The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 648: , to see my son in the middle of the night

Chapter 648: Visiting my son in the middle of the night

Sister Ying glared at her and said, "You are the only one who can speak."

 The third princess was just impulsive because she was jealous for a moment and couldn't calm down her jealousy.

 If it had been anyone else, she might not have even looked at it.

 In the final analysis, it’s because I care too much.

 I care about Mr. Zhong as a person and his words. I am afraid that he will be snatched away by other women, and that he does not like her.

 She has always been strong and never caters to men's preferences.

 The only time I felt inferior about my appearance was because he said "I hate you".

 One word of disgust made her feel that she was too bad, neither beautiful nor gentle, so she didn’t blame him for being disgusted.

 Because of this emotion, she was in a bad mood all day long and naturally could not take good care of her son.

 Coupled with the fact that she didn’t want her son to know about the quarrel between her parents and let her young son experience the sadness of such discord between his parents, she asked Sister Ying to take the child away.

Xiao Zi clicked her tongue and felt a little emotional when she heard Sister Ying's explanation.

“It seems that I misunderstood the third princess.”

 She thought the third princess had given up her children because she was angry with Mr. Zhong.

I didn’t expect that she has a loving motherly heart behind her.

Sister Ying put the child on the bed, wrapped the quilt around the edge of the bed, and sighed.

 “Just wait, she will definitely be here tomorrow.”

 No, I might come over at night to peek at my son.

Xiao Zi chuckled and said, "Why peek?" Can't it be aboveboard?

Sister Ying raised her lips and said, "Guess."

Xiao Zi chuckled, "No need to guess, I know, that's awkward."

 The master and servant looked at each other and smiled.

At night.

After Little Piggy had eaten his fill, Sister Ying held him in her arms and put him to sleep on the bed.

However, this little guy was full of energy. After eating and drinking, he started babbling. He didn't know what he was talking about, but he just refused to sleep.

Sister Ying held him in her arms and sang children's songs, but the more she sang, the more energetic he became.

He was not happy when he stopped singing later and said "ahhhh" several times, as if in protest.

Sister Ying is really impressed by him. The more she looks at this boy, the more he looks like the third princess.

He has thick eyebrows and a big head. He is much bigger than babies of the same month, and his flesh is also very firm. It looks like he will become a practitioner in the future.

Especially because he is in good spirits and will not sleep until he uses up all the power in his body.

Sister Ying was so sleepy that she yawned, but he still didn't sleep.

 “Why aren’t you sleeping yet?”

 What kind of child is this? He doesn't sleep in the middle of the night.

 There were several times that Sister Ying wanted to go to bed first.

The key thing is that as soon as she closes her eyes, people start screaming. Don't let her sleep at all.

 At first she thought the baby didn't understand and wanted to sleep secretly.

But he was fine, and when he saw that she didn't move any more, and she patted him with her little hands, he immediately burst into tears.

Sister Ying thought he would stop crying after two cries.

Nel will keep crying as long as she doesn't open his eyes and continue to pat him.

She was really afraid of him, so she could only hold her eyelids open and patted his blanket gently with her little hand.

 “Sleep, sleep, my dear little rascal.”

Humming like this while filming.

 But I am still very energetic, but I won’t sleep.

 When the third princess came over, it was already late at night.

At this time, the street was quiet, only the sound of insects was left.

She stood on the roof of Sister Ying's house, lifted up the tiles and looked down. She saw her son's eyes wide open and his little chubby hands still shaking. He was not sleepy at all.

Sister Ying on the side was obviously very sleepy, and she was still coaxing her son with her eyes open.

This was the first time she saw someone rolling his eyes sleepily, but he held on to sleepiness and almost died from laughing.

 “You brat, you really know how to torture people.”

 Usually someone named Zhong takes care of him at night. It must be like this. He is so sleepy that he can't sleep.

 No wonder his eyes have always been dark recently. It turns out to be lack of sleep.

 It’s her fault too. She went to bed first every night when she felt sleepy. She had no idea that her son would be so torturous in the second half of the night.

She knew it was hard to take care of a child, so she left all the child's affairs to Zhong.

 Thinking about it now, she was indeed a bit excessive.

 She shouldn't have dragged him in front of so many people today.

   You shouldn’t even distrust her.

She knew that he would not mess around outside, but when she saw him standing with other women, she couldn't help but think that maybe he would be happier if it were other women.

 She can't let go, but she can't let go.

So this tangled mentality made her emotional, and she became violent with him.

Had she known she would have restrained her temper and been nice to him.

Now she regrets it and doesn’t know where to go.

Sister Ying coughed and reminded her, "Go to the military camp and have a look. Maybe the prince-in-law is crying in the tent."

The third princess didn’t expect to be discovered by her, so she snorted and left.

The kind that even my son won’t even look at.

Seeing her coming and going in such a hurry, Sister Ying shook her head helplessly.

  Complaining to the little thing on the bed, "Your mother is so awkward." Like her brother Rong, she is also an awkward person.

I can’t imagine what the situation of these two people would have been like if Jing Shirong had married the third princess.

Both of them are indifferent and don't know how to please others.

 Plus they are both Cold War factions, so if there was a real quarrel, they would probably have to go their separate ways within a month.

 Let alone have children together.

From this point of view, Mr. Zhong is more suitable for the third princess.

 She compares with Shi Rong.

 When she mentioned Jing Shirong, she missed him.

I don’t know what happened to him in the military camp.

 Otherwise, take the children over to see him tomorrow?

 When I think about it, I get motivation.

Seeing that the little guy on the bed finally closed his eyes, Sister Ying quickly hugged him and fell asleep together.

 I slept very deeply this night.

 I didn’t wake up until noon.

After she was full of sleep, Sister Ying stretched lazily and yawned.


 Finally had enough sleep.

 She was so sleepy last night.

She woke up and touched the bedside, only to find that the bedside was empty, and she was startled.

 “Where is the child?”

 Xiao Zi came over and said, "Mom is feeding me."

Sister Ying breathed a sigh of relief, "I was scared to death."

If you wake up and your child is gone, you will be really scared and sick.

 After the little guy was full, his two chubby hands began to wave around.

Sister Ying got up to eat and asked him to be quiet. "I'll take you to your father later. Don't make any noise."

 Little Piggy couldn’t understand what she meant, and kept babbling.

After having a full meal, Sister Ying put on her cloak and hair, held her child in her arms, and prepared to go to the military camp to find Mr. Zhong.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw a group of women chattering in the corner, as if they were talking about something.

Sister Ying came out with the baby in her arms. Their eyes widened immediately, as if they couldn't believe she actually had a baby.

So they lowered their heads and whispered.

 “Oh my god, that child can’t be the prince-consort’s, right?”

“No wonder the princess was so angry yesterday. Did it turn out that the consort had a child with this woman outside?”

 Woman A, "It should be. Otherwise, the third princess wouldn't have come out to arrest him personally. I believe the child really belongs to the Prince Consort."

Woman B, "I really didn't expect it. The prince-in-law looked so polite, but I didn't expect that he moved very quickly."

 Woman A, "Man, if your mother-in-law is not beautiful, why don't you go out and eat it secretly?"

“Besides, although the woman’s appearance cannot be clearly seen, her eyes are so attractive that it would be strange if the consort doesn’t like her.”

 (End of this chapter)

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