Sleeping Tiger County, Huwen City, dusk is approaching, but more and more creatures are coming from all directions in this city.

In the small restaurant in the center of the city, there was a sound of exchanges one after another. It is worth mentioning that although the Baolian Sword Ground has been suppressed by the Holy Court for tens of thousands of years, the swords in the Taixuan Land The number of repairs is actually quite a lot.

In today's Taixuan, blood is king, and many creatures with blood under it will choose to find another way, and becoming a sword repairer is one of the best choices.

In the former Taixuan Central Plains Baolian sword field, the four sects were established, and the rest of the sword repairs were wandering, which can be described as extremely scattered, but at this time, the situation is very different for the sword repair.

Qinglian Sword Sect has reappeared in the world, and has passed through the Shenji Pavilion to announce to all sword repairs in the world that any sword repairer, regardless of origin, can return to the Baolian sword.

For Jian Xiu, this is undoubtedly ecstatic news.

In other words, these originally helpless Jianghu sword repairers have become one of the disciples of the Qinglian Sword Sect. This may be the greatest opportunity for sword repairs in the entire Taixuan Land for tens of thousands of years. .

Thinking of this, not only the restaurant in Tiger Pattern City, but even all the sword repairers in the entire Supreme Profound Land who heard the news were excited, and began to call friends and friends, ready to go to the Baolian sword field.

The World Dao Association has not yet been held, but the billowing torrent of sword repairs has already formed everywhere, gathering mighty.

"Qinglian Sword Sect was born, and he called Jian Xiu widely, but I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse."

In the restaurant box, Sima Annan, who had run out of food, stood with his hands at the window, watching the monks discussing downstairs.

After the former's voice came out, he raised his fingers to the sword repairmen who looked particularly solemn below, and the young voice continued:

"Not all sword repairs are from the upsurge of blood, there are still a few who have their own ideas about the situation."

As soon as this statement came out, Xu Qing, the tall windrunner beside Sima Annan, also looked down, her red lips lightly opened, and a refreshing voice sounded:

"Qinglian Sword Sect's move can be said to have tied all sword repairs in the entire Taixuan realm to a ship, but most people have never thought of what opponent Qinglian Sword Sect will face. That is the entire holy court.

"In other words, once these sword repairers return to the Baolian Sword Land, it means that the relationship between them and the holy court is completely endless!"

After Xu Qing's voice came out, a solemn color appeared on the faces of everyone in the box.

This may be the horror of the Supreme Profound Land. In many cases, unknowingly, a seemingly coveted opportunity has turned oneself into the current most powerful enemy.

"For Jian Xiu, whether the appearance of Qinglian Sword Sect is good or bad is not yet known, but for me and Daxia, it is definitely good news."

The words of the windrunner fell, and all the taboos nodded slightly in agreement.

Afterwards, on the main seat of this box, Zhao Yu, who was looking at the folder sent by the Night Dire Division from behind, closed the folder in his hand and put it aside, his lips opened slightly, and he sighed:

"The various forces in this Supreme Profound Land are afraid of the holy court for a long time!"

After the emperor's voice heard, the Daxia Taboos who heard the words turned around, and then respectfully saluted the young emperor above, and listened to Zhao Yu's subsequent words.

At the next breath, Zhao Yu raised his right hand and pushed forward the thick book of divine mechanics in front of him. Diyin continued:

"As soon as the Qinglian Sword Sect opened, it rushed to absorb the sword repairs of the entire Supreme Profound Realm like a dragon sucking water to strengthen oneself. This means that the four merged Sword Sects know their own situation.

"The Tai Xuan drastic change is still in the pre-explosion stage, and Baolian Jiandi took the lead in seeking change. This Tai Xuan Jianxiu's enterprising spirit makes me a little admired.

"It's just the word Qinglian, but it makes me sound like an old friend."

As soon as the emperor's voice came out, everyone in the box looked stagnant, and they couldn't help but think of the stormy night and the sky over Daxia Gwangju, the sword-qi green lotus that spanned thousands of miles.

That is the last sword in the vast land of China!

"The vast land of China where Daxia is located and the land of Taixuan were from the same source tens of thousands of years ago, so it is not surprising that the inheritance of sword repair is connected."

After Zhao Yu's emperor's voice came out, the young emperor's dark eyes seemed to flash a kendo green lotus, and then the green lotus gradually disappeared, and the voice from Zhao Yu once again sounded in the ears of everyone below:

"This time it took a full twelve hours for the integration of the four major sword sects of the Baolian Sword Field to pass the information to our hands. It was still too slow!"

As soon as these three words came out, a mighty imperial prestige rolled out and was crushed down. Then Sima Annan took a step forward and bent over and said:

"Your Majesty, Sleeping Tiger County is the natural danger of the entire Taixuan Central Plains, and further south is the real core area, and the forces in the core area are extremely powerful and have unrecognized control methods.

"We have to eradicate the inference of the military agency. Once we use the teleportation scroll or place the altar in the core area, if there is a real major repair on the side, there will be a perceived risk.

"Therefore, Dire Division's penetration into the Central Plains of the Great Profound Land, the forefront of the altar, is placed under the tiger pattern city where we are."

After speaking, Sima Annan continued to salute respectfully, and after a deep breath, the young voice continued:

"For the real core area of ​​the Central Plains, I have always been cautious, and the message I conveyed is also based on security, so it took a lot of time."

At this point, Sima Annan's style of painting changed, and once again he said loudly:

"But everything is improving. Si Cheng Yeyi, the Night Dire Division, is sitting in the core area himself, and the batch of Akashi has been transported to Sleeping Tiger County, and is spreading out with the help of the Crescent Chamber of Commerce.

"Soon, when the entire Central Plains of the Great Profound Land is illuminated, my Daxia's intelligence capabilities will undoubtedly directly cross a huge step."

"Still not fast enough."

In Zhao Yu's voice again, the overbearing emperor became more and more powerful, and then the young emperor turned his eyes to the book of divine machine in front of him, and the voice continued:

"Since it can't be done overnight, then follow the existing conditions and go to the back door of the Shenji Pavilion."

After he finished speaking, Zhao Yu raised his hand and knocked on the table in front of him. Emperor Huang Huang continued to resound in everyone's ears:

"Sima Annan, since Huwen City is the intelligence center of my Daxia in the Central Plains of the Taixuan Land, then tell the monk Sitian who is in charge here and find me a suitable three-eyed Soul Race candidate within half an hour.

"I want to open this divine machine book!"

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