Chapter 696: Bad relatives are coming

Xiao Zi saw that he sent her back without hesitation, and then went back. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and opened her mouth, but didn't say anything.

Sister Ying pricked up her ears and smiled as she returned to her room humming a song.

Jing Shirong also laughed, but it was a smile with evil intentions.

"Well, she's back, it's time for us to 'sleep'."

 The words "sleep" are written at the end, and the bite is very tempting.

Sister Ying covered her face, smiled, and let him go.

 The next day.

The couple were still sleeping, but Xiao Zi got up early.

This girl was so excited last night that she could still get up early.

 Woke up early and went to the kitchen to make snacks for Noor.

Nur came here early, probably because he wanted to see her early.

Xiao Zi went to open the door for him. As soon as the door opened, the two looked at each other. Xiao Zi was shy and said, "You are here."

Noor was also shy, "Well you got up so early."

 Xiao Zi twisted her shoulders, "Yes, you are so early too."

 Nur, “I bought you a melon, will you eat it?”

Xiao Zi nodded shyly, "Eat it." She said, taking the melon from his hand, and then hurried to the kitchen and took out breakfast.

 “I made breakfast for you, please sit down and eat together.”

Nuer calculated the time and saw that it was still very early, so he hummed, "Okay, let's eat together."

Seeing how they got along so well, the cook simply made room for them and let them sit down and eat.

The two of them were sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast together, their faces were red.

  After finishing the meal, both of them were reluctant to leave and wanted to stay a little longer. "Brother Nuer, what do you want to eat for lunch?"

  Noor, “I can do it all.”

 Xiao Zi crossed her fingers and said, "Would you like to go out for a walk together tonight?"

Her young lady said that since she wants to cultivate a relationship, she should often go out on dates and go shopping together at night, and the relationship will get better.

Nuer calculated the time and said, "Okay, I will accompany you to buy hairpins after work in the evening."

Xiao Zi blushed, but she didn't expect that he would still remember it.

 “Okay, then I’ll wait for you.”

  Nur stood up with red ears, "Then I'll go get busy."

 After saying that, he went to the backyard to build a chicken coop.

As soon as he went to the backyard, someone knocked on the door.


 Early in the morning.

Xiao Zi went to open the door and saw the couple she met on the street last night.


She remembered that these two people seemed to be brother Nuer’s third uncle and third aunt.

However, Nur’s family members seemed to be not very well, so I didn’t want to talk to them.

As soon as Third Aunt Noor saw that she was about to close the door, she immediately stopped her.

“Alas, little girl, don’t close the door, I’m here to find my nephew.”

Xiao Zi left the door open and asked, "What nephew? I don't know him."

She didn’t admit it, but Third Aunt Nuer remembered her.

"I know you. Last night you went shopping with our Nur on horseback. I saw him entering your house just now. You opened the door and let me in. I have something to do with him."

Xiao Zi blocked the door with great strength, leaving no room for her to enter.

He also said, "Our young lady and uncle are still asleep. If you are looking for your nephew, go outside and look for him. Don't come to my house to make any noise."

As soon as Third Aunt Noor saw her chasing people away, her face dropped.

 “You’re a little kid, you’re so young, you dare to chase people away?”

“You ask Nuer to come out. I am his third aunt and his elder. Ask him to come out and talk to me!”

 Xiao Zi looked at her as a shrew and refused to let her go.

“Who are you, the elder, and what does it have to do with me? I won’t receive your monthly salary, so get out of here, or I’ll report myself to the government.”

Third Aunt Noor was not afraid of her and pushed the door hard, "Little hoof, don't think I don't know if I brought a man into the house so early in the morning. Is he doing something dirty there?!"

These words are unpleasant to hear.

 Xiao Zi’s chest was heaving, and when he was about to get angry, Jing Shirong came out.

He came out in a black robe, walked to the door, and asked Xiao Zi to open the door.

“Uncle?” Jing Shirong raised his head and asked her, “It’s okay, just drive.”

With him here, Xiao Zi was no longer afraid, and opened the door with all her strength, causing Aunt Nuer to almost fall to pieces.


 “You are a little boy, but do you know how to respect the old and love the young?”

“With your character, our family will not allow you to marry Noor.”

While she was about to scold him, Jing Shirong stood in front of her and looked at her condescendingly.

 The tone was cold and stern, "What's wrong with you?"

Third Aunt Nuer didn’t expect that a man would suddenly come out, and he would be so ferocious. She was a little frightened, so she restrained herself a little.

"I came to see my nephew. I saw him come in just now."

Jing Shirong stared at her coldly, "So what?"

 The door of his house is not open to entry.


Third Aunt Noor did not expect that this man, who was good-looking, could be so fierce. She choked and said, "I have something to do with my nephew. Will he die if you call him out?"

 How come you are a junior and don’t know any manners?

Jing Shirong sneered, "I paid him for his work, and now you ask him to come out and delay my project. Are you going to pay for it?"

 “If you are willing to come out, let him come out now.”


Aunt Noor was at a loss for words. She came to borrow money, not to provide money.

Jing Shirong glanced at her coldly, "Since we have no money, just wait until he comes back after work."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left.

 Hand raised his hand to Xiao Zi, "Close the door!"

Xiao Zi was very relieved. She said "Oh" and closed the door with a "bang".

The one who was so strong almost slapped the door panel onto Aunt Nuer's nose.

The couple looked at each other, feeling very depressed.

“You are a dead person, haven’t you seen them bullying me?”

 I am usually so arrogant at home, but I am so cowardly when I go out.

Uncle Nur coughed and defended, "You women are quarreling, and I don't like to get involved."

"Besides, what they said is right. I paid him to come here to work. There is no reason to let him come out and waste time. It's better to come back at night."

Third Aunt Noor rolled her eyes at him and said, "You are the only one who can say it." Why didn't you say it just now?

 She was punished by others.

"Now what?"

How could they get in if the male owner is so cruel?

 “Go back first and come back in the evening.”

Third Aunt Noor sighed unhappily, "This is the only way."

 Inside the house.

Xiao Zi hurriedly ran to the backyard and told Nuer about this.

“Brother Nuer, your uncle and aunt just came over, they are so fierce.”

Nuer’s face turned cold, “Did they hurt you?”

 Xiao Zi nodded, "Yes, your third aunt is so cruel and even called me a little hooves."

Nur's face became angry, he put down his tools and rushed out.

 Xiao Zi hurriedly grabbed him.

“Don’t go yet, my uncle just drove them away.”

 Nur sighed, turned around and told her, "Next time they come, you don't have to worry about it, I'll handle it."

Xiao Zi smiled and hugged his arm, leaning her head over, "It's okay, I want to help you too."

She had heard from his aunt that the people in the Noor family were not very friendly, and she wanted to protect him.

It was the first time that Nuer felt protected by someone. She felt a little touched in her heart and touched her head with a big hand.

"Thank you."

Xiao Zi shook her head and smiled sweetly, "It's okay, you still have me, my aunt, my young lady and my uncle."

 “They will help us whenever we need something.”

The temperature has dropped, please remember to wear more clothes~()



 (End of this chapter)

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