Chapter 695: Falling in love

Sister Ying looked ashamed upstairs.

I didn’t expect that there were star chasers in ancient times.

Jing Shirong even had a big head, "I'd better wear a gauze hat when I go out."

 Although he had been looked at affectionately by girls before, this was the first time that they chased him so boldly.

Sister Ying covered her mouth and snickered, "Young lady, you are full of energy."

Jing Shirong became angry when he saw that she was still making sarcastic remarks, "Aren't you afraid that I will be eaten alive by them?"

Sister Ying patted her chest and promised, "No, I'm here to protect you."

Jing Shirong saw how vigorously she slapped her chest and took her hand away, "Be gentle." Don't damage my baby.

Sister Ying.

 “Brother, you have become bad~”

Jing Shirong raised the corner of his mouth, "Do you like it?"

Sister Ying’s eyebrows moved, “I like it~”

 The two of them looked at each other and were about to kiss.

But suddenly I heard a quarrel next door.

  “Where in the world do I dissatisfy you? Why do you just refuse to marry me?”

"I've been waiting for you for so many years, and I've liked you for so many years, why don't you accept my heart? What did I do wrong?"

 Listening to this voice, it sounds like the shrewd girl just now.

Jing Shirong nodded, "It is indeed her."

 The other man must be Kawuli.

The couple looked at each other gossipingly, then walked to the door with cat-like steps and began to listen to the corner.

Kawuli knew that Asari would definitely be angry, so he specifically chose the location on the third floor.

If we were on the second floor, everyone would have heard the mumbling.

 Fortunately, the streets were lively tonight, and the sound of people was so loud that it drowned out the voices inside the house.

He calmly took a sip of tea and said to Aisali, "I only regard you as my neighbor's sister. I have no feelings for you as a man and a woman, so naturally I can't marry you."

“I want to marry the woman I like, not the woman chosen by my family, do you understand?”

 He knows that family marriage has interests and is also good for him.

 But if you think about it carefully, there are actually more disadvantages.

 The people of the Asari family are good at calculations and are not of much use to his business. Instead, they will only add trouble to him.

His grandfather thought that it would be easier to do business with the powerful support of the Asari family.

 But what he is doing now is all outside business, and the power here cannot reach outside, so it is of no use to him.

   aside from talking about power, he really has no feelings for men and women towards Asari.

How can I get married to her if I don’t even like her?

 Alyssa could not accept this reality.

“My parents have told me since I was a child that I will be your wife in the future. I have always adhered to this belief for more than ten years. Now you tell me that you don’t want to marry me. What do you want me to do?”

So many people were waiting for her to marry Kawuli, but he said he wouldn’t?

 When the family members see that she has been rejected, where will her face go?

Even if she put aside her face, she has liked this man for so many years, and she really can't accept it when he says she won't marry him.

Kawuli saw that she couldn't make sense, so he didn't want to say anything anymore, "My attitude has been expressed to you. If you can't accept it, I can't either."

 He has already made up his mind and cannot marry her.

As for whether she would accept it or not, he had no choice.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Asari was heartbroken and hugged him from behind.

“Brother Kawuli, don’t do this to me. I really like you. Please don’t do this to me. Please, wuwu.”

 Looking really sad.

Sister Ying and Jing Shirong looked at each other, shook their heads, and stepped back further.

 The two of them exchanged words in a low voice, "Fuck debt~"

Jing Shirong nodded, "Let's go back, it's very late."

Sister Ying also wanted to go back, so she said, "Let's go, take the rooftop."

 Otherwise, if you walk on the ground, you will be overtaken by those little fans.

Jing Shirong nodded, picked her up, jumped directly from the balcony, and walked to the roof.

The two of them soon returned home. But the house was quiet because Sister Ying gave them all a day off at night.

It doesn’t matter if no one is at home, the couple can talk quietly behind closed doors.

Jing Shirong went to the closet to get some clothes and raised his eyebrows at her, "Let's take a bath together?"

Sister Ying gave him a cute look, "There is no hot spring water here, just a bucket."

“I don’t want to squeeze in with you. You can go wash outside.”

Jing Shirong thought about it, so he went out to the yard to fetch water and flush it.

Sister Ying also went to freshen up. She was sweating all over from dancing just now.

After washing, Jing Shirong was also washed clean.

Sister Ying went over to wipe his hair and asked him, "Are there any showers in the military camp?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yes, yes, but it's inconvenient."

Just one well, the water is used for cooking and eating, and everyone is not willing to use a lot of water.

If you want to take a bath, go to the nearby river. Hundreds of grown men will go down together and wash themselves randomly.

Sister Ying leaned over and smelled his scent, "Yeah, it doesn't stink."

It can be seen that this guy should take a shower very frequently on weekdays.

Jing Shirong pulled her over and said, "I'll smell yours too and see if it smells bad."

Sister Ying slapped him and said, "Go, go, please stop coming."

 It is not a good thing to see his virtue.

Sure enough, the two of them were noisy and went to the tent.

 It wasn't until late at night that Sister Ying suddenly remembered, "Xiao Zi hasn't come back yet."

Jing Shirong also remembered, "Where has she gone?"

Sister Ying told him with a chuckle, "You don't even know that that girl has fallen in love with a steward recently, and she's been chasing him so passionately."

Jing Shirong was curious, "Steward? From the third princess's family?"

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, his name is Nuer, he is a very honest and reliable young man."

This name Jing Shirong was mentioned by the third princess. He is indeed a reliable person.

 “If Xiao Zi likes it, let her go.”

That girl is loyal to them, and they hope to marry a man of good character.

Sister Ying saw that he loved Wujiwu, so she hugged him and gave him a kiss.

"She went out with Noor in the evening. She hasn't come back yet. I don't know where she went to fall in love."

Jing Shirong raised his eyebrows, "In love?"

Sister Ying smiled and said, "If a man and a woman are unmarried, if they like each other and are together, it's called love."

Jing Shirong asked, “Then what do we call our kind?”

Sister Ying chuckled and leaned on him, "We are already an old couple, what else can we call them."

Jing Shirong still prefers to listen to old couples. He hugged her and said, "Then let's call it sex."

 Speaking, he continued to roll on the bed.

 Sister Ying? ? ?

This guy can actually pronounce words.

But to say, "I haven't asked Xiao Zi to come back yet."

 It’s midnight, and it’s time for the little girl to go home.

Jing Shirong said, "If you disturb someone when they are in love, wouldn't you spoil their business?"

“Besides, there are secret guards following us, so it’ll be fine.”

Sister Ying nodded, "That's true."

There are nine secret guards around her, and there is one beside Xiao Zi.

 Plus Noor is a reliable person and won't mess around before marriage, so it's probably fine.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Zi was sent back.

She originally wanted to chat with Noor for a while, but Noor said, "I will be busy tomorrow and I need to rest."

 Then he sent her back.

 (End of this chapter)

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