The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 585: , fortunately he is not a villain

 Chapter 585, fortunately he is not a villain

Qi Yuanming asked, "Then how do we let Zhao Jie poison the queen?"

He really didn't expect this.

Jing Shirong raised the corners of his mouth and smiled darkly.

“Just sprinkle the poison powder on Zhao Jie.”

Zhao Jie made an appointment with them in the evening, and the queen must have known about it. Zhao Jie must be called over for questioning that night.

 When the time comes, sprinkle the medicine on Zhao Jie and it will naturally be passed on to the queen.

Qi Yuanming's eyes widened, "Niu. You are worthy of being the person your Majesty values ​​the most. A Jing, you are so smart."

 Scarily smart.

 Fortunately, he has a good nature. If he were a villain, the emperor might not be his opponent.

Jing Shirong glanced at him like a lion. Qi Yuanming hurriedly begged for mercy, "Okay, okay, I won't complain about you, you are the best, I will go out first."

 After saying that, the dog ran away with his life in danger.

 Sen Geer also shrunk his neck and ran away.

Jing Shirong curled up the corner of his mouth and touched his chin, wondering, "Am I that scary?"

 The secret guard nodded vigorously and said to himself, "It's not scary at ordinary times, but it is very scary when it's angry. It's like eating people even if they don't even have bones."

This kind of viciousness cannot be matched by many corrupt officials.

 Fortunately, they are good people and they only do good things. They are just smarter.

Jing Shirong snorted childishly, put the book back, and went out to eat.

  Pan-fried dumplings for lunch.

 The dumplings were sent by someone from the Jing family.

Now that Jing Shirong has found out the truth, he is not so strict in his actions.

Jing asked Jing Yu to quietly bring the dumplings over for them to cook and eat.

Jing Shirong prefers fried dumplings, so Sister Ying cooks them for him.

 After all, I was angry with him this morning. I will cook him something delicious and coax him, and he should be fine.

She had just finished frying the dumplings, asked Sister Yang and the others to share a portion, and called her, "Go and call your brother-in-law."

Sister Yang was puzzled, "Why? It's time to eat, what are you doing in the kitchen?"

Sister Ying gave her a coquettish look and said, "Go if you are told. Don't ask about adults' matters."

Sister Yang raised her eyebrows and said, "You sound like you are forty years old, huh."

If you are not convinced, I will still be called Jing Shirong in the end.

“Brother-in-law, my sister asked you to go to the kitchen to find him.”

Jing Shirong frowned, "What's the matter?"

Sister Yang shook her head, "I don't know, it's mysterious."

Jing Shirong raised his eyebrows and raised the corners of his mouth like a fox, "Oh? Really?"

You were angry with him just this morning, but now you suddenly asked him to go to the kitchen?

It seems that the woman is not stupid, and she also knows how to surprise him in private.

Since it is her heart, then go and have a look and appreciate it.

After saying that, he raised his chin proudly like a cock, stood up, snorted, and walked towards the kitchen.

Sister Yang was eating dumplings with a puzzled look on her face.

He turned around and asked Qi Yuanming, "What's wrong with him?"

Qi Yuanming chuckled and said, "Who knows. He looks like a stupid rooster. He probably went to find a beautiful hen."

 Luckily, he praised him for being smart just now.

 It seems that you have to be smart when Sister Ying is not around.

If he is with Sister Ying, he is not a smart person, he is just an arrogant and coward.

Sister Yang rolled her eyes at him and said, "You're just a hen. Humph, you stinky man!"

Qi Yuanming.

 “Oh, I, I didn’t mean that.”

 What he meant was that Jing Shirong's arrogant look must have gone to find Sister Ying.

Sister Yang was having her menstrual period and she was already in a bad mood. When she heard that he couldn't speak, she got angry and didn't want to pay attention to him.

 Picked up the dumplings and went back to the room to eat.

Qi Yuanming looked confused and asked quickly, "Why are you going?"

Sister Yang snorted, "Don't worry about it." Qi Yuanming was blankly stared at, scratched his head, and asked Kang Geer, "What happened to her?"

Kang Geer shook his head, "I don't know, the girl's family is always weird."

Even if they are siblings, sometimes he cannot understand the emotions of the women in his family.

Always gets angry for no reason, and they don’t understand.

Qi Yuanming.

 “I understand this deeply.”

“My mother sometimes loses her temper for no apparent reason. It seems that all women are the same, no matter their age, they are all inexplicable.”

 Kang Geer, Sen Geer, and Gu Gu all nodded in unison.


Jing Shirong walked to the kitchen door arrogantly but did not go in.

He is tall and tall, blocking the door of the kitchen, blocking the sunlight.

Sister Ying saw him coming and walking by. She looked at him with a smile and sweetly called out, "Ms. sir?"

Jing Shirong snorted arrogantly, "What's the matter?"

Deliberately pretending to be cold, just to see how she would respond.

Sister Ying was not afraid of his aloofness, she rushed over to him with her little hands, hugged him, and rubbed her head on his chest like a cat, "I said the wrong thing this morning, you sir have a lot, please forgive me. "

Jing Shirong snorted proudly, "What's wrong?"

Sister Ying raised her head, her big eyes blinking and acting coquettishly with him.

"I shouldn't say anything about falling in love with other handsome men. I should say that even if all the men in the world love me, I only like you! I don't like the others."

 This should be ok, right?

Jing Shirong took a deep breath, "Do all men in the world love you?"

Sister Ying quickly changed the subject, "No, no, no, all men in the world have perished, and I only miss you."

 Men all over the world... mess with whomever they want...

Jing Shirong was very satisfied and patted her head like a reward, "Is this what you said?"

 If he dares to change his mind in the future, he will not be lenient.

Seeing how easy it was to coax him, Sister Ying smiled and said, "I'll fry dumplings for you and feed them to you, okay?"

Jing Shirong hummed proudly, "Okay."

He said it so reluctantly, but his body was honest and he walked in. He sat down at the table and waited for her to feed him.

Sister Ying turned her head and snickered, but she also brought the dumplings over, picked one up, blew the hot air, and fed it, "Ah~"

Jing Shirong opened his mouth and took a bite of the dumpling. It tasted crispy and really delicious.

Sister Ying told him, "Mother made it herself. My brother-in-law brought it to me. If you like it, eat more. I'll give it all to you."

Jing Shirong hummed, knowing that his mother made it, so he ate the whole plate.

 After eating, Sister Ying asked him if he wanted to eat the fruit?

Jing Shirong shook his head, "No, let's have some hot tea."

 I feel a little tired after eating too much and want to clear my stomach.

Sister Ying hummed, "Then I'll soak it for you."

Jing Shirong sat next to her and watched her making tea quietly.

 The two of them drank tea quietly for a while without saying a word. They really liked this kind of warm time together.

Jing Shirong looked at the time, stood up, and said to Sister Ying, "You don't have to wait for me tonight, go to sleep first."

Sister Ying nodded and asked him, "Is there any danger?"

Jing Shirong shook his head and pinched her face with his big hands to reassure her, "No."

 When he said this, Sister Ying felt relieved.

Qi Yuanming saw the time and came over.

 “Ajing, let’s go.”

The two of them went out together to find Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen at Yipinju.

 Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen had been waiting here a long time ago.

The two of them were uneasy in the private room, "He won't come, won't he?"

 If he doesn’t come, doesn’t it mean that Qi Yuanming and the others are unwilling to reconcile?

 If there is no reconciliation, there will probably be more things going on in the future and troubles will follow.

 Zhao Jie was also worried, "Wait a little longer."

 (End of this chapter)

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