Chapter 671, the anger of the single dog

When Jing Shirong came back, he saw Sister Ying holding her child and talking quietly at the dinner table.

He was puzzled. He looked around and saw that the third princess was not there. He asked Sister Ying, "Where are they?"

Sister Ying held the child in her arms, walked upstairs and told him, "It's on the second floor."

She also didn't expect that the third princess looked serious, but was actually so anxious, which was really impressive.

Jing Shirong raised his eyebrows when he heard the commotion upstairs, lowered his head and took a deep look at Sister Ying.

Sister Ying felt his warm gaze and coughed, "Little Piggy is still here. You should sit down and eat first."

Jing Shirong sat down as he was told, but his eyes were still staring at her, scanning her up and down, his eyes were direct and hot.

Sister Ying's ears turned red and she said to him, "I'm still at someone else's house. Don't look at me like that."

Jing Shirong was not shy at all and said bluntly, "Then go back after dinner."

Sister Ying's face turned red, "Why are you so anxious? I haven't eaten enough yet."

Jing Shirong curled his lips, slightly disappointed, "How about another bowl?"

 Then go back.

Sister Ying coughed, looked down at the innocent child, and said, "I know."

 This man is really.

 Not ashamed at all.

After eating, Jing Shirong threw the child to Xiao Zi and told her, "Give it to the third princess later, and we will go back first."

 After saying that, he hugged Sister Ying and ran back.

 Leave Xiao Zi holding the child in the forest in the wind.

 “Why so purple!”

 Have we agreed to go back together?

It’s really a matter of paying more attention to **** than to slaves!

 The child in the arms, "chirp, chirp, chirp," licking his hands.

 Looking innocent.

 After arriving home, someone became anxious, picked up the little rabbit and ran towards the nest.

Sister Ying covered her face and was shy, but she also hugged the big bad wolf's neck and entered the den.

 Xiao Zi was the only one who was popular, holding her child in her arms and complaining in the Third Princess's Courtyard.

She looked down at the baby in her arms and muttered, "So are your parents. How late are they? They are already making younger brothers and sisters for you. They don't even want you anymore, huh." How do you become parents? .

 “And the young lady and uncle too.”

They were making younger brothers and sisters, and they actually followed suit. It was just getting dark, and they were not ashamed.

 She is the only one in the family, it is really miserable, ugh ugh ugh.

Little Piggy couldn’t understand and didn’t know what she was whining about, so she grinned with her little mouth.

 The next day.

 After the third princess and Young Master Zhong woke up, they remembered that they had a son, so they went downstairs to look for him.

Xiao Zi glanced at him resentfully, snorted angrily, and handed the child to Young Master Zhong, "You servant, go back first!"

 After saying that, he went back angrily with the resentment of a single person on his face.

 When we got to our courtyard, Sister Ying and the others were not awake yet.

Xiao Zi sighed and resigned to her fate to make breakfast.

The neighbor woman saw her busy going in and out and came over to care, "Where have you and your lady been these past few days? Why haven't you come back?"

Xiao Zi coughed and said, "Oh, we went to the third princess's house to help take care of the children."

When the women heard this, they immediately looked at each other.

 Looking as if he had heard some shocking secret.

They looked around and saw no one. They came over in a low voice and asked Xiao Zi, "You mean, you and your lady went to the third princess's house to take care of the child?"

 What kind of relationship chain is this?

Didn’t I say before that this little lady has a man?

 How can a man go to the third princess’s house to take care of the children? She doesn't look like a nanny either.

Several women looked at each other, confused. Xiao Zi didn’t know what they were thinking, so she ignored them and turned around to go back to water the flowers, but was grabbed by the arms of several women.

"Don't leave in a hurry. You haven't been back for several days. Please have a good chat with us."

Xiao Zi saw their enthusiasm and had been holding back her chatter for several days. She was about to chat with someone, so she stopped and started chatting with them.

"You don't know, taking care of the children these days has made me exhausted."

Several women asked gossipingly, "Is there no servant in the third princess's courtyard? Why do you need your help to take care of the children?"

 Xiao Zi clicked her tongue, "I didn't take care of that, okay? The third princess trusted me and gave the child to me."

What I said is quite proud.

 Several women laughed and asked her, "Then why is your lady going too?"

Or, "You have a very close relationship with the third princess?"

 Otherwise, how could he go to the third princess's house and take care of her children? I think we should have a good relationship.

Seeing that they had guessed correctly, Xiao Zi said proudly, "Our young lady and the third princess are good friends. The third princess is busy these days, so we went over to look after her child and sit down to chat. It's all between friends. Help."

Several other women looked at each other and felt that there was a bit too much water in it. They didn't believe it, "You mean your young lady and the third princess are friends?"

Didn’t you say before that this young lady and the Prince Consort are having an affair?

 So it’s not?

Xiao Zi had never heard of this gossip and thought they were curious about the relationship between her family and the third princess, so she started talking about it.

"Our young lady has known the third princess since she was in the capital. They are close friends."

Several women were stunned for a while after hearing this.

 “A close friend in the boudoir?”

 Could it be that they misunderstood?

Or, is this close friend secretly hooking up with the prince-in-law behind the third princess’s back? Then the third princess didn't notice and still thought she was a good friend?

 If this is the case, then the news is really big.

Woman A whispered, "What's the relationship between your young lady and your consort?"

 Xiao Zi looked innocent, "It's pretty good."

 “They are all good friends.”

The women looked at each other and said, "So, who was the man who came back with your lady last time?"

 Xiao Zi, “My uncle.”

She spoke frankly, and the women looked at each other and asked, "So it's your uncle?"

Is it possible that this young lady is really married?

Xiao Zi looked at their confused faces and asked, "What? Do you have any questions?"

Woman A took advantage of the situation and asked, "Why have you never seen your uncle come back before?"

And it seems that no one in the army has ever heard of such a number one figure.

That man is handsome. If he is doing well, the men in the family will probably mention him.

If I didn't mention it, he should be a relatively unknown recruit.

Xiao Zi had no intention of telling them about Jing Shirong. She looked at the clock and said, "Oh, I have to go back to heat the buns. It's time for my aunt and daughter to get up."

After saying that, he said goodbye to them and went into the house.

Several women craned their necks to look inside, "Could it be that we have misunderstood?"

 Woman A, “I think so.”

“Otherwise, with the personality of the third princess, it would be impossible for her to watch the prince-in-law act recklessly.”

 Woman B, “Maybe the third princess doesn’t know about this.”

Maybe this little lady is very clever, and she may have deceived both her man and the third princess.

Woman C said, "Just be upset. I think you don't like other people's men being better-looking than yours." So she tried her best to smear her family.

Woman Yi rolled her eyes at her and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? I don't have it."

 When the other women saw this, they all laughed.

"Okay, okay, since the third princess didn't come out to rectify this matter, maybe we misunderstood, so we should stop spreading rumors and go back."

 (End of this chapter)

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