Chapter 633: Only be strong

As soon as the third princess woke up, she saw a pile of delicious food on the table.

  She thought she would lose her appetite, but seeing how little food was on the plate, she managed to eat a few bites.

 You don’t know if you don’t eat it, but once you eat it, you’ll fall in love with it.

 “Is this polenta?”

 Sweet, but not greasy, with a refreshing fragrance, which is actually very appetizing.

Zhong Da saw that she liked it, so he quickly brought her some food, "This is a thousand-layer cake with beef. It's very fragrant. You can try it."

The third princess took a sip and found that it was indeed very fragrant.

 The crust of the pancake is crispy and the meat inside is very soft and tender.

There is also a layer of sesame seeds sprinkled on the outside. After roasting, it is fragrant and crispy. Just right with porridge.

“There is also this vegetable soup. Drink more of it. This will provide you with a balanced nutrition.”

The third princess raised her eyebrows when she saw that he kept talking, "Who taught you to do these? Sister Ying?"

Mr. Zhong smiled and said, "Yes. She gave me a recipe and taught me how to cook. We have to thank her."

 The third princess smiled and was in a good mood.

"Okay. From now on, you can repay her by lending her your son to play with."

 Zhong Dashao.

 What kind of thanksgiving is this?

Speaking of her son, the third princess looked around the room, but her son was nowhere to be seen, and asked, "Where is my son?"

Mr. Zhong wiped her mouth and replied, "The wet nurse is feeding her."

 The third princess nodded, obviously not intending to feed her herself.

Young Master Zhong also felt that her body was too weak, so she might as well ask the wet nurse to feed her, so that she could take a good confinement period to recuperate her body.

But the young master still has to be brought back in the evening.

During the day, the third princess asked the wet nurse to feed the child in the house. After feeding, she put the child on the bed to sleep with her. She had to see the child with her own eyes before she felt at ease.

Mr. Zhong understood that she was protecting the calf, so he put away the bowls and chopsticks and went downstairs to continue making confinement meals for her.

Sister Ying's residence has also been arranged, right in the backyard of the city wall.

Two long rows of family courtyards were built here. Many families of soldiers and soldiers lived here, which looked quite lively.

There are also things for sale on both sides of the street, all of which are home-grown vegetables and fruits.

There are also chicken, duck and goose eggs.

 If you have money, use copper coins to buy it. If you don’t have money, use other things to exchange.

Sister Ying and Xiao Zi tidied up the room, and the whole day passed.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming were doing the handover work, leaving early and coming back late every day.

 They all ate in the military camp and came back only at night.

Qi Yuanming did not come back to their place and stayed directly in the military camp.

He has a lively temperament and quickly gets along with the new soldiers.

  But some veteran soldiers were dissatisfied with him.

 Originally, the veteran soldiers were not convinced that the third princess had a woman as the commander-in-chief.

 But if people do have that ability, they will admit it.

Who would have thought that it would be difficult to survive until the third princess gave birth to a child and resigned from office.

Seeing that the position of general was about to fall to them, the court actually sent two brats.

These veteran generals were very unhappy, feeling that it was their turn to be the generals, so they were naturally dissatisfied with Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming.

So on the first day after taking office, Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming were squeezed out.

 The people who squeezed them out were veteran soldiers who had been in the military camp for many years.

 Old soldiers have loyal subordinates, so naturally they will be squeezed out.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming were not the first to experience this kind of exclusion, so naturally they didn't take it seriously.

They are not in a hurry to compete with these people. They will train the new recruits first.

Sister Ying was a little bored in her backyard, so she went to chat with the third princess.

It was also the first time that the third princess was locked up in the room every day. She was said to be in confinement, which was almost like being in jail. Mr. Zhong wouldn’t let her go out at all, saying that she couldn’t bask in the sun, couldn’t eat the wind, couldn’t do this, and couldn’t do that during the confinement period.

 It means that she is prohibited from leaving this room.

Even if she wanted to take a bath, he wouldn't let her. He would clean her with warm water behind closed doors.

 At first the third princess refused, and she was so angry that she slapped him in the face.

 But she was still good-tempered and continued to undress her, wrung out the towel with a handkerchief, and wiped her injured face clean.

The third princess had no choice but to admit it.

She waited until twenty days of confinement before speaking, "It's been twenty days today, can I go out for a walk?"

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming have been going to the military camp for so long, but she hasn't seen it yet.

 She knew that there were many veteran soldiers in the military camp who wanted to become generals.

Now that two newcomers, Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong, have arrived, they will naturally not be convinced.

 I don’t know if there will be chaos in the military camp.

She wanted to take a look, but Mr. Zhong refused.

He still said plausibly, "Even if you want to go out, I won't stop you. However, your current weak appearance shows that you have no authority at first sight."

"How can those old soldiers serve the people when they are so weak and about to be blown away by the wind?"

The third princess knew this and snorted angrily, but didn’t mention it again.

She has always wanted to be strong and never showed her weak side in front of the army, for fear of not being able to convince the crowd.

No matter how badly she was injured, she remained silent.

 Never show his weakness in front of other soldiers.

 After all, she is sitting in this position as a daughter. If she wants to convince the public, she must be strong!

 Including after she became pregnant, she no longer appeared in front of the soldiers.

 Even after the birth, the news will not be leaked. I just want to take good care of my body and come out after recovery.

Young Master Zhong knew what she was thinking, but he didn't understand. "But if you call Brother Jing and Brother Qi over, if they take over the position of the general, won't you have no place to sit?"

 This is not to find competitors for yourself?

 The third princess waved her hands and felt that they would be competitors.

"They are the two most outstanding soldiers I have ever led. If one day I am no longer a general, they are indeed the best candidates to be the general."

 For the security of the border, it is the best choice for these two people to be the commanders.

Young Master Zhong asked, “What about those old soldiers?”

“They have been with the princess for so many years, aren’t they suitable to be generals?”

The third princess shook her head, her eyes clear, "They can't."

 “Be bold but not courageous, be resourceful but not wise.”

 Let them obey orders and they can execute them beautifully, but when they actually lead the team, they still lack strategy.

Especially those old soldiers who are stupid but don't know it. They think that if they serve for a long time, they can become generals.

If we let them go to the battlefield, they would have to flee within a short time.

Mr. Zhong coughed and said, "No way?"

You are so bad and still want to be a general? Too confident.

The third princess shrugged, "There's nothing I can do about it, I gave them all their confidence."

 When she was training, she always asked the soldiers and young generals to hold their heads high and be confident before they could step forward bravely.

 Over time, every soldier, big and small, in the military camp became confident.

 They only obey the strong and only trust the strong.

 Without some special skills, you cannot subjugate them, nor can you convince them.

At present, only Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming have this ability.

Young Master Zhong shook his head and told her, "There is news from the military camp that Brother Jing and the others are very rejected by the old general in the military camp."

 “Do you want to help with this?”

 (End of this chapter)

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