The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1790: Shredded secret box

When a top-level overhaul of the ten philosophers of Shengting Martial Palace unreservedly pours out his infinite power, no matter where it is, even within the mysterious misty mountains and seas, it is definitely a devastating one. disaster.

Especially after it releases its true form of Taoism!

Feng Bozhen body, rushing across the mountain, hurricane tengu, fangs and huge mouths smashed the clouds and misty mountains.

Such violent power has changed the colors of all those who have witnessed it.

The real body of the Taoist statue is one of the signs of the land gods in the land of the Tai, and it is one of the signs of the full battle state. On the other hand, the bloodline statue of Bojie, who has the blood of one of the eight immortals of the ancient fairy garden, is released The real body is the real big Luo Fengbo.

In an instant, countless hurricanes condensed behind Bo Tie, and in the shadow of Feng Bo standing upright, a particularly magnificent ancient will soared into the sky, and accompanied by the outward pouring of this will, the entire gorge was trembling in the void. It was completely flattened as if wiped by a big hand.

At the same time, a slender figure surrounded by countless blue winds was directly exposed in the depths of the void. This figure was shrouded in a large robe, and strands of ancient wind turned into pale windbirds, spreading their wings.

After the next breath, Uncle Feng continued to boil, and even the harsh wind howl formed a passionate roar:

"The ancient wind belongs to the immortal!"

Feng Bo, the head of the ancient Daluo Eight Immortals, held the wind of the world, and when a wisp of ancient wind appeared before him, he instinctively wanted to make him obey.

But the next breath, the wind sparrow that hovered around the slender figure seemed unheard of, and even spread its wings and let out a scream, and then turned into a stream of arrows, blasting towards Bo Jie, whose momentum continued to erupt like a volcano. .

"Presumptuous, as the wind, dare to challenge Feng Bo?"

The roar and howling continued to roll out of Bo Tie's mouth, and then the Feng Bo Dao statue behind the former raised his punch once again, and continued to blast the punch that flattened the mountain.

It is another huge and ferocious Tempest Tengu, rushing out of the void. Every fang in its huge mouth is formed by the most tyrannical hurricane in the world, facing the black-robed figure forced out by Feng Bo's will. , Bite down.


Beneath the canine teeth, the void that was hard to heal was once again shattered, and then Xu Qing's ancient wind exploded outwards, and countless green and golden lights once again turned into countless sharp arrows, pouring out crazily.

At this moment, the slender body of Xu Qing, the windrunner, is a big bow that shoots countless arrows of wind, and at the same time, a cold voice came from within the arrows:

"Ancient taboo magical powers. Popular."

After the word "Fengxing" came out, Boyi's eyes suddenly narrowed, because before this type of Fengxing supernatural power, he escaped the first punch of Dang Yue Qingshan.

"The deity doesn't believe me, my violent hurricane can't catch your wind!"

Before Bojie’s roar, a mysterious and mysterious law of the wind appeared under his canines once again. Even Bojie felt very strange to this weird wind law, but he could feel it. This law brought the mysterious black-robed man in front of him away.

After an instant, the Chongbiao Tengu bit into the empty space again, and at the same time, a slight cracking sound came directly from Boye's hand.

Then this Wugong Ninth Philosopher lowered his head inconceivably, and under his gaze, the rune secret box originally held in the hands of the former had been torn in two, while the other part had already been integrated into the green gold. In the wind, it dissipates outwards.

At the next breath, an emotion of extreme anger burst out in the sea of ​​consciousness of Bo Jie. After a short moment, this emotion was completely turned into a raging raging wind and cut outwards.

"Boom boom boom!"

The mountains shattered and the earth cracked. Countless gales even shredded the mist that had hidden in all directions, and then turned it into more fine dust, spreading outwards, covering the sky and the sun, completely covering the entire gorge.

"Go away."

Then a tyrannical roar came out, and the extremely violent hurricane blasted the mist in all directions in the gorge outwards, revealing the tragic scene of the broken and exhausted gorge in the gorge.

I saw countless shocking wounds on the ground of the gorge, while the mountains on both sides collapsed mostly under the explosive power.

The collapse of the mountains means that within the maze of Wushan Strait Ridge, all routes passing through this road will be cut off.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, on the devastated ground of Xialing, Li Zeng, who was lying on the ground dying, was also like the half box in Boyi's hands, and disappeared completely without a trace.

As the ninth philosopher among the ten philosophers of Shengting Martial Arts Palace, Bo Tie is so high in the ordinary days, but just under his nose, the treasure in his hand and the great living person like Li Zeng are unaware of the ghosts. What a shame it is to disappear.


At the next breath, Bo Tie in the gorge raised his hands and raised his hands and let out a wild roar, and then the roaring sound like a storm continued to roll out:

"No matter who you are, this seat will figure out your identity, and then smash your corpse into thousands of pieces, killing you thousands of times!"

Bo Tie's piercing roar soared into the sky, and the thick undulating fog in the pierced misty mountains and sea spread out violently, and even across the undulating mountains, it sounded in the ears of a large number of monks who shuttled through the gorges. .

At the same time, about two hundred miles away from the roaring Gorge Ridge, a wisp of green and golden wind suddenly appeared in the tumbling mist, and at the same time, there was a muffled grunt.

After the muffled hum came out, a figure was directly thrown out of the azure wind and hit the ground. After a few laps, a voice from Li Zeng came out:

"True mother's pain."

After the sound came out, Li Zeng opened his mouth like a fish out of the water for a long time, breathing in the harsh air in the gorge. After a while, he slowly exhaled and murmured:

"Even to escape from birth, this time is really blessed by the ancestors."

When the words fell, Li Zeng turned his head and continued to watch the blue and ancient wind drifting back and forth in the void. His eyes suddenly moved, and after a breath, a black robe-shrouded figure walked out in the wind and fell on the ground.

In the hands of this slender figure, the half of the shining rune box was so conspicuous, and then Li Zeng just wanted to say hello, he heard a bit of painful snoring, which came out of the figure again.

Then Xu Qing, the windrunner, knelt on one knee, spitting out a mouthful of blood under the black robe!

"Sheng Ting Wu Gong ten philosophers, really strong."

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