The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1390: Flame Region, Cold Country


read2();  Compared with the sect monks who rushed here from all over the Taixuan land, the great summer soldiers lined up on the walls of heaven and earth are undoubtedly infinite to the eruption of the sun’s flames. The power and the dazzling light are more adaptable, because the French revision army also has a combined magical power that destroys the world, and the sun falls.

Between the heavens and the earth, the Nine Heavens God Sun is the ultimate sun, providing light to the whole beings. The power contained in it is naturally infinite. Therefore, on the battlefield of the Shura domain, even if the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu's heavy fist and the Pengmu battle shield confront each other. The dazzling light has gradually dissipated, and the hot breath that burns everything is still pouring out.

The hot breath almost boiled the air in the entire void, forming a very vague and twisted state, and then more and more eyes, through the twisted void, clearly saw the state of the two at this time, and then they all looked at them. He shrank fiercely and blurted out with an exclamation.

I saw the sky where the two of them were blasting at each other, directly tore out a huge black hole in space, which was releasing wild swallowing power, and at the same time, the undulating outer void power exuded people. Creepy fluctuations.

And at one end of this black hole, the slender body of the Nantian King Xiliu stood proudly, and a thick layer of golden flames burned from the rune-winded robe, but on the shoulders of Xiliu, there was a A scarlet spear surrounded by fighting spirit.

   is the God of War Swift Spear thrown by Peng Mu violently!

   "The Holy Court Nantian King was directly injured by a war spear. This immortal island human being is really terrifying!"

   The murmur came from the monks on the battleship below, and then these people looked at Peng Mu on the other side, and continued to take a breath.

The celestial army robe flies above the void, and the war **** orangutans continue to hold the war shield in front of him. The leaning body and the slightly curved right knee indicate that he has just used the body armor shield. Supernatural powers resisted a violent big sun supernatural powers.

   But the layman watched the excitement and the insider watched the doorway. The rich blood and violent aura still lingering on Peng Mu's body proved that just for the Tianhui Army Peng Mu, he also had life and death risks.

   "Really weird, why can you resist this king's punch if you haven't really stepped on that bridge."

A very suspicious voice came from the mouth of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu, and then he stretched out his left hand, held the God of War Fast Spear that was deeply pierced on his right shoulder, and pulled it outwards, directly into the blood spear itself. Unplug.

   Golden lava-like blood then flowed out, but during the whole process, there was no strange color on the face of the Southern Heavenly King Xizhizhi, as if his body was not injured.

   Then the raging golden flames continued to shoot out from the former's body, scrambling to get into the wound that Xiliu was pierced by the spear, and began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a few breaths, Peng Mu, who was also standing in the void, stood upright, lifted the battle shield in his hand, and continued to pull out another God of War spear from the void. At the same time, his burly body was surrounded by The other two laws are more intense.

   That is the boiling battlefield evil spirit, and the extremely strong blood power!

   As soon as the breath of these two vast laws came out, the Nantian King Xiliu seemed to have discovered something on the other side, his frowned brows gradually stretched, his red lips lightened, and his voice continued:

   "In your body [country novel] there are two other mysterious laws entangled, no wonder you can withdraw under the fist of the king, it turns out that you can gain magical powers."

After the voice fell, the right hand of the Spear of the God of War held by the Nantian King Xiliu suddenly used force, and the more tyrannical flame of the sun burst on his right hand, and even the whole blood spear gradually began to melt. The next breath, the former The increasingly cold voice resounded throughout the night sky of the battlefield:

   "But next time, you won't be so lucky, because no matter how much magic power you have, this king can explode it!"

After    was finished, the **** of war spear in the hands of the King Nantian was completely crushed, and then Xiliu directly lifted the treasure five-fire seven-ling fan in his hand, and slammed it against Peng Mu in front of him!

There is no doubt that the Nantian King of the Holy Court is powerful. Whether it is the initial psychic summoning the great day creatures or the powerful melee fighting power, they all demonstrate their extremely versatile combat capabilities, but in terms of their strongest means, Still, together with the Supreme Treasure Five Fire and Seven Ling Fan, he displayed the Supreme Yang supernatural power.

   "Five fires are all out, seven lings, Suiren first appeared in Bingliying!"

The icy voice continued to come from the mouth of the west, and then above the void, the five fires of the treasure fan once again descended into the world, and the five fires at this time, compared with the previous five days of the holy court, are simply inferior. do not.

   The five-color original flames blasted from the treasure fan just came out, and the newly healed void around it made a crackling sound because it could not bear it.

At the next breath, the fires of red, cyan, blue, and white and the five colors of chaos directly converge inward, forming a billowing flame storm. At the same time, within the storm, the cry of seven great sun birds pierced the void and resounded through everyone. Ear.

   The Southern Heavenly King Xiliu, who has already been shot out of real fire, will do nothing if he doesn't make a move. The fire storm that will destroy the world with one move!

   "French repair army, magical powers freeze the void, let go!"

   Facing the violent supernatural powers of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu swept so mighty, he clicked on Wang Jing on the stage, with a solemn expression on his face, and opened his mouth to issue an offensive command to the French Xiliu army arrayed below.

The executive power of Daxia soldiers is an excellent quality directly carved into the bones. Therefore, after only two short breaths, in the frosty country surrounded by countless cold mist over the fortress of heaven and earth, countless mists began to converge rapidly inward and directly condense into A giant frost dragon head.

   Then the frost dragon raised up to the sky and issued a dragon roar that shattered the world, and directly spit out a blue-black frost breath that spanned the entire void, without any muddle!

At the same time, the extreme cold was accompanied by the breath of frost, and the violent cold air directly icy all the void along the road. Whether it is air or evil air, it solidifies into ice. Looking from a distance, it is like a huge extending forward. tentacle.

The battlefield of the Asura domain was once again completely divided by the two opposing origin attributes of hot and severe cold, and then the flame storm and the icy breath came to one place without fancy, the Beihai sky curtain was like a piece of fragile paper from the middle. Tear open directly.

   "The sky of Beihai is cracked again!"

   The voice of incomparable horror came from the mouths of the monks who had witnessed all this. They were really unimaginable. How could the originally strong and abnormal void in this place of the profound mystery become so fragile?


   Under the deafening cracking sound, a pitch-black crack completely divided the entire Asura domain battlefield from top to bottom.

   One side is the flame field, and the other side is the cold country!


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