The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 604: , the emperor’s fear of Jing Shirong

Chapter 604: The emperor’s fear of Jing Shirong

Unexpectedly, many years later, as he grew older, the two boys would become a threat to him as they grew older.

The personal **** didn’t understand, so he asked carefully, “Old slave, I really don’t see it. What kind of threat do Master Jing and Master Qi pose to you? Aren’t they always doing things for you?”

Even if you lose your memory, even if you complain to the emperor, won't you still get things done honestly?

 Such a good minister, even the personal **** felt that he could not find another in the whole capital.

Even though there are so many ministers in the court looking so righteous, at the critical moment, they can run faster than rabbits.

How can they be like Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming, who always remember their mission and never forget to complete it even in danger.

 When the old personal **** said this, the emperor was a little moved.

“You are right. Although they may talk back to me and lose their temper, they have not really betrayed me.”

 He is suspicious by nature.

After thinking that Jing Shirong knew that he would be able to condone the queen to give him poison, he would have a suspicion with him, so as to be unique with him, so he did not dare to use him.

 But what the old **** said was right.

The court seems to be in harmony, but in fact it has long been divided into gangs.

 Some are on the same side as the prince.

 Some stood for the second prince.

 There are also sons of Concubines Zhan Shu.

These people are superficial, but when it comes to a critical moment, they will definitely run away without any sense of responsibility.

 It is unlikely that he would expect these selfish old people to be loyal to him.

So after all the calculations, Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming are the most reliable.

"That's all, ask those two boys to come into the palace tomorrow. I have something to say to them."

Seeing that he had figured it out, the old **** who was close to him sighed, "Old slave, go now."

 After the personal **** left, the emperor said out the window, "Come in."

Jing Shirong knew that he had discovered him, so he came in openly without hiding.

 After entering the study, he did not salute, he just stood upright, looking proud.

Seeing how arrogant he was, the emperor snorted and blew his beard, "You kid, how dare you eavesdrop? Do you know what your crime is?"

He deliberately used a king's tone to scare him, but the man remained unmoved and remained as straight as a bamboo, as if he had not heard his threat.

When the emperor saw his virtue, he remembered that this boy was like this when he was dissatisfied with himself. He would not say a word or quarrel with you, but he would never agree with you and could make people angry to death.

At that time, he was young and dared not to admit his dissatisfaction. He made the emperor angry for a while and threw him directly into the military camp to make him suffer.

But not only did he not suffer hardship when he went to the military camp, but he also learned his skills every time he went there, which made the emperor very angry.

 After so many years, this kid is still so annoying.

 “What do you have to say to me?”

He must have guessed that the Queen poisoning him must have something to do with him, so he came here to eavesdrop.

“Now that I’ve heard everything, what do you want to say?”

Jing Shirong raised his eyes and looked at the emperor with his dark eyes for a while, then said, "Antidote."

The emperor snorted angrily, "Are you so sure that I have the antidote?"

 “What if I don’t have one?”

Jing Shirong didn’t believe it and continued to stretch out his hand, “You have it.”

His tone was so firm that the emperor even laughed angrily.

 “Why do you say I have it?”

"The poison was given to you by the queen. It is logical that the queen should have the antidote. Why do you ask me for it?"

Jing Shirong didn't listen to him. He took his hand back and didn't say anything. He just looked at him quietly.

 The emperor was simply discouraged when he saw how determined he was.

This guy is really scary smart.

Not to mention the queen, not even the personal **** knew that he had the antidote for water lily. How could this kid guess that he had it?

 Where did he guess it?

Jing Shirong naturally wouldn't tell him how to guess.

 Based on his many years of getting along with the emperor, he naturally understood the emperor's urinary nature. The emperor was suspicious and had a sense of crisis.

Since he knew that the queen had water lily poison, he would definitely get the antidote.

 After all, the Queen is his pillow. What if the person the Queen wants to poison is him?

With his natural sense of prevention, he will definitely get the antidote.

Jing Shirong has been in contact with the emperor since he was a boy. Children always view people and things most intuitively and clearly.

 In other words, adults think that children cannot understand themselves, so they ignore the intelligence of children.

Jing Shirong knew the emperor so well that he naturally knew that the emperor would definitely keep something in reserve.

 As for whether he really wanted to die, he no longer wanted to know.

   Regardless of whether the emperor had murderous intentions towards him or not, he had already started to be on guard from the moment he entered the capital.

 The reason why he came to Beijing quietly was mainly to guard against the emperor.

 But being on guard was not enough, so he deliberately leaked the news to let the emperor know that he had returned.

 He knew that the emperor was jealous of his abilities, so he showed some upright and unyielding character in front of the emperor from time to time.

Let the emperor know that he is smart but also an upright person.

 A person who is upright but has good temper is the most trustworthy person.

The emperor was really fooled by him, and he didn't bother himself about the antidote.

“Let me give you the antidote, but I have a condition.”

Jing Shirong looked at him, "What are the conditions?"

Emperor, "Take Qi Yuanming with you to the border to guard the city wall for the three princesses."

In recent years, the foreign tribes have made vague attempts to break through the border, but they were repelled by the third princess.

 That’s why the emperor wanted to make money quickly, recruit more troops and buy more horses, so that he could protect his family and the country.

Now we have soldiers, horses, and food and grass, but there are not many people who can lead the team.

 After much thought, the emperor still felt that Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming were the most suitable.

 The capital is his territory, and the presence or absence of these two people has little impact on him.

 But not at the border.

 The border cannot be left without a general for a day.

  Foreign tribes may attack at any time.

If there is no brave and capable lord to lead the battle, the border will be breached soon, which will be very bad.

Jing Shirong knew about this a long time ago. He pretended to hesitate for a while and then said, "Give me the antidote first."

The emperor was so angry that he blew his beard and stared when he saw him opening and closing his mouth to give the antidote.

“Could it be that if you promise me, I will still lie to you?”

The smelly boy, proud, proud than the princes, didn't know who gave him the courage.

 But he has this ability, and I have to say that none of the princes have his courage.

It's a pity that he is not the prince's grandson, otherwise he will inherit the throne in the future, and the country's prosperity will not be a problem at all.

Jing Shirong ignored his assumption and continued to stretch out his hand, "Antidote."

The emperor rolled his eyes at him, walked to the desk, and asked him, "Turn your back."

Jing Shirong followed the instructions and turned around, not looking at him.

 The emperor kept his eyes on him, fearing that he would peek.

He reached under the table and touched the mechanism. When he touched it, the box under the table opened.

 He took out two medicine bottles from inside.

 Let Jing Shirong say, "Turn around."

Jing Shirong turned around and looked at the two bottles in his hands with his dark eyes.

 (End of this chapter)

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