The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1745: Find someone

As the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy will never end in a hundred battles.

The confrontation between the two armies is not just a battle between sergeants. The game behind it involves countless aspects. Among them, the role of intelligence is beyond doubt.

Throughout the rise of Zhao Yu and the entire Da Xia, relying on the power of Shenzhou Haotu's first artifact, mountains and seas, and the guards against the sky, Da Xia's ability to control intelligence has always been in a state of crushing.

As if opening the eyes of heaven, knowing all the enemy's dynamics in advance is naturally invincible and unprofitable.

This is an emperor, a general's favorite combat situation, and this time, the young emperor still wants to bring the unique intelligence advantage of Daxia to the boundary of the Central Plains of the Supreme Profound Land.

In the Huwen City Crescent Restaurant, after the young emperor gave an order, the shadows of the figures swiftly moved like a fully-powered machine. The intelligence network laid by the Great Summer Nightmare and Si Tianjian in Huwen City began to show themselves. Not bad edge.

The entire architectural style is extremely rough, but among the extremely densely populated city streets, a large number of people who have received orders began to walk into the shadows and then disappeared.

At the same time, in a huge room in the backyard of the restaurant, the densely stacked files were opened by one hand, and then all relevant information was extracted and then uploaded layer by layer, in an orderly manner.

Daxia, which was founded only a hundred years ago, has always pursued iron-blooded and high-efficiency. Even if the Sitian Supervisor is not part of the Ministry of War, it is still like a smoothly running machine and methodical.

But in such a short period of time, in the tiger pattern city where a large number of different creatures and races are mixed, it is so difficult to find a qualified three-eyed spirit race.

It should be known that almost all spirit races in the entire Taixuan Land belong to the Shenji Pavilion, and they all exist in the Shenji Pavilion with extraordinary status.

Therefore, in the backyard of the restaurant, the senior secretary of the Great Xia Si Tianjian who was in charge of the affairs of this place, pacing in the file hill, unknowingly sweating on his forehead.

As time passed, the sweat on the forehead of the senior secretary of the Sitian Supervisor grew more and more. Suddenly, an exclamation sound suddenly sounded in a corner of the long house:

"My lord, yes, someone found an important news."

As soon as this statement came out, the senior secretary of the sky supervisor shook his body, and without a word, the figure shook for a while, and a few flashes came to the place where the exclamation was heard, and raised his hand and picked up the file to look up and scan.

At the next breath, the middle-aged Sitian Supervisor's high-ranking official's decent aura slowly fell, and he reached out and patted the shoulders of the army of figures on the side, and a voice with a faint smile came out:

"Yes, hard work."

At this time, it was only less than half an hour before Zhao Yu gave the order.

At the same time, the second floor of this restaurant has become quite empty in the room, Zhao Yu put down the folder in his hand, and after a light breath, stood up, paced to the window, and looked down. The crowded lobby below.

This Crescent Restaurant is one of Daxia’s businesses in Sleeping Tiger County, and it is also the information center of Fangyuanshu County. It is worth mentioning that this restaurant is very close to Shenji Pavilion, so the business is extremely hot, even at night. The same vocals.

"Such as today's ups and downs, and turbulent air luck, all parties have taken corresponding measures, or they are ready to move, or are anxious."

A steady mountain-like voice came from Zhao Yu's mouth, and in the ebony black eyes of the young emperor, there was not only the sight below the restaurant, but also the endless waves of blood rolling up and down, and then the emperor's voice continued to be heard from Zhao Yu's mouth. :

"But it is foreseeable that everything will be clear after the World Daohui, and at that time, who can be alone?"

After he finished speaking, Zhao Yu's black eyes moved slightly, because in the restaurant door below, there was a person who had gone back and forth, and it was the middle-aged monk surnamed Li who had come in and sold information before.

I saw this unshaven middle-aged man, once again hurriedly stepping in from the outside, and before he could speak, he was interrupted by a laugh:

"Li Zeng, why is it not enough to take a three-color celestial coin today, so he wants to sell intelligence again?"

After this voice came down with ridicule, people around them all echoed:

"Yeah, Li Zeng, you are so diligent, so you don't plan to give the others a chance to make minor repairs, you are not kind."

The middle-aged monk surnamed Li has not been in Huwen City for a short time, so most people in the restaurant recognized it, and then the middle-aged man responded with a smile on his face:

"You guys, I won't be selling intelligence next time, so don't wrong people."

After speaking, the middle-aged monk looked around for a week, and then continued to raise the volume a lot:

"This time, this repair is here to recommend myself, because from today, I no longer sell information for a living, but take people through the Shuihu Gorge in the Wushan Sea."

As soon as these words came out, the monks who heard the words in the restaurant changed one after another, opening their mouths and saying:

"Li Zeng, you don't know the danger of Sleeping Tiger Gorge. Whoever is doing this business is not an old heritage force in Sleeping Tiger County. You should be a man with a gun. Don't think about it."

"Yeah, let's not mention whether anyone is looking for your lead. If you are really a good old boy, it would be a pity that you are dead. What will happen to your girl?"

After the words of persuasion fell, Li Zeng raised his hand and arched it in front of him, with an unabated smile on his face, and continued to speak:

"What are you talking about? What makes me dead? Don't worry, if I do this, I will definitely rely on it. As for my precious girl, I have my own arrangements and you don't need to worry about it."

The voice came, and a breath of confidence radiated from the inside of the middle-aged monk's body.

Then Sima Annan in the second-floor box of the restaurant, seeing Zhao Yu who was watching all this with some doubts on his face, he softly explained:

"Your Majesty, this Sleeping Tiger Gorge is the only way for Sleeping Tiger County to continue to the south, and it is also one of the reasons why this county can become the outermost barrier to the core of the Central Plains.

"Don't look at Shuihu County and the Baolian Jiandi in the south are adjacent on the map, but geographically, there is a huge sea of ​​fog between the two."

At this point, Sima Annan waved his hand and took out a scroll, and pulled it away extremely numbly. It was a very detailed map of Sleeping Tiger County, and then the explanation continued to sound:

"There are vast mountain ranges to the south of Sleeping Tiger County. Clouds and mists linger all day long. They are called misty mountains and seas. Once in the mist, the monks’ perception will be greatly compressed, and there are countless ridges in the misty mountains and seas. Staggered, the terrain is extremely complex.

"These gorges meander within the mountain range, and there are countless branches extending in all directions, which can make people lose them. Therefore, if a monk wants to continue south, a reliable guide is indispensable."

Sima Annan’s explanation just fell, and the door of the room behind them was gently pushed open, and then Liang Po, a burly figure walked in, and a voice full of magnetism immediately sounded in the room:

"Your Majesty, the one you want has been found."

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