Chapter 672, New Servant

Sister Ying was sleeping soundly in the house and didn't hear the gossip outside.

Jing Shirong woke up first, and when he heard this, he became very angry.

He lowered his head and glanced at the woman sleeping soundly on the bed. When he got angry, he lowered his head and started to deal with someone.

Sister Ying snorted, "Hey, what are you doing?"

 In the early morning, they start to eat people.

She whimpered twice, but she was not as strong as anyone else, so she gave up the struggle.

With all this fuss, I slept for a long time.

Xiao Zi saw that they were not awake yet, so she didn't call them. Instead, she went to water the flowers and plants, and then cleaned the yard.

 While waiting for noon, the servant Mr. Zhong asked for came to report.

“Sister Xiao Zi, the prince consort called us here. Just call me Xiao Liti.”

Mr. Zhong found a total of three slaves, all of whom were women.

 A woman who cooks, a woman who cleans the yard, and a woman who serves in the house.

The cook didn't talk much to the little girl who was cleaning the yard. She seemed to be quite honest and she started cleaning up the yard as soon as she arrived.

 The remaining one, named Xiao Litty, is much more lively. The people are beautiful too.

She is tall and thin, with big and bright eyes and a high nose. She is a typical local beauty.

She talked a lot, and she took Xiao Zi and chatted a lot.

 What, "Sister Xiao Zi, you are so tall, you are actually taller than me. What did you eat to grow up?"

Xiao Zi saw how beautiful she was, and she was sweet-mouthed, calling her sister one after another, which made her feel very beautiful.

She coughed and felt like the eldest sister, "I just eat more rice, nothing special. If you want to grow as tall as me, just eat more rice and meat."

Little Liti hugged her arm with a smile and asked her, "Is our young lady and uncle not up yet?"

Before coming here, she inquired and said that the ladies and uncles in this family were very easy to get along with, and the monthly salary given by the prince-in-law was higher than that of other employers, so she naturally fought for it.

Seeing how familiar she was, Xiao Zi smiled and said, "They are still asleep. Just help take care of the flowers and plants in the yard. I can come to the house."

Although she likes this sweet-tongued little sister, her uncle doesn't like being served by outsiders. She is afraid that Xiaoli will disturb them if she goes in, so she just lets her work outside.

 But Little Litty was unwilling.

She thought she was young and beautiful, and she might marry a rich man in the future, so she didn't want to do menial work in the yard to avoid roughening her hands, so she naturally wanted to do some easy work in the house, like serving tea and pouring water.

Xiao Zi didn’t know what she was thinking and even assigned her tasks with a silly smile.

“Water these flowers and plants carefully, don’t water them too much, and pull out any weeds immediately.”

"And those vegetables, sometimes you need to pour some manure on them to make them grow fresh and tender."

 The vegetables grown by oneself are definitely fresher than those sold on the street, so Xiao Zi also takes good care of them.

 On the other hand, Little Litty was not very happy when she heard that she was going to get rid of all the dung.

  Put your lips and come over to act like a baby.

“Sister Xiao Zi, I used to do the job of serving tea and pouring water. I really don’t understand these flowers and plants. Otherwise, you can ask Xiao Guli to do it.”

 She doesn’t want to do the dirty work anyway, she just wants to be pretty.

Originally she wanted to seduce the prince-in-law, but her father said that all the prince-in-law’s money belonged to the princess. If she tried to seduce the prince-in-law, she would be beaten to death by the third princess.

 She just gave up.

Since you can't seduce the Prince Consort, you must find another way out.

When she came here, she heard from the prince-in-law that the young lady and uncle of this family were from the capital.

Since he is from the capital and has a relationship with the princess's consort, this family may also be a wealthy family.

If her uncle was not ugly and had money, she would forcefully seduce him. Then becoming a concubine would be better than marrying one of those rough and rough men.

 So she always wanted to go into the house and have a look.

"Sister Xiao Zi, it's already this time, why don't I go in and call my uncle? I have to get up to eat, otherwise it will be bad for my stomach." Xiao Zi clicked her tongue and hurriedly grabbed her.

“Don’t go yet. My young lady and uncle don’t like to be woken up.”

 When at home, the couple always sleeps until they wake up naturally.

They never called out, so as not to disturb others' dreams.

After hearing this, Little Liti felt a little impatient, but she still had a sweet smile on her face.

"Yes, yes, yes, I listen to Sister Xiaozi, so I'll go and guard the door now, in case the young lady wakes up later and can't find anyone to serve her."

 Xiao Zi straight man said, "No. If my lady wakes up, she will call me."

"While they don't get up, you go out to Xiamen and buy some fruits. The lady will get up later and you can eat them."

Little Liti looked at the bright sun outside. She didn't want to tan, so she declined, "Otherwise, sister Xiaozi, go buy it. I don't know what our lady likes to eat. I bought the wrong one for the new year."

Xiao Zi nodded, not noticing anything was wrong.

“That’s right, let me go and sweep the corridor, it’s all dust.”

 Xiao Liti responded, "Okay, okay, go ahead. I'll clean it up in a while."

 But after Xiao Zi left, she didn't clean it at all. Instead, she used a fan to warm herself up, and then looked up and down in the yard like a hostess to see if there was anything more valuable.

 Before coming, the Prince Consort did not reveal much information about this family.

But the person who can ask the Prince Consort to personally help find servants is not an ordinary person.

But this yard is indeed a bit crude.

Except for a yard of flowers, plants and vegetables, there is nothing else.

She went to the kitchen and didn't see any dishes. She was not sure whether this family had money.

 If she doesn’t have money, she won’t do it.

The woman who was cooking saw her strolling around leisurely, shook her head and said to her, "Go to work, don't get scolded later."

  Little Liti looked indifferent and even argued, "I didn't say I wouldn't do it. I just came here and I need to get familiar with the environment first."

 After that, I sat down on a chair and fanned myself. I had no intention of going out to work.

Seeing her virtue, the cook didn't say anything and went to clean the kitchen by herself.

 After Xiao Zi came back from buying fruits, Sister Ying almost woke up.

As soon as she entered the yard, she heard Sister Ying calling him, "Xiao Zi~"

Xiao Zi said "Oh" and ran over quickly.

 “Here we come.”

She came in with the fruit and saw Sister Ying leaning lazily on Jing Shirong.

 Looking up, he saw Xiao Zi coming in and asked her, "What are you having for breakfast?"

Xiao Zi looked at her lack of energy and smiled, "It's already noon, and it's still morning."

Sister Ying also laughed, "What are you going to have for lunch?"

 She was hungry.

 Not only was he hungry, but he also had no strength, all because of this evil-minded old fox.

Jing Shirong turned around and smiled, "What? You dare to say bad things about me?"

After saying that, he lowered his head and came close to her, and whispered harsh words in her ear, "Don't you want your waist anymore?"

Sister Ying's face turned red with anger, "You, you are shameless."

The bullying was pretty much done last night, and I was still being bullied this morning. It was really bad.

I don’t know if it’s because I’m getting old, this discomfort, that discomfort, tears~



 (End of this chapter)

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