The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 649: , the scandal between Sister Ying and Mr. Zhong

Chapter 649: The scandal between Sister Ying and Mr. Zhong

 This statement becomes more and more outrageous.

Sister Ying faintly heard a few words, which seemed to be talking about her and Young Master Zhong?

  Although I couldn't hear clearly, I guess they were gossiping about her and Mr. Zhong's gossip.

 She turned around and looked over coldly, "What are you talking about?"

Her tone was stern, and her beautiful black eyes were a bit charming when she wasn't smiling.

The women felt a little guilty for no reason. They coughed and said, "It's nothing." After saying that, they ran away.

After all, he was the prince's consort, so he didn't dare to really offend him, so he ran away naturally.

Sister Ying was speechless and also had a headache.

  Complaining to Xiao Zi, "Why did it get passed on to me?"

Isn’t this a matter between the Prince Consort and the Third Princess?

 Why are you still involved with her?

Xiao Zi was also confused, "They wouldn't think that you were the one who seduced the Prince Consort, would they?"

This is too ridiculous.

But if you think about it this way, it seems to make sense.

After all, those women didn't see the scene of Lady Mei seducing the Prince Consort, so they naturally thought of Sister Ying.

Especially Jing Shirong was in the military camp every day and came back rarely. Everyone couldn't see the man in the courtyard, so they naturally thought that Sister Ying was being kept by the prince-in-law.

Coupled with the fact that the third princess came to make a fuss yesterday, everyone naturally thought that Sister Ying was being kept outside by the consort, and naturally they started talking.

 Sister Ying has a headache.

"I am a person sitting at home, and trouble comes from outside the door."

She was a middleman who helped the third princess and her husband take care of their children, yet she was rumored to be an outlaw. She was even more unjust than Dou E.

 Especially since she was holding a child, the group of women hiding in the alley and peeking made bold guesses.

"The outer room, don't you want to hold the child to provoke the third princess?"

 Woman A, "I don't think so. What kind of temperament does the third princess have that can provoke an outsider?"

“I see, that person in the outer room probably wants to hold the child in his arms to find the Prince Consort.”

 As long as you have a child in hand, you are not afraid that the prince-in-law will not show mercy.

If you go back and forth and have one more child with your consort, your status will be stable in the future.

Even if the third princess disagrees, the Prince Consort will never ignore her.

 After all, a child has been born, and gold, silver, and jewelry are definitely indispensable.

The women nodded one after another, feeling that it made sense.

The charming lady who was mixed in the crowd did not expect that things would be spread like this.

The child was obviously brought by the third princess, but it became the one born to the prince-in-law by the charming son. It was really interesting.

But this is fine.

As long as the remarks are not directed at her, it doesn't matter what others say about her.

  It would be very satisfying if the relationship between the Prince Consort and the Third Princess breaks down.

When the time comes when the prince-in-law is in a bad mood, if she comes out to give him gentle advice, she will surely become his confidante.

Looking at the big and small bags that the Prince Consort buys every time he goes to the street, he must be rich.

 Plus he was pretty and good-looking, much better than those greasy military men, so she naturally wanted to get him.

As for the third princess, she must move quietly and not be discovered.

Sister Ying ignored what those people said and carried her child to the military camp.

He didn't recognize her at the door of the military camp and stopped her, "Who is that?"

Sister Ying coughed and covered her face with a gauze scarf, "I am the Third Princess's servant, and I have been ordered to find the Prince Consort."

The guard didn't recognize such a prominent figure in the third princess's house, so he asked her to wait outside while he went in first to report.

As soon as Young Master Zhong heard that there was a woman coming to see him outside the door, he thought it was the third princess who was coming. He immediately became happy and wanted to rush out.

 But then I thought about it, the third princess was too young to wear women’s clothes.

It is impossible for the guard not to recognize her and call her a woman, then she is not the third princess.

 He felt lost and didn't want to move anymore.

  Until the soldier said, "The woman was holding a child in her arms, and she called her Little Piggy."

As soon as Young Master Zhong heard that his son was coming, he quickly ran out to see him.

 “Sister Ying?”

Sister Ying saw that he looked haggard. She thought he had not slept all night, and his eyes were all blue and black.

She handed the child over and asked him, "You have been out for a day, why don't you go back?" Young Master Zhong refused, "I won't go back!"

Sister Ying had no choice but to say, "Otherwise, why don't we go out for a drink?"

Mr. Zhong also wanted to find someone to have a drink and talk to, so he hummed, hugged the child, and went out with her.

Just at this moment, Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming were passing by with their new soldiers, and they saw Sister Ying and Young Master Zhong.

Qi Yuanming said "Huh?" "Isn't that Sister Ying?"

 “Why is she with Mr. Zhong?”

Jing Shirong also looked over and saw that it was indeed Sister Ying.

 Even if you cover it from beginning to end, you can still recognize it at a glance.

He was also surprised, why did Sister Ying come to the military camp?

Moreover, you didn’t come to see him, but to see Mr. Zhong? ?

Qi Yuanming was also surprised, "Why did she leave with Mr. Zhong?"

Jing Shirong frowned and gave him the whip, "I'll go take a look."

 After saying that, he climbed up the city wall and chased after him.

Sister Ying took Young Master Zhong to a wine shop on the street.

 This store is the property of the third princess. As soon as they entered, someone took them to a private room.

Mr. Zhong held his son in his arms and sighed, and asked Sister Ying, "Did she ask you to bring your son to me?"

Sister Ying huffed and said honestly, "No."

Mr. Zhong felt even more depressed when he heard that it was not the third princess who asked Sister Ying to come to him.

 “She really doesn’t like me.”

He ran away from home all night, and she didn't even look for him. She really didn't love him.

Sister Ying comforted him, "That's not true. In fact, the third princess cares about you."

Mr. Zhong laughed at himself, "She cares about me? Does she care that I won't look for me all night?"

“Does she care that I let me run away from home without stopping?”

 She doesn’t care about him at all!

 Don’t love him either.

 If you cared about him, you wouldn't be so embarrassed by him.

To embarrass him in front of such people is simply because you don’t like him and don’t regard him as a husband.

 “In her eyes, I am worse than a dog.”

After saying that, he sadly picked up the wine, raised his head and drank it.

Sister Ying clicked her tongue, feeling that it was hard to persuade her.

She went the other way and said deliberately, "Since the third princess doesn't care about you, you can just make peace with her."

"In order to avoid being sad for her every day, it is better to separate and find a new one."

Mr. Zhong was stunned.



 He had never thought about this.

 Although the marriage was sudden, he recognized her as his wife.

 Furthermore, after being married for two years, he loved her and couldn't live without her.

Even if she doesn't love him and doesn't care, he still doesn't want to leave her.

 Thinking about it this way, it becomes even more uncomfortable.

 “Why am I the only one who cares about her, and why am I the only one who is sad?”

 After saying that, he continued to drink a bowl of wine.

Sister Ying felt that he was depressed and was afraid of hurting the child, so she asked the child to come over.

 “Let me hold you, and you drink yours.”

Mr. Zhong refused, "No, this is my and her son. No one can take it away."

He ran too impulsively yesterday and left his son behind. He couldn't sleep all night, fearing that his son would look for him in the middle of the night.

Now that I finally have my son in my arms, I naturally can't let him go back to his heartless mother.

 Master Zhong lowered his head and glanced at Zhengxiang's sleeping son, feeling sad again.

 “She doesn’t love me, nor our son.”

 (End of this chapter)

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