The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1789: Chongbo Dangyue

For Bo Jie, walking in harmony with the wind and traveling between heaven and earth is one of the most common methods.

The world is windy, and the speed is naturally the world's best.

In every battle, the ninth philosopher of the holy court will appear like a ghost, coming and going without a trace, but he never imagined that one day, he will be blasted in front of him by a wisp of wind, and he still uses Its best way.

"Wind-hurricane enchantment Henglan Tiandi, how did you get close to the deity?"

After Bo Tie came out with a little unbelievable voice, the palm that stretched out in the green wind did not stop at all, and continued to move forward.

At the same time, on this slender palm, a particularly ancient breath of wind lingered on it, and even pushed back the gray gale surrounding Bo Jie's body.

"court death!"

The sharp howl that came out of Bo Jie's mouth had a strong and extremely evil intention, and then he raised his hand and stretched out, and also directly blasted out the palm of his hand in front of him. The sharp and extremely sharp whistling sound pierced the eardrum.

In a short while, two winds lingering around different winds quickly approached, and the center of the entire world seemed to have moved directly to this narrow square inch.

Everything under the world has two sides, and the wind is no exception.

The gray wind lingering in Yu Boxian’s hand, tyrannical, violent, and shattering everything, contained the most ferocious side of the wind, while the green-gold wind on the outstretched right hand in front of the former was calm and soothing. Very old.

This is a battle between wind and wind!

A big block of anger, its name is wind.

The nature of the wind is violently flowing air, so the void within it has already been shattered into a chaotic shape before the palms clash, and then Bo Ting turned his claws into his palms and grabbed it suddenly.

Compared with the palm outstretched in the azure wind, the hand that Bo Teng grabbed is undoubtedly much larger, and then starting with his body, the world of that desert hurricane becomes extremely clear, and at the same time the speed of grabbing, Directly up several times faster.

The overhaul of the ten philosophical level of Shengting Wugong, how rich the fighting experience is, a simple move first suppresses and then raises, making his right hand first appear on the wrist of the windrunner Xu Qing.

"No matter where you come from, the wind that is not controlled by my Bofeng clan must be obliterated!"

After he finished speaking, Boyi shook hands, trying to squeeze the slender wrist in front of him directly, but in the next moment, the former's eyes moved and he blurted out:

"how can that be!"

At the same time, Bo Jie's gaze suddenly began to fluctuate violently, because the hand of Qingfeng, which was clearly under his palm, disappeared in an instant without warning.

This stubborn grasp was like catching the wind of ethereal emptiness, and fell into the empty space, and this matter was so incredible to Bo Jie, because he himself was the wind.

"The wind can't catch the wind sometimes."

At the next breath, the cold and steady voice continued to sound, and then the evil intention in Bo Ying's eyes became even more severe, turning into a fist, and stunned severely.

"The wind is shaking!"


The void instantly oscillated violently, and every round of turbulence, there would be a circle of black wind that was visible to the naked eye, splitting out, leaving a place of void fragments wherever it crossed the border.

The particularly piercing crackling sound is endless. Under the incomparable control of the top-level overhaul, the power of supernatural powers is completely controlled within a few millimeters.

Under the bombardment of the world's top supernatural powers, it is difficult to describe the devastating blow this narrow space has received in words.

However, in the eyes of Bo Yan's evil intention surging, the solemn color did not dissipate in the slightest. As the wind ring cuts outward, the round of green-gold wind and the figure in the wind were directly disillusioned and shattered.

Wind is invisible and invisible!

At the same time, the wisp of green gold in the depths of the void appeared again, but the place where it appeared was on the side of Boyan.

Then another hand stretched out in the wind and grabbed it forward, and this time, the goal of this hand was the rune secret box held by Boye's left hand!

"Dare to get in touch with the treasure of my holy court, death is not a pity!"

Before the words fell, Bo Yan's body shook again, and another circle of infinite cutting wind blades poured out directly, but the speed of the hand that reached the rune box suddenly skyrocketed countless times, directly in the wind. The moment before the wind blade cut out, it appeared beside the secret box.

The battle between the two major repairs is not only that Bo Yan will suppress first and then rise, the owner of this white hand also knows this well.

After an instant, the fourth voice belonging to the incoming person in the depths of the void directly sounded:

"Ancient taboo magical powers. Bound attack."

After the words were finished, in the depths of the void, a touch of azure-gold light struck across the layers of space instantly, and inside the azure-gold light was an arrow.

This arrow did not entrap any sharp edge with supernatural powers, it was so ordinary that it was shining down like a ray of sunlight, and even the law of protection that Bo Yun lingered outside the body did not make a defense on its own.

After a while, this bound arrow blasted on Bo Yan's body like a teleport, without the slightest burst of magical powers. This arrow without any lethality directly turned into a wisp of ancient wind, rapidly outward. Spread, and instantly wrapped the former into a zongzi.

But what's frightening is that this wispy wind has directly cut off all the induction of the law between Bo Yan and heaven and earth, and confines it in place.

At the same time, the slender Rouyi that appeared in the wind directly held the rune secret box that Bo Yan was holding, and then pulled it back.


There was a sudden sound of torn paper that was magnified by countless times across the whole world. Then Bo Yan's eyes were completely filled with the dark gray storm in an instant, and he gave out a sky-shattering roar:

"Damn you!"

Along with this violent roar, Bo Yan's originally vague body exploded outwards, and a statue of Feng Bo Dao composed entirely of storms emerged from behind.

After an instant, Uncle Feng suddenly opened the eyes of the storm, and after watching the eye that contained infinite chaotic power, the bound barren wind entwined outside Bo Xing's body shattered every inch.

In the next moment, Bo Yan firmly grasped the Rune Secret Box with one hand, and raised a fist with the other hand.

At the same time, the Feng Bo Dao behind Bo Yan also clenched a heavy fist. The entire surrounding world, all the wind was condensed in an instant, forming a storm fist that covered the sky and covered the sun, hanging over the gorge mightily. Over the ridge.

"Chong Biao, Dang Yue!"

The deafening wind roar shook the void wildly, and Bo Yan, together with the earth-shaking Feng Bo Dao statue behind him, began to punch in front of him.

After an instant, Bo Jie fisted, and the infinite black wind rushed out, completely shattering the void, and then the black wind condensed into a huge tengu mouth, biting down at the front.


After a loud noise, the gorges towering into the clouds on both sides, under the infinitely violent wind of the mountain, began to collapse like a bamboo pole that had been cut off!

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