The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 605: , smart people and smart people

 Chapter 605, smart people and smart people

 The emperor told him, "The yellow bottle contains the antidote for water lily."

“The white bottle is the antidote to all poisons.”

 “Which one do you want?”

Jing Shirong did not hesitate and said coldly and proudly, "I want them all."

 His loud tone made the emperor laugh.

“Haha, you have such a big appetite. These two pills are hard to come by. Even if you have money, you may not be able to buy them. You actually want them all? Your ambition is too great.”

Jing Shirong said nothing and looked at him quietly, waiting for him to express his position.

The emperor originally wanted to give him two medicine bottles, but he didn't feel comfortable giving them directly, so he wanted to embarrass him.

But people didn't take his advice, and it was boring to ask him to perform a one-man show by himself.

Jing Shirong said something just in time when he was about to get cold feet.

 “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

His sudden thank you made the emperor think that he understood his kindness, so he coughed.

“You know I’m going to give you all the antidote?”

Jing Shirong is also a talented person who can act and say, "I didn't know it just now, but I know it now."

 His pretense of hindsight made the emperor nod with satisfaction.

If Jing Shirong had always been so smart, the emperor would be afraid of him.

But when Jing Shirong appeared to be slow, the emperor felt that he was just a young man. After all, he was young and not experienced enough. Sure enough, it's still not as good as him.

It seems that I still need more experience and practice before I can reach half of his realm.

 Jing Shi Rong.

 That’s all, no matter how smart the emperor is, there will be times when his cleverness is misled by his cleverness. There is no need to argue with him about this.

 After getting the antidote, Jing Shirong was ready to leave.

When the emperor saw that he was about to leave after getting the medicine, he shouted angrily, "Stop! I haven't finished explaining my affairs yet."

You brat, you want to run away after getting the antidote?

 He hasn’t explained the border affairs to him yet.

Jing Shirong stopped "reluctantly" and turned his head, with an unhappy look on his face.

Seeing that he was still unhappy, the emperor snorted angrily, "Children know that you have to pay for candy."

“I have settled the things for you first, why don’t you help me with some work?”

Jing Shirong curled his lips and said unruly, "What's the matter?"

The emperor liked his way of bowing his head even though he was clearly unconvinced but had to obey his orders, stroking his beard with satisfaction.

“The third princess is pregnant and feeling unwell. You and Qi Yuanming should go there and take the troops with you.”

  "There has been some dissent among the foreigners recently. I'm afraid something might happen. You go home and pack up, and we'll set off the next day."

As if afraid that he would refuse, the emperor added, "You don't like to take your wife around with you. If you can't bear to part with her, take her with you."

As long as his wife takes him there, there is no reason for him to go home.

Jing Shirong knew he would say this, so he curled his lips deliberately, still unhappy.

 “What about my mother’s side?”

The queen is eyeing the other party's house. If he is not here, I don't know what kind of monster the old woman will be.

 The emperor was very confident and waved his hand to reassure him.

"Your father is not a fool. My eyes are all over the capital. Whatever the queen wants to do, she must get my consent. With me here, what are you afraid of?"

Jing Shirong didn’t believe him.

“Everyone is negligent sometimes. Didn’t my mother fall into the trap this time?”

Jing Shirong was still angry after saying this.

The Queen will definitely not let her go easily.

Even if she can't do it, she still needs to suffer the pain of harming others.

The emperor saw that he was determined to retaliate for his scornful behavior, so he clicked his tongue and said, "I have promised you that I will not let the queen touch the Jing family. What else do you want?"

 Those who can receive his protection should shed tears of gratitude and kneel down to express their thanks.

This guy actually still doubts his ability?

Jing Shirong did not give in at all on this point.

He also said arrogantly, "If something happens to my mother, I will definitely come back as soon as possible."

 When he suddenly comes back, if something happens at the border, it will be over.

 The emperor was extremely angry, "You!"

Angrily, he chopped up a piece of paper and tried to kill him.

Jing Shirong, however, refused to give in, looking straight at him with her dark eyes.

 The lions, one old and one young, looked at each other, and finally the emperor compromised first.

"Okay, okay, I know, I will give you the answer tomorrow."

Jing Shirong felt relieved after receiving his guarantee. “That Weichen is going back first.”

 After saying that, he turned around and left.

 The emperor saw him being so rude and was so angry that he wanted to curse again.

 But Jing Shirong suddenly turned back and said awkwardly, "Thank you, Lord, for your kindness."

Then the footsteps quickly disappeared into the night sky.

The emperor was speechless at first, then sneered, "You bastard, do you really think I don't dare to kill you?"

 Just to see how useful it is for you.

 When the day comes when this kid is no longer of use, the first one will kill him.

 Make him angry.


 The personal **** came in after they had finished speaking.

“It’s late at night, is Your Majesty going to take a rest?”

 The emperor hummed, feeling better than usual.

 “It seems that I was right to be extra cautious.”

 He also figured it out just now.

 A good horse, no matter how arrogant it is, can continue to be used as long as it is good for it.

 It would be really stupid not to use it because of fear.

The personal **** undressed him and whispered, "Have you reconciled with Mr. Jing?"

The emperor glanced at him and said, "Who can make peace with him?"

He is the king of a country, and he only needs to make peace with others?

The personal **** saw it true. In fact, the emperor had no intention of killing Jing Shirong at all.

 Maybe there was a moment when he had murderous intent.

 But he still kept the antidote, thinking that it could be saved if he regretted it.

Now it seems that it is better to keep one hand.

“What are you going to do about it, Madam?”

 Speaking of the queen, the emperor was in a bad mood.

“That idiot, the older he gets, the less clear his mind becomes.”

You know that Jing Shirong is his, but you insist on touching him, aren't you openly going against him?

 “Let the second prince control the water tomorrow.”

Don't think that he doesn't know that the queen wants to secretly sabotage the prince's busy sacrifice, he is watching it.

Sacrifice is a major event every year. If it is done well, everything will go smoothly throughout the year.

If the queen's selfish desires are ruined, causing a whole year of bad weather, the emperor will be angry.

 “The older the woman gets, the more restless she becomes.”

 “Since she wants to be busy, let her be busy.”

 After saying that, his eyes were unclear, as if he already had an idea.

The personal **** was smart enough not to ask any more questions and waited for him to rest.

 This head.

Jing Shirong returned to Lingxiu Villa with the antidote.

   After Jing’s sleep, he felt much better.

Qi Yuanming was guarding on the roof.

At first, the queen sent someone out to see the situation, but found that Jing was not there. She was surprised and thought that Jing had drowned.

They sent someone over to check and found out that the palace maid had fallen into the water, but Jing was missing.

The queen thought it was Jing Shirong who came and took the person away.

But when I went to the room, I saw that Ren Jing was sleeping well in the room. There were still traces of Chinese medicine on her body, and there was no sign of waking up at all.

 This is strange.

She clearly told the palace maid to ask someone to pull her off and give Jing a taste of her pain. It would be best to make her sick for a while and then give her some medicine so that she can't bear the illness.

 In this way, Jing Shirong will come to her to ask for medicine, and from now on he can only listen to her orders.

Please give me some votes ~ Good night ~



 (End of this chapter)

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