The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 632: , the third princess was born

Chapter 632: The third princess was born

 The third princess nodded and looked at Sister Ying's belly, "You haven't moved yet?"

Sister Ying didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and shook her head, “Not yet, let nature take its course.”

The third princess did not urge her, but nodded, "Just keep your mind at ease."

 In the past ten months, she has experienced how difficult it is to become pregnant, and naturally she will not open her mouth to induce labor.

 This is what is meant by empathy.

Sister Ying saw that her cold and solemn aura seemed to have become much lighter due to pregnancy. Now she had a smoky aura, and she was much more approachable than the cold look before.

 The third princess laughed at herself, "After staying with that medicine jar for so long, it's hard to be cold-hearted."

A chattering medicine jar, taking care of things every day, just like a housekeeper, it's hard for her to be superior even if she wants to.

Sister Ying smiled, "His personality and mouth are suitable for you. Once the child is born, he will be able to play with the child. It will be great for the whole family to be lively."

The third princess imagined what a family of three would look like in the future. The father and the child were laughing and playing in the yard. It was indeed quite good.

She twitched her lips and was in a good mood, calling to Sister Ying, "Sit down too and eat some honeydew melon. The honeydew melon here is very sweet."

Sister Ying hummed and sat down. She forked a piece of honeydew melon and was about to eat it when she saw that the third princess's skirt seemed to be wet.


 The third princess was also a little confused, secretly wondering why she was still incontinent.

She was panicked and helpless, and shouted outside the door, "Let the person named Zhong come in."

It was my first time to give birth. I didn’t know that my water had broken. I thought I had an urgent need to urinate and couldn’t hold it back.

Sister Ying hurriedly comforted her. "Don't worry, the amniotic water has broken and I'm probably going to give birth. I'll call the doctor."

When the maid heard this, she was a little panicked and hurriedly called Mr. Zhong.

“Prince-in-law, it’s not good, the princess’s amniotic fluid has broken. Please go up and have a look.”

Mr. Zhong heard the maid’s description and ran over quickly.

Sister Ying stopped him and said, "First call the midwife, and then call the doctor."

Mr. Zhong was also a little at a loss, "Okay, I'll go right away."

As he ran, he shouted into the house, "Don't be afraid, princess, I'll be here in a minute."

The third princess faintly felt something falling, and she made a "hiss~" sound, her brows furrowed, obviously in pain.

Sister Ying held her shoulders and told her, "Take a deep breath and don't be anxious."

 “Come, follow me, breathe in”

 The third princess calmed down and "breathed in" with her

 It was effective at first, but as the severe pain suddenly hit later, the third princess couldn't help but scream.


“Where’s the guy named Zhong, tell him to get over here!”

She didn’t know why, but she wanted Young Master Zhong to accompany her at this moment.

Sister Ying knew that she was scared and kept comforting her, "Don't be afraid, the consort has gone to call the midwife and she will be here soon."

The midwife came soon, and the maids also rushed to boil hot water.

Mr. Zhong invited three midwives in total, and they were all busy in the house at this time.

Sister Ying was also invited out and was not allowed to look.

Young Master Zhong originally wanted to break in, but the maid stopped him and said, "Consort, please don't go in and cause trouble. The princess will be in pain."

Young Master Zhong was so anxious that his forehead was covered with sweat.

“I want to go in and take a look, but I didn’t hear my wife calling me.”

 But the maid still refused to let him go.

"The midwife is inside. Nothing will happen. Just wait outside."

 “Ah!! The surname is Zhong!”

Mr. Zhong was about to calm down, but the screams of the third princess kept coming from inside.

How could Mr. Zhong endure it? He pushed the maid aside and rushed in.

“Princess, I’m here, don’t be afraid.”

As soon as the third princess saw him, her heart calmed down and she reached out to him, "Where have you been? I'm in pain to death. It's all your fault!"

  Why get her pregnant if you have nothing to do? Young Master Zhong saw that her forehead was covered with sweat and there was a little blood flowing down her body. Her heart ached terribly. He knelt down by the bed and held her hand, "It's my fault. It's all my fault. I'll never give birth to another child again." ”

Had I known that childbirth would be so painful, I shouldn't have let her get pregnant.

The third princess smiled weakly and said, "Idiot."

Young Master Zhong held her hand, his eyes wet, "Yes, yes, I am a fool, I am a big fool, do you still feel pain?"

The third princess shook her head and was about to say that it didn't hurt anymore, but there was another huge pain in her lower abdomen, and she suddenly screamed "Ah!!"


  It hurts so much that it makes people curse.

 The midwife shivered after being scolded, but she still delivered her baby responsibly.

Mr. Zhong even shivered when she called him.

  He hurriedly comforted her, "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt, I'll give birth soon. If you hold on a little longer, I'll give birth soon."

 The one in his mouth came to life immediately, but it took three full hours.

 The third princess ran out of energy to curse, and her face was covered with sweat.

 Master Zhong wiped her sweat and fed her sweet water.

 Because it was the first child, it took a long time to give birth, and by the end the third princess no longer had the energy to curse.

 The baby was born when it was almost dark.


The midwife was overjoyed, picked up the baby, weighed it, and patted the baby's butt.

 “Congratulations to the princess, congratulations to the prince-in-law, he is a fat boy weighing seven pounds.”

Mr. Zhong looked at the third princess and saw that she was too tired to speak, so he brought the child over to show her.

“Look, our son is quite big, like you, strong and brave.”

The third princess gave him a weak look, "You are the big one."

Her figure is taller and more powerful than ordinary women, and stronger than ordinary men, but she doesn't want to be judged.

 Zhong Da saw that she still had the energy to stare at him, so he breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

 “Okay, okay, it’s my fault, I deserve a beating.”

 “Wait until your confinement is done, then come and beat me again, okay?”

The third princess snorted and ignored her, "I want to hug my son."

Mr. Zhong sighed, put the wrapped big fat boy next to her, took her hand, wrapped it around the quilt, and said in a doting tone, "Okay, I've got it."

The third princess glanced sideways at Zhengxiang's sleeping son, twitched her lips, and smiled.

 After a while, I fell into a deep sleep because of exhaustion.

 After the midwife finished cleaning up, she went out.

 Leave the three of them in the house.

Zhong Da saw the third princess sleeping, put his son in the baby crib prepared in advance, and got up to wipe the sweat from the third princess.

 He changed her into clean clothes and bedding so that she could sleep comfortably.

 When his son was hungry, he took the child to the wet nurse.

Sister Ying came over and asked, "Do you need help?"

Mr. Zhong nodded, "I want to get her some delicious food to replenish her body. Do you know the recipes for confinement?"

This sister Ying is really good at it. She said, "I'll give you a recipe. Let's cook together in the next few days."

As long as you sit properly, you will be able to be vigorous and active in the future.

Mr. Zhong was grateful and said, "Thank you."

 “If you need anything in the future, just come to me.”

Sister Ying smiled and waved her hands, "It's okay. Let's go and make soup first."

 She made a recipe for Mr. Zhong. The three meals a day were all small and frequent.

Mr. Zhong is also a person who doesn’t mind trouble. He follows the recipe every day.

National Day is over and New Year’s Day should be coming soon. Time flies so fast~



 (End of this chapter)

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