The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 646: , misunderstanding between husband and wife

 Chapter 646, misunderstanding between husband and wife

Mr. Zhong was so frightened that his forehead was sweating.

 “Empress, empress, empress.”

 “I, myself, me.”

 How could he be so unlucky that he met the third princess at this stall?

The third princess stared at him coldly.

 “What are you?”

Mr. Zhong had cold sweat streaming down his forehead. He wanted to go over and explain, but he was afraid, so he could only wipe the sweat on the spot.

"Listen to my explanation, I have nothing to do with her. I don't even know her. It's me, me, me."

The third princess rolled her eyes at him. She didn't want to be embarrassed outside, so she took her son to Sister Ying's courtyard first.

Sister Ying was sitting at the table munching corn, so she was very happy to see her coming.

 “Why are you here?”

 “Yo, little piggy is here too.”

 After saying that, he came over with a smile and wanted to hold the child in the arms of the third princess.

The third princess rolled her eyes at her, snorted, and sat down with the child in her arms, looking unhappy.

Sister Ying has a puzzled look on her face? "What is this?"

 The third princess did not reply to her, looking cold and unwilling to talk to her.

Sister Ying was confused. She looked outside and saw Mr. Zhong lingering in the courtyard and did not dare to come in. She thought the couple had had a quarrel.

 She went over and asked Mr. Zhong, "What's wrong? Did you offend her?"

Mr. Zhong scratched his head, it was very big.

  He hesitated, "That's right. There was a woman who was wearing cool clothes just talking to me, and she happened to be seen by the third princess."

Sister Ying was suspicious, "Female?"

 Still wearing something cool?

 “Who is it?” Does she know him?

Mr. Zhong had a headache, "It's the woman we met at your door last night. She was wearing a red gauze skirt and her belly button was exposed."

Sister Ying remembered, it turned out to be the person from last night.

That Young Master Zhong is really unlucky.

The third princess actually met her, and she jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't even wash her away.

Mr. Zhong coughed and asked, "What should I do now?"

 He did not dare to go in and explain, for fear that the third princess would go crazy.

Sister Ying shrugged, "That needs an explanation."

You can't let the third princess misunderstand things like this.

 The most taboo thing between husband and wife is misunderstanding without explanation, "So you'd better explain it, and I'll help you keep an eye on it." Don't get into a fight for a while.

Mr. Zhong nodded, feeling that what she said made sense.

“If she wants to hit me at that moment, please remember to stop her.”

If no one stops him, he is afraid of being beaten into a pig head.

Sister Ying nodded and assured, "Yes, Xiao Zi and I will stop you. Come in quickly and explain."

Mr. Zhong took a deep breath and followed her in uneasily.

As soon as he entered the room, he felt that the air pressure in the room was low, and the third princess's face still looked ugly.

Mr. Zhong cautiously came over and pulled her sleeves, "Madam."

The third princess slapped his hand away angrily and ignored him.

Mr. Zhong continued to explain, "I really have nothing to do with that woman. I don't know her at all."

The third princess snorted coldly, "Don't you know her? You didn't know her and you talked to her for so long?"

Mr. Zhong was wronged, "She was the one who stopped me. She had to tell me a lot. You came before I could reject her. You really misunderstood me."

The third princess glanced at him coldly, "What did you do last night?"

 When she went back last night, she smelled a strong smell of powder on his body.

This smell is exactly the same as that of the woman just now.

 It’s also her fault for being negligent. She was busy practicing sword practice every day to lose weight back to her previous figure, and she didn’t even care about him.

This lack of supervision led to him hooking up with other women.

Mr. Zhong shouted directly, "You really misunderstood. We don't even have a single character, so how can we be considered to be hooking up."

It means hooking up, and it’s the other person hooking up with him. How can he be brave?

The third princess glared at him, "You mean, do you have such evil intentions?"

Mr. Zhong was wronged, "How can I not? Don't accuse me wrongly. I am innocent anyway!"

He just came to see Sister Ying. He didn’t know the woman at all, so why did he wrong her?

The third princess saw that he was still very stubborn and slapped the table angrily, "You are still reasonable!"

You dare to hook up with other women behind her back, your body smells like a vixen, and you still have the confidence to challenge her?

Mr. Zhong took a deep breath and felt that she was a bit unreasonable.

"I have already said that she and I are innocent, please don't accuse me unjustly!"

The third princess made a sound, stood up angrily, handed her son to Sister Ying, then walked over and picked up Young Master Zhong's collar.

 “Are you attracted to that foxy girl?”

Mr. Zhong took a breath, "How can I have it?"

That foxy girl is not his type. He's not interested.

The third princess didn’t believe it, “Then why did you smell like her last night?”

Mr. Zhong recalled, "Last night?"

Oh, yes, the woman came close to him last night, and she did sprinkle some powdery smell on him.

"But I didn't really touch her. I just got close and was tainted with the smell of powder. I'm innocent."

The third princess sneered, not wanting to hear it.

 “From today on, you will take care of your children at home and take care of your duties, and you are not allowed to go anywhere.”

 It means that he is going to be imprisoned.

Mr. Zhong was unconvinced, "Why?"

 He didn’t steal from anyone, he was innocent, why should he be locked up!

 The third princess was so jealous that she had lost all reason.

“The general’s words are my orders. Go back to me immediately!”

Mr. Zhong was dissatisfied, "I won't go back! I am your husband, not your subordinate. You can't do this to me."

When the third princess saw that he didn't listen, she walked over, grabbed him by the collar, and dragged him home.

 Because everyone was up at this time, and when they heard the movement, they came out to see it.

"What's going on? Why is the princess carrying the prince-in-law? And she still looks angry?"

Woman A, "Besides, the prince-in-law came out of the new lady's yard. What's the relationship between the two of them?"

Woman B, "Isn't it the prince-consort who is raising a wife outside behind the princess's back?"

Woman C: "I think so. Last night I watched from a distance that the prince-in-law and the young lady went in and out together."

"The two of them were probably together. Unexpectedly, the third princess found out and came to catch her."

People were talking a lot, "Isn't that little lady a family member of some military lord? Isn't it a pretense?"

 Other women, “probably just a cover.”

 After all, the princess looks so unfeminine, it is inevitable that the prince-consort will be interested in other women.

 But being caught today is a bit unlucky.

 Master Zhong was dragged by the collar directly on the road, which was really ugly.

 So many people were watching, and although they couldn't hear clearly what they were saying, they were definitely laughing at him.

 He felt that his dignity as a man had been trampled under his feet, and he was a little angry.

 “Let me go!”

 The third princess doesn’t.

He looked at him provocatively and said, "This general won't let go, so what can you do?"

Even if her body has not recovered, it is still more than enough to deal with a thin man.

Mr. Zhong was so angry that he felt like he was feeding the dog with all his sincerity.

Over the past year or so, he has devoted himself to their mother and daughter at home, but he has not received any respect. Being carried along the street shows no dignity at all.

 He got angry and yelled, "I'll let you go!"

There are so few votes~(o^^o)



 (End of this chapter)

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