The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1409: The towering fairy palace, landing in the mortal world


read2();   Whether it’s the age of the fairy palace, which has ruled the mainland for countless years, or the chaotic period of tens of thousands of years, the monks’ understanding of the way of cultivation has been short of history. The vast land of China has a deviation.

   In other words, perhaps under the dominance of an infinite will, the vast land of Shenzhou that has sunk into the bottom of the North Sea has gradually moved on two completely different roads from the land of Supreme Profound.

   And in the understanding of the monks in the land of the profound, blood is king, and offense is greater than defense!

   Under the situation where most of the time is fighting separately, attacking and killing magical powers can kill people, but if only defending, then only being beaten, so for ordinary monks, killing magical powers is always the focus of practice.

   But what is happening in the battlefield in the center of the North Sea now tells all the monks in the Supreme Profound Land very clearly how terrifying and desperate they will be in the face of the ultimate defense.

   That is the infinite despair that emerged from the depths of my heart!

Except for his incomparable sharp claws and unparalleled power, Liang Po's attacking magical powers are actually very few, but the indestructible abyssal scale armor on his body and the laws of counter-shock, make Shengting Nantian king such a land **** The fairyland masters are completely helpless.

The huge and boundless size gave the Roshan behemoth the terrifying power of moving mountains and reclaiming the sea. Therefore, Liang Po completely ignored the last violent blow of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu, and directly lifted the big sun crane above his head. Looking up, it was like a giant abyssal beast, with its claws holding the vast and dazzling nine-day **** sun.

   Then countless great days flowed down from the scorching sun, flowing on Liang Po's ferocious beast body, together forming an unforgettable violent picture!

   "This is a naked and invincible posture!"

   On the big ship where the Shenji Pavilion is located, a middle-aged monk's horror sounded outwards, but what surprised the former was that the old Shenji Pavilion who would have opened his mouth sighed, but his response did not sound.

   Therefore, the middle-aged monk turned his head, looked at the silent old man, and asked softly:

   "Gu Lao, what are you?"

   "According to the current situation, the Nantian King Xiliu and the entire Shengting Nanxing Palace are likely to be directly defeated. Do you know what this means?"

The voice that came from the old mouth of Shenji Pavilion was more solemn than ever before, and as soon as he said this, the mind of the middle-aged monk beside him was directly trembling, and he recovered from the horror, and stammered. :

   "If the southern palace of the holy court was hit hard by the great summer of the fairy island in front, then we monks in the Taixuan Land above the sea, wouldn't it?"

   The middle-aged monk did not finish his words, but what he wanted to reveal was already self-evident, and then the old man Shen Ji Ge Ge looked around, and his old face was full of complex colors.

   I saw the surface of the North Sea, countless suns pouring down from above, and then one after another sun flames burned, raging and spreading, the golden tongue of flame swallowed the warships where the monks were, and wailing sounded everywhere.

Although this pure day flow had no effect on Liang Po, for ordinary monks, it was definitely an extinction disaster. It could be said to be mortal when touched. Therefore, the surface of the North Sea became more and more chaotic, and warships fled everywhere. , Collide with each other.

   Then the voice of the old man Shenjige continued to spread out:

  "At this point in this **** battle in the North Sea, the fortresses in front of the Henglan Heaven and Earth are still indestructible, but the fleet of monks that had traveled northward in mighty force had been destroyed seven or eighty-eight.

   "What's even more ironic is that the flames that harvested the lives of the monks of the sect in the Taixuan Land of the North did not come from the enemies on the opposite fairy island, but from our monks themselves."

After    finished speaking, the old man from Shenji Pavilion no longer hesitated, he patted forward, and then pointed at the middle-aged monk beside him.

   At the next breath, a small, fascinating book flew out of the void and directly hit the middle-aged monk's body. At the same time, the voice of the old man from the Shenji Pavilion sounded again:

"This divine machine grand book records most of the things that happened in the North Sea, the land of the profound mystery. Including this battle, the old man has a foreboding that the fleet of monks above the sea will never survive today, and they will never survive. There is already a will to lock me in, now you take this great book and immediately stay away from here."

  Shen Ji Ge Ge said in his words more and more anxious, then he stretched out his right hand into a palm, pushed hard at the middle-aged monk in front of him, and continued to open his mouth and drink:

   "Even if you save your life, you have to return this book to the Southern Shenji Pavilion. The dramatic change of the world has already begun, and we are the frog in the bottom of the well that is kept in the dark!"

   The shout fell, and the extremely strong spatial power gushed out from the palm of the old Shenji Pavilion, directly enveloping the middle-aged monk in front of him. After a palm was pushed out, the figure of the latter instantly disappeared in place.

   then moved the monk in front of him directly to the old Shenji Pavilion in the corner of the North Sea Asura Region, and his right foot slammed on the battleship below, his beard exploded outwards, and his whole figure soared into the air like a big bird.

   After an instant, a light of arrows filled with yellow and green lights ripped out from the void, and directly completely tore the warship belonging to the Shenji Pavilion.

   At the same time, a cold female voice sounded to the ears of the old Shenji Ge:

   "Shenji Pavilion, old man, I am instructed to invite you to Daxia!"

After the voice of the windrunner Xu Qing fell, the upper part of the sky firmly grasped the beam of the big sun crane, opened her mouth and let out a scream, then raised her right knee, hands down vigorously, and put the huge big sun crane in his hand. Furiously hit on the knees.

   "Boom, boom, boom!"

Every violent blow of the Great Demon King Roshan made the brows of those who saw it constantly tremble, and whether it was the Daxia Sergeant on the battlefield or the countless people behind, they all held their breath at this moment, completely Immersed in the power of Liang Po, which destroys the world.

Afterwards, there was less and less fluid gushing out of the big sun crane, and the dazzling light that originally radiated outwards also gradually weakened, indicating that the big sun crane built with the southern palace of the Holy Court as its core is becoming unprecedented The speed is declining, the law is shattered, and the energy is violent.

   After about ten breaths, Liang Po raised the South Palace of the Holy Court once again, squatted down with his knees, and the densely dense scales continued to shoot out the vast and endless fog of the abyss, one after another roars resounding across the sky.

   This is the Roshan behemoth transformed by Liang Po, and it is the third time to gain momentum.

   "Where will he leap this time to gain momentum?"

   The same question emerged from the mind of the monk in the Taixuan Land on the sea.

Three seconds later, Liang Po carried the entire Sacred Court South Palace, and jumped from above the void for the third time. After crossing a high parabola, under the interweaving of countless lights, it crossed the entire fortress wall. , Fell on the Glazed Continent where the Daxia army was waiting in the rear.


  Liangpo smashed the big sun crane in his hand on the land in front of him, making a loud noise, which also made everyone's hearts tremble.

   Weiwei Immortal Palace, land in the dust!

   Then Wang Jing on the city wall, with a smile on his mouth, held the drumstick in his right hand and raised it high, opening his mouth with a deafening roar:

   "The army in Daxia obeyed the order and started ground operations to besieged the South Palace of the Holy Court!"


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