
read2();   "Your Majesty, the Holy Court Nantian King Xiliu and the entire Nanxinggong have become the turtle in the urn, Lord Liang is supernatural."

   In the imperial hall of the White Emperor's Palace, Li Chunfeng, with all white hair and beard, bowed respectfully to the young emperor sitting above him, and the voice of his words was relieved.

It is true that the Nantian King Xiliu was the strongest person he encountered after the Great Xia was born in the Taixuan Land Beihai. In every move, the nine gods and the sun follow each other, vast and unparalleled, and at the same time the treasures of the five fires and seven ling fans It is the treasure of the Yushu Fire House, a fan will burn and boil the sea, and the flames will be great.

   For this **** battle, the frontline soldiers of Daxia did not go smoothly, the battle situation was so fierce that it could be called rapid change, and even the three Radiant Army Taboos joined forces, all in danger and death.

   Therefore, after Li Chunfeng’s old words fell, all the civil and military officials in the Huangji Hall of the White Emperor Palace subconsciously sighed together, and also respected Zhao Yu above, and a uniform voice came out:

   "Lord Liang is superb, your majesty is superb!"

The hundreds of officials shouted with joy, and at the same time, within the mountain and sea map above the Huangji Hall, the Great Xia armies that were already ready, under the orderly command, began to attack the glazed land. The South Palace, which was completely surrounded, launched a siege.

One after another the forbidden auras of the Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division billowed into the sky, and then the Weiyang Army puppet artillery crossbow began to change directions, dense and hot thunder rapidly condensed and flickered in the artillery crossbow, and at the same time exuded an incomparable harshness. The sound of tweet.

   On the battlefield, there is a widely circulated saying that within range is the truth. Therefore, the first step in a siege operation has always been a mighty, overwhelming, saturated attack.

   "Ten arrow rain, thunder cannons, let go!"

Accompanied by Wang Jing's killing intent, the trembling of countless strong bows and the trembling of the bows, a huge roar of mountains and tsunamis was formed, followed by a dark cloud composed of dense arrows, which drove from all directions. Rises up.

At the same time, the hideous guns and crossbows on the back of Wei Yang's army shrank one by one, and poured out countless white streamers directly forward, illuminating the entire center of the North Sea, turning into a sea of ​​thunder, following the rain of arrows and dark clouds, facing the Southern King in the middle. Covering the place where the palace is.

  The rain of arrows washes the ground, and the sea of ​​thunder is raging!

After a few breaths, countless arrow rains and thunder ponds completely swallowed the Nantian King's Palace, and the continuous attacks did not even give this holy courtyard any opportunity to counterattack. This situation is like countless marching ants slowly gnawing. A flaming bird that landed on earth.

Under the erosion of the bursting thunder, the crimson halo emanating from the South Palace on the glazed land is gradually weakening, and then after the intensive mobilization of the Daxia ground forces, they surrounded the entire South Palace in a charge formation. Ready to go, waiting for the order of a full charge.

It is worth mentioning that even after the unprecedented heavy damage, the Holy Court Nanxing Palace and the Nantian King Xiliu, which were knocked down to the earth, still have the fighting ability far surpassing the general power, but what is desperate is that there is no power in the whole body. Show it out.

  Because of the existence of Roshan Great Demon King Liang Po, it only brings deep despair to the enemy!

  Between countless arrow rain and blazing thunder, Liang Po's body still stands proudly like a mountain, and the dark brown scales are shining, exuding an indestructible luster.

At the same time, Liang Po's violent beast claws stretched downwards, pressing the entire Holy Court South Palace on the ground, unable to move, and could only let the arrow rain and thunder sea slowly eat away from the outside to the inside, disintegrating the remaining defenses. Great array.


After a few breaths, a deafening roar soared into the sky again, and then within the torrent of supernatural powers intertwined with thunder pond and arrow rain, suddenly exploded violently, and then a slender figure with golden flames enveloping the whole body blasted out of it. A long track was drawn on the ground and then stopped.

   On the robes of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu wagging and dancing at this time, the original rich and extremely rich Da Ri Jinyan did not bear the domineering unparalleled before, on the contrary, it seemed like it would go out in the next second.

   More importantly, the former's red hair is gradually turning black. It can be seen that at this time, the power of the Great Nippon Genesis in the body of the Nantian King is very close to the state of exhaustion.

   "Damn it!"

   A cold and stern voice was exhaled from the red lips of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu, and then he slowly exhaled, trying his best to stabilize the violently boiling Qi in his body, and fixed his eyes on the thunder sea rolling in front of him.

   At the next breath, the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu continued to lift the colorful treasure fan in his hand and slammed it in front of him. Then billowing black smoke roared out in front of him, setting off endless waves of fire in the void.

The Five Fires and Seven Ling Fans are worthy of the top treasure of the Yushu Fire Mansion, so even if the Holy Court Nantian King has used this treasure for so long, the flames blasted forward by this fan are still powerful, but the flames are rolling forward. In the meantime, the expression on the face of Shengting Nantian King looking forward did not relax at all, but became more solemn.

After an instant, the three tall and straight figures directly tore through the thunder sea of ​​flames, and slowly stepped out from within. The scarlet blood rushed outward from the bodies covered by the three celestial robes, violent and strong. The taboo breath rushed towards the southern king of the sky.

   "My son said that one day I would push your stinky lady on the ground and blow a hammer. I didn't expect this day to come so soon!"

   The fighting spirit continued in the voice of the river leaping forward. Then he raised the big sword in his hand and pointed straight ahead. The iron and blood flags surged wildly behind him, and the golden drums rang across the sky.

At the same time, Li Yi, who was holding a big sword next to him, did not speak, but the thick blood flowing all over his body clearly declared to the outside that the bloodthirsty demon had endured to the limit, and only the blood of a powerful enemy could calm down. The inner anger of the Gorefiend.

   But what is faster than the two shots is the swift spear of the God of War that pierced the void, and a burly figure that charged forward with a shield.

   Peng Mu!

   The battle situation changed and changed rapidly. Only less than half a day passed. On this glazed sea continent, Peng Mu and other three Radiant Army taboos once again launched a siege to the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu.

   Knowing mistakes can be corrected, fearless, it is the glory of Daxia!

At the same time, at the end of this huge glazed continent, which was directly constructed by the French army using three types of supernatural powers against the sky, among the Jiuyao islands, one rider after another, burly figures like hills, lined up. .


   The sound of the heavy armor colliding with each other came out, and the white hair on the four hooves of the horse was like four burning blue flames between the horses of the gods and the handsome under the cavalry.

   Youzhou white hoof.

   Daxia heavy ride!

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