
read2();  "The Southern Heavenly King Xiliu has been a mysterious identity since he was born. In addition to being the Holy Court Southern Heavenly King, he is also the jewel in the palm of the Jade Shuhuhuo Mansion in the East Pole, so the entire Fusang Shenmu The cultivating creatures around him will obey its orders."

As the **** battle intensified, the old man of Shenji Pavilion, who used the divine machine ceremony to record the battlefield situation on the battleship, spoke faster and faster, and then his old face rose red, and he opened his mouth to explain. The voice continued:

"This immortal island human race has a very strong control over the battle situation. It seems to give the cultivators of the Great Profound Land a respite, but it has a deeper meaning behind it. The battlefield is actually very particular about relaxation and relaxation. In other words, this immortal Daxia Daxia may want all the high-ranking monks of the lower sect to gather together, so as to get a chance to catch them all."

   After this voice fell, the old man in the Shenji Pavilion, who was in charge of collecting information on the entire Beihai opportunity, seemed to have thought of something, his pupils shrank sharply and muttered:

"That's right, since this immortal island human race can directly cut off the psychic lava river under the nose of the Nantian King Xiliu, then it must be able to stop it before the ten thousand golden snake magic power approaches the wall of the fortress. , But they didn't do it. They wanted to retreat and complete the killing. How could this be possible?"

After    finished speaking, the old man of Shen Ji Ge Ge shook his beard, his eyes were looking at the countless monks from the Supreme Profound Land who pounced on the city wall like a dark cloud, and he sounded again with a little trembling voice:

"It's too late, it's too late. The Southern Heavenly King Xiliu has a strong cultivation base, but it is still too tender. However, what kind of method does this immortal island human race have to use to bring all the top combat power to the north and a whole saint? The Tingnan Palace was completely wiped out, even the old man I couldn’t guess!"

  The voice of the old man of God Jige Pavilion fell, and the divine machine grandma radiating light in front of him continued to turn the pages violently, and once the grand book began to turn the pages, it represented that another powerful magical power descended into the void.

  This supernatural power comes from Peng Mu, Peng Mu, God of War, and also from the French Army, the Great Xia Army!

After cutting the river of psychic spirits with one spear and one shield, Pengmu, who was surrounded by infinite scarlet fighting spirit, did not hesitate, and his body continued to disappear from the place, clenching the spear of the **** of war, deceiving him. The Nantian King Xiliu in front of him.

At the same time, on the walls of the fortress of heaven and earth, the Daxia Faxiu army generals who merged into one place, together with the ancient forbidden soldier Dao soul behind them, raised their hands at the same time, and the magical powers that had already been condensed to the limit in the body, Qi Qi poured out.

  The magical powers of the French repair army. The cold country is here!

The next breath, the extremely cold aura pouring crazily outwards, straight into the sky, and then turned into a deep blue cold mist, and in a blink of an eye, it occupies half of the sky, and the same vast sun flame aura in front of the court resists, directly dividing the Asura domain battlefield. .

   The real two heavens of ice and fire!

A few seconds later, countless cold mists shrouded, and on the walls of the heaven and earth fortress in the extreme cold country, one after another huge frost tentacles stretched out from the void, grabbing directly in front of them at extremely fast speeds and biting them. Of a big sun golden snake.


   The violent sound of ice and fire violently opposing and annihilating each other, directly spread out, and was accompanied by the roar of the big sun golden snake when it violently struggled.

   "The thorn of the tentacle, penetrates seven inches!"

Clear and steady commands sounded between the blue fog of the cold country, and then within each cold ice tentacle, countless sharp ice thorns directly rushed out, and then the rich cold ice law directly shredded the surface of the big sun golden snake. The scales plunged into it fiercely.

Qi Cun is the weakness of the snake, even the big sun golden snake wandering around the hot sun is no exception. Therefore, after Qi Cun was directly pierced by the ice spike, the painful roar in the mouth of the golden snake became louder and in the void Struggling violently.

Then these smaller big sun golden snakes began to roll and fight back violently, but they couldn't break free under the confinement of the huge ice tentacles. Then the ice tentacles suddenly exerted force, and the long and thin golden snakes together with the lower part were constantly being attacked by Li. Yihe Jiangyue used a large sword to cut off the fangs of the golden snakes, and fell from the sky.

   Suddenly, the scorching sun and golden rain were flying in the sky, and under the scorching heat, the situation that was supposed to be stable and winning suddenly changed, causing the monks in the Taixuan Land who had been extremely close to the towering city walls to change their faces by using various methods.

   But now they are hard to turn their heads like an arrow that leaves the string, they can only bite the bullet, lift the vitality of their bodies to the extreme, and hit the frosty country where the rolling mist is flying.

   "It's really disgusting ice scum."

   The extremely cold aura rolled from the front, causing the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu's brows to slightly furrow. For her born in the scorching sun, Frost is undoubtedly one of Xiliu's least favorite aura.

After    fell with a little disgusting murmur, the Nantian King Xiliu's left fist was immediately clenched, and he directly blasted out the void in front of him.

   In the next instant, before Xiliu was full of pure golden flames, a **** battle shield suddenly emerged from the depths of the void. At the same time, Pengmu's burly body and the spear of the God of War stabbed through the mysterious path!


   The loud noise produced by the collision of the fist and the battle shield rushed straight into the sky, and then a visible wave of vigor spread out and swept across, and the wave passed across the border, and the void in the Asura domain was cracked like paper.

   "Let's be close to the king, and I don't want to think about whether I can take my punch!"

After the tender shouts that contained the ultimate fighting spirit, on the left fist of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu, bursts of dazzling golden lava began to condense and flow again. Under the mighty sun, the former is not burly. The fist is like a little sun compressed to the extreme in the same round.

It’s worth mentioning that the stern-tempered Nantian King of Saint Court is extremely confident. He thinks that Peng Mu in front of him can’t catch his big sun punch, so he directly defends with offense, completely ignoring the tearing void. The spear once again hit Peng Mu's battle shield with a fierce punch.

   Supernatural powers. Big day punch!

   Ancient taboo magical powers. Body armor shield!

One attack, one defense, two types of the world’s top supernatural powers, suddenly collided with each other over the battlefield. The infinite power they produced directly deprived almost everyone on the battlefield of hearing, vision, and spirituality. .

   For a time, there was only endless golden light that filled the whole mind, and all the monks even felt a real scorching sun, and suddenly burst in front of them.

   Except for the golden sun, the surrounding monks could not hear any sound in their ears, as if the whole world was silent at this moment.

   "This is what the legend tells. The collision of the ultimate supernatural powers can not only produce space distortion, but even time will be distorted!"

An incomparable voice came from the monks in the Supreme Profound Land above the sea, and after nearly fifty breaths passed, the dazzling light gradually weakened under the gaze of countless lights, followed by two blurs. 'S figure continues to gradually appear in everyone's sight.

   "It is the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu and the mysterious fairy island human beings. None of them fell. This is terrible!"


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