yu's mouth, all the swords around him were straightened up and their hairs stood up, as if the beneficial sword hung above his head, which made people shudder.

Afterwards, Zhao Yu, who was under everyone's attention, slowly turned around and walked out of the sword pavilion. The steady emperor's voice continued to sound:

"I thank you Baolian Jiandi for your hospitality. The troubled times have come, just like the two characters up and down in Guizong's straight road, I also sent these two characters to you.

"The situation of your Qinglian Sword Sect is not good now, so you, Lotus Terrace Sword Master, when you remove the scenery that floats on the surface, you need to sink into your heart to find the answer."

When Di Yin fell, Zhao Yu's burly beam, like a giant, took a step forward, raised his hands, and stretched out directly to the front.

At this moment, in front of Liang Po, there were countless lines of thunder sword aura visible to the naked eye, and even the void appeared as spider-web-like fragments because of this violent sharp edge.

Until this time, these sword repairmen who had lived in Liantai City for countless years knew that this sword pavilion standing alone outside the city was actually a powerful Taoist implement.

"This person actually wants to use his flesh palm to tear the Thunder Sword Qi away, is he afraid that he will not die fast enough?"

Seeing Liang Po's movement of raising his hand and stretching forward, a Jianxiu around him let out an exclamation, and then the other monks immediately opened their mouths and said:

"This sword pavilion depicts the ancient sword patterns, which can directly communicate the purest principles of the original sword. Even if the land gods are trapped in it, it is extremely difficult to get out, let alone this one. The bald young man is still so young."

All the discussions lingered in her ears, and then beside the young girl Fanxing, the female sword repairer of Binglian, who had a poor complexion, stared fiercely in front of her, and the voice came out:

"The guy from the north has never seen the world. If you cause casualties because of your bravery, you can't rely on my Qinglian Sword Sect."

The eyes of the female cultivator of Binglian's line had a strong color of gloat, but as the Sword Master of Lotus Terrace, who presided over the overall situation, naturally he couldn't just watch this finally settle down, but disputes arose again.

Then the black-clothed old woman hurriedly turned her head and spoke to Sword Sovereign Lei Lian:

"Lei Lian, don't hesitate to put away this sword pavilion thunder formation."

Before Liantai Jianzun's words fell, the voice from Sima Annan on the other side directly sounded:

"Liantai, you don't have to. The world is so big. It's not impossible for Wu Daxia to walk out of a sword pavilion."

Just after Sima Annan finished speaking, Liang Po's huge hands stretched directly into the densely intertwined kendo laws in front of him.

At the next breath, all the sword repairmen who watched this scene were stunned and exclaimed:

"How is this possible, the pure sword law is shrouded outside the sword pavilion, why there is no response at all?"

After a cry, Liang Po's hands seemed to be directly extended into a stream of clear water, unhindered into the kendo law in front of him, and then lightly slapped outward.

All the swords and thunders that were originally expected, the flesh and blood flew across and did not appear.

Under Liang Po's hands, the densely intertwined kendo laws are like a lost lamb trapped in an endless abyss, instantly becoming extremely chaotic and confused.

Even the intertwined edges seem to disappear, completely forgetting his own mission to cut everything, spinning back and forth, like a wandering begging ornamental fish, making the surrounding sword repairers start to drop their jaws.

At the next breath, Liang Po's big hand, which was several times larger than an ordinary person, grabbed the kendo law in front of him and tore it outward.


With a low hum, the entire Kendo Thunder Array was torn open a huge portal without fancy.

At the next breath, Liang Po turned sideways, guarding Zhao Yu from left to right with Sima Annan, and slowly walked out of the sword pavilion, and at the same time walked into the darkness of the night outside the pavilion.

The young emperor's back is still thin and tall, but for some reason, all the sword repairmen around him dare not raise their eyes and look directly.

This is an extremely contradictory mood.

Obviously, I can't feel the excessive strength, but infinite fear arises deep in my heart.

This is unique to Zhao Yu's traits.

Two kinds of romance, one production!

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