The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 645: , was bumped into by the third princess

Chapter 645: Caught by the third princess

“Okay, don’t think too much about it. It’s other people’s business to look at their faces. Can’t we just not look at our faces?”

 Xiao Zi slapped the table, "No!"

  Men can choose beauties based on their faces.

 Why can’t they!

 They only like beautiful women, so she should also like good-looking men!

They don’t like ugly women, and they don’t want ugly men either!

 Hurting each other!

Sister Ying was amused by her.

“Okay, okay, then you should also find something good-looking, and we will follow this standard. Go and heat up the noodles quickly, I’m starving to death.”

As soon as Xiao Zi heard that she was hungry, she quickly brought out the hot noodles.

After Sister Ying had eaten enough, she went to sleep.

 After a busy day, I fell asleep as soon as I got into bed.

She slept soundly, but Lady Mei could not sleep.

 Because she was unwilling to do so.

She felt that she was no worse than Sister Ying. Logically speaking, she should be able to seduce the Prince Consort.

And since the prince-in-law can steal people behind the back of the third princess. Then there's no problem in stealing another one.

She gained confidence and decided to squat in Sister Ying's yard tomorrow to see if she could meet the Prince Consort again.

If she could meet him, she would definitely try her best to seduce him.

I don’t believe that if he rejected me once, he could reject himself a second time.

 So as soon as it was dawn, she started to get up and dress up.

This time I put on the most expensive gauze skirt in my wardrobe.

I also took a fragrant flower petal bath early in the morning.

 She combed her hair in an alluring way, put on red lipstick on her red lips, and then traced her eyes and eyebrows. Only when she was dressed up in an alluring and alluring way did she curl her lips with satisfaction.

 After changing into a red light and elegant gauze dress, she put on a cloak and went out in a good mood.

 But Mr. Zhong did not come so early.

 At the moment he is still taking care of the children at home.

 The child woke up early in the morning. He took the child to the wet nurse, and then went downstairs to cook for the third princess.

 The third princess can now practice martial arts in the yard.

She hasn't recovered her figure yet, so she wants to practice martial arts to get her muscles back.

Mr. Zhong went to cook for her, and the couple had breakfast together.

 After eating, he went to pick up his son and came back. He talked to the child for a while and put him to sleep before going out.

 It was already noon by the time he went out.

Sister Ying also slept until noon before getting up.

 She likes to sleep.

 Plus working from noon to evening, I get tired quickly and sleep a lot.

Xiao Zi got up early, made local milk tea for her, and steamed steamed buns before going to call her.

 “Miss, get up.”

Sister Ying stretched herself lazily after she had had enough sleep.

 Ask, “What do you want to eat today?”

Xiao Zi dressed her and said, "Have milk tea with mutton buns and boiled corn. It's really sweet."

Sister Ying hummed, got up, washed up, and started eating.

The food in her room was delicious, but the charming lady waiting for someone outside was starving to death.

 She came here early in the morning and wanted to meet Mr. Zhong as soon as possible.

Who would have thought that it’s almost noon and there’s still no one around.

 She doubted whether Mr. Zhong would come over today.

 But this would force her to go back, and she was unwilling to do so. She was afraid that when she left, someone would come, and that was not to make her angry to death.

 So she endured her hunger and continued to wait.

Just when she was about to run out of patience, Mr. Zhong appeared.

 His arrival suddenly brightened up the charming lady.

"Sir, you are here." She quickly straightened her appearance, took off her cloak, and leaned over weakly, "Sir, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

As he spoke, tears almost fell.

If it were a man next to her, after seeing her, he would feel that she was so pitiful and feel pity for her.

Young Master Zhong felt that it was baffling.

"Do I know you?"

Who is this person?

 I wear such heavy makeup in broad daylight and wear it so transparently, and I’m not afraid of getting cold or having diarrhea.

Seeing that he didn’t recognize her, Lady Mei hurriedly introduced herself.

“Sir, I am a charming lady, have you forgotten? We met last night.”

Mr. Zhong recalled it, glanced at her up and down, and remembered it.

 “Is it you? Do you have something to do with me?”

  This woman kept leaning on him last night. The smell of powder on her body was so strong that he was so frightened that he ran away.

I didn’t expect to come here to see him again today. What do you want to do?

Seeing that he was so incomprehensible to his charm, the charming lady refused to give up and continued to pass him by.

“Sir, I’ve been waiting for you all morning and I’m feeling hungry. Can you take me to eat something?”

Mr. Zhong said "Huh?"

 “You haven’t had breakfast, then go home and eat it.”

 Mei Niangzi.

“But, my family has no strength, how about you help my family go back?”

 As long as he gets home, I don’t believe he can still pretend.

 How could Mr. Zhong help her back? Wouldn't that be courting death?

He is not an idiot and understands that this woman wants to seduce him.

But he really has no interest in this woman, and is even more afraid of getting too close to her.

The third princess has a bad temper. If she knew that he was flirting with other women outside, she would probably kick him.

Especially because she has a bad temper now, and even the smallest thing can make her furious.

 It’s not like he thought his life was short and took the initiative to get into trouble with her.

Of course, you have to be obedient and refuse all the wild flowers outside. It is important to save your life.

So he stepped back two meters, far away from the charming lady, without giving her even a chance.

Mei Niangzi did not expect that he would reject her for the second time, so she was very unwilling and questioned him.

"Why? In what way is the slave family inferior to that woman in it? Tell me and I will definitely change it."

 Zhong Da was a little speechless when he saw her pointing at Sister Ying's yard.

 “Don’t talk nonsense.”

 Why does it involve Sister Ying?

 If Brother Jing knew about it, why not kill him?

Seeing his sophistry, Lady Mei became even more angry and firmly believed that he rejected her just because of Sister Ying.

She didn’t give up and continued to lean in. “Sir, please open your eyes and look at the slave family. The slave family is really good. Please stop rejecting the slave family. The slave family’s heart will be broken.”

 She kept leaning closer, and Mr. Zhong continued to retreat.

 While the two of them were advancing and retreating, the third princess happened to come over.

 “What are you doing?”

She was in a good mood today and wanted to take her son out to bask in the sun. She had no place to go, so she came to see Sister Ying with her son in her arms.

I never expected that when I came out in a good mood, I would actually see the child's father flirting with other foxes? ?

 As soon as Mr. Zhong heard her voice, the hairs on his back stood up.


He was so frightened that sweat broke out on his forehead, and he hurriedly explained, "Madam, please listen to my explanation, I, I, I, I have nothing to do with her at all."

Ms. Mei didn’t expect to meet the third princess here. She was so frightened that she wanted to run away, but her legs were weak.

 She felt that she was going to die and quickly made amends.

He pointed at Sister Ying in the courtyard and said, "It's not me, it's that woman inside."

"Last night I saw the prince consort having an affair with the woman inside. It was none of my business. I was just passing by."

 After saying that, he ran away as if running for his life.

The third princess stared coldly at Lady Mei's fleeing back, her eyes were like swords, and she almost split her in half.

 (End of this chapter)

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