The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1820: Serve softly

Compared to Zhao Yu's euphemism, Sima Annan, who was swinging his folding fan at this time, stood proudly in the sword pavilion outside the city of Liantai, and the words of the four sword masters were undoubtedly sharper.

Hit the nail on the head, you are not welcome!

Every word of the Chief Cheng of the Great Xia Military Aircraft is like a sharp blade of the gods, which directly penetrates the hearts of the surrounding sword repairmen, and at the same time shatters the only glory in the hearts of these sword repairmen.

In the entire Baolian swordfield, like the female disciple of the ice lotus line behind Fanxing, there are actually many core disciples who pride themselves on themselves. They still think that Taixuan Jianxiu is still the most powerful force in the core area. .

However, Sima Annan used facts to tell them little by little that the four great sword masters, who are in charge of the Qinglian Sword Sect, are all in fear and fear that the holy court will come back again, and even borrow the name of Da Xia to conclude this so-called The offensive and defensive alliance.

"How can it be, how can it be."

With an unbelievable murmur, it was heard from the mouth of a Jian Xiu outside the sword pavilion, and then the complexion of these Baolian swordland cultivators turned pale, their bodies swayed, and even the sword heart within their bodies was Began to tremble.

"Wake up to the deity!"

An angry shout came from the mouth of the Fire Lotus Sword Master in the sword pavilion, and then the old man with all red hair and beard slowly stood up, and waves of red glow began to radiate from the entire old body. At the same time The voice continued to spread:

"Daxia human race, my sect has the intention of forming an alliance, but Er et al. wants to ruin my sword cultivating heart. It is really deceiving!"

"As for the facts, everyone must be able to distinguish themselves."

Facing the shouting and roaring of Sword Master Fire Lotus, Sima Annan's expression remained unchanged, and he continued to sway the folding fan, and his unhurried voice came out again:

"Furthermore, if you are truly honest and upright, the Dao Xin in your Jian Xiu's heart is naturally strong as a mountain, and it won't be like it is now, the sword heart is cracked, and the soul is shaking. What does this mean?

"This means that the surrounding sword repairmen, including the disciples of Qinglian Sword Sect like You, have already felt the fear in your heart, so they have also begun to fear, and fear is the most likely to destroy Dao Xin."

An increasingly passionate voice came from Sima Annan's mouth, and then he raised his hands, looked around for a week, and slowly uttered a word by word:

"You want to dig Daxia's pit, and Daxia will punish your heart!"


Following Sima Annan's words of condemnation, under the evening setting sun outside the entire lotus platform, there was a thunder on the ground, and at the same time a thunder light fell from the nine heavens, shining the world.

Thunder Mang is the sword mang. In the entire Baolian Sword Field, those who can summon the thunder-thunder through the sky with the sword are none other than the Leilian Sword Sovereign.

In the next moment, the thunder that tore through the void instantly condensed into a thunder-rushing sword that slammed down. While the sword poured out with dazzling white light, thunder slurry crawled over it, blasting the sword mightily below it. Above the pavilion.

Then Lei Jian entered the pavilion, and then the surface of the normally black sword pavilion was lit up one after another at the same time. In the blink of an eye, the vast sword intent rose to the sky, revealing its sharp edge.

Every rune on this solitary pavilion showed the appearance of a small sword, exuding a strong and extremely strong light of thunder.

Then as Leilian Sword Sovereign stood up, the runes of each rune sword descended at the same time, and the vast sword energy began to outline the kendo laws in the depths of the void, covering the entire sword pavilion layer by layer.

For a while, the lone pavilion outside Lotus Terrace became a dazzling Thunder Sword Prison, directly trapping the three Zhao Yu inside it.


Then there was a thunder sword, which filled the void. At the same time, the Sword Sovereign Lei Lian, who stood up, took a step forward, raised his right hand, and a thunder sword was condensed in his hand, visible to the naked eye outside the pavilion. The sword of the law, trembling at the same time, shined brightly.

"You wait for Qinglian Sword Sect, do you want to start a war with Wu Daxia?"

Because of the raging sword energy, Sima Annan's white clothes rolled violently. After his extremely cold voice came out, the cold and harsh expression appeared on the former handsome face, and the voices of each word once again lingered between the heaven and the earth:

"The Lord of Da Xia is here. According to Da Xia's law, those who dare to raise a sword to your Majesty are Da Xia's mortal enemy, and they will kill even though they are far away.

"Therefore, Sword Sovereign Leilian, you might as well raise your sword and have a try to see if my Daxia can kill all quarters in your Baolian swordfield like a holy court!"

Sima Annan's words were not hoarse, but they contained a strong killing intent. Daxia has Daxia's rules, and anyone who raises a sword against Zhao Yu is the deadly enemy of all Daxia's people.

It must be killed!

In the next instant, the entire sword pavilion outside Liantai City became tense in an instant, just like a bowstring that had been stretched to the limit, and it might detonate directly in the next instant.

In the dim world, this sword pavilion with thunder light was so dazzling, and then all the eyes of the sword repairers were directly locked on the sword sovereign Lei Lian holding the sword.

This middle-aged sword repairman with a national character face is famous throughout the Central Plains of the Taixuan Land for his mad swordsmanship. With his usual style of work, he will definitely not give up.

Therefore, there are a lot of trembling sword repairs, all subconsciously reaching out to hold the hilt behind the sword, raising the vitality in the body to the limit.

Dao Dao Sword Intent began to soar into the sky. It was originally used as a sword ceremony, but at this time it has directly become a killing array, going straight to the sky for nine days.

At the same time, the female Jian Xiu Fanxing who raised her foot forward and had come to the outside of Jianting unknowingly, looked at Zhao Yu, who was surrounded by countless Thunder Sword Intent, but still sitting behind the table. Why, a fear suddenly rose in my heart.

Then the stars rolling in their sword robes, clenched their fists, and fine beads of sweat appeared on their foreheads, and then their pupils shrank severely, because the swordsman Lei Lian, who originally held the sword facing downwards in the pavilion, was in full view. , Began to lift slowly.

The long swords intertwined with purple electricity traversed an arc and slowly moved upwards, and then the sound of all the sword repairs on the outside inhaling together formed a wave of screams. At the same time, Sima Annan also raised the folding fan in his hand. .

The confrontation is just after a while!

In the next moment, an old right hand stretched out beside itself, and held down the right hand of Sword Master Lei Lian raising the sword, and then the voice of Sword Master Lotus Terrace sounded in everyone's ears:

"Lei Lian, when the four of our sects were merged into the Qinglian Sword Sect, we made a rule. When the opinions are not unified, we will give priority to the old opinions."

When the words fell, Sword Sovereign Lei Lian turned his head, did not speak, and did not refute. Then the old woman in Liantai continued to use his right hand to press down the former holding the sword little by little, and continued to speak:

"The main enemy of the Baolian Sword Land is the Holy Court, and he won't make enemies rashly anymore. Lei Lian is impatient, so it's no wonder that he is looking forward to your Majesty the Lord of the North."

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