Chapter 584: The poisoner was found

Jing Shirong glanced at him, "Aren't you afraid that the wine is poisonous?"

Qi Yuanming choked, "Ahem, me."

It wasn't because Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen had been unhappy for a long time that they got excited when they had the chance to bully them.

Jing Shirong asked him to come to the study room to discuss drinking with Zhao Jie and others in the evening.

 Seng Geer also asked him to come in together.

 Three people are in the study.

Qi Yuanming asked, "When I go drinking at night, do I want to take this opportunity to give them water lilies in their wine?"

These days they have been investigating the poisoning, and sure enough they found out that the people who poisoned Jing Shirong were Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen.

But the water lilies were not made by their hands.

These two people just listened to the mastermind behind the scenes and poured poison into Jing Shirong's tea cup.

Originally, they wanted to give it to Qi Yuanming, but there was only one portion of the poison, which was not enough. After thinking about it, they poured it into Jing Shirong’s tea cup.

 As for why they actually did it, it was mainly because of their inner injustice.

 Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen had just been in the capital for a year. Although they performed well, they were always compared with Jing Shirong and others. Their self-esteem was suddenly humiliated, and they hated these two people.

I feel that Jing Shirong is just from a good family background, why should all the good things happen to them.

They spent ten years studying hard to get to where they are today. No matter what, they couldn't let these two people block their way, so they thought of killing.

 The people behind the scenes took advantage of their jealousy to give them the poison.

Zhao Jie felt that someone was supporting him at that time, and that person said that this kind of water lily syndrome would not attack immediately, but would die after three years, so he was relieved to scare the medicine into Jing Shirong's tea cup.

 He is also cunning.

Knowing that Jing Shirong was vigilant and would not drink his wine, he poured the poison into the tea cup nearby.

Sure enough, Jing Shirong did not drink their wine. After they left, he only drank the water in the teacup.

  At that time, they hid in the corner and took a peek. When they saw that he had really drunk, a trace of revenge flashed in their hearts.

 After the poison was administered, they were frightened for a moment.

 But as Jing Shirong had not been poisoned for more than a year, the two of them were completely relieved.

 As long as Jing Shirong didn't get into trouble while he was out with them, there would be no trace of them.

Moreover, they also drank wine at that time, and Qi Yuanming also drank wine. Who can be sure that they were the ones who administered the poison.

They can also insist that the poison was caused by Qi Yuanming and see who can pretend better than the other.

As for their mastermind, it was the second prince whom Qi Yuanming had guessed before.

This is strange to say. Originally, the second prince and Jing Shirong should not have much hatred, but the poison came from him.

"Ajing, do you have any grudge against the second prince? Why did he poison you?"

Over the years, they have only run errands for the emperor and have never joined any party in the court.

 Let alone contact those princes.

I don’t know what the second prince’s grudge is, so he actually gave Jing Shirong such a vicious medicine.

Jing Shirong recalled carefully and went to the bookshelf to look through the notes he had taken many years ago.

 He has a good habit of recording important events.

Every time I encounter some unsolved mystery, I will make an exploded diagram in the booklet.

Only he can understand this kind of decomposition diagram. It’s useless if someone else steals it.

 He turned over the page from a few years ago and saw the source of the conflict with the second prince.

It turned out that the queen had approached Jing Shirong and tried to ask him to help the second prince win the crown prince's position.

But back then, Jing Shirong had some friendship with the third princess, so naturally he would not harm the prince.

 Then he coldly rejected the queen's alliance.

 Because of this incident, the queen has always been resentful.

 Even believed that the reason why Jing Shirong rejected her was because he had an affair with the third princess.

 Since he has an affair with the third princess, he will definitely belong to the prince's faction in the future.

This young man is so powerful. If he is really allowed to help the prince, her son will not have a good life in the future.

For the sake of her son's future, the queen wanted to eliminate the time bomb that was Jing Shirong.

 But the emperor has always valued this brat very much. If he were to be killed suddenly, the emperor would definitely be dissatisfied. If the emperor were to notice her thoughts by then, he would definitely be indifferent to her, and thus to the second prince.

 So she couldn't kill Jing Shirong immediately, so she went to Xishan Laoxie's apprentice and bought poison at a high price that could prevent people from dying immediately and show no signs of poisoning.

Xishan Laoxie's apprentice saw her noble status and gave her a good deal before selling Nymphaea lily to her.

After getting the poison, the queen summoned the second prince into the palace to discuss how to poison Jing Shirong.

 The mother and son discussed it and decided to let Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen take action.

 At first, Zhao Jie, Zhou Chuwen and Jing Shirong did not get along.

Send them to take action so that they can take the blame if something happens in the future.

 Secondly, Jing Shirong was wary of her and the second prince and would definitely not eat anything from them.

On the other hand, Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen were not very capable, and they had a sour smell of poverty that could make strong men relax their vigilance.

 So it’s best to leave this matter to these two bastards.

Zhao Jie lived up to his expectations and successfully gave Jing Shirong the medicine to drink.

 So this is roughly what happened.

After hearing this, Qi Yuanming clicked his tongue twice, "I have to praise you, the queen is really thoughtful."

  Even their psychology is so precise.

It’s also because I was too young and energetic that I fell into the empress’s trap.

“Ajing, what should we do about this matter?”

 Since he was the murderer of the Queen, it would be a little difficult to take revenge.

No matter how much the emperor dislikes the queen, they are still a couple. For the sake of royal face, they cannot just punish her, lest she lose her royal majesty in front of the people.

 But it would be too frustrating if we just let it go.

They have never harmed the second prince, let alone the queen, so they let her poison her for nothing, and it would be difficult to deal with it without expressing resentment.

Jing Shirong sneered, "Since she used Zhao Jie's hand to poison us, we will also use Zhao Jie's hand to poison her."

Qi Yuanming coughed and said, "Poison, poison."

No way.

She is the queen?

Even if you want to take revenge, you can't poison the queen of the dynasty, because that will involve the nine clans.

Jing Shirong waved his hand, asking him to calm down.

“Just give her some drowsiness medicine. The symptoms are similar to those of water lily. But it won’t kill her.”

 He never blocks the road when doing things.

He would not kill the queen, but he would not make it easy for her either.

 Didn’t the Queen want him to die in his sleep?

Then give her some medicine for Nymphaea symptoms and scare her first.

 Perhaps more useful information will be revealed by then.

After hearing this, Qi Yuanming patted his heart.

 “You scared me to death.”

 “But how do you want Zhao Jie to poison the queen?”

 With Zhao Jie’s courage, he probably wouldn’t dare.

“The Queen must know that Zhao Jie came to drink with us today.”

Those killers are the Queen’s people.

 She secretly colluded with Zhao Jie and the others and used Zhao Jie's name to do bad things.

 Once something happens, she can blame it all on Zhao Jie, and she will have nothing to do.

Chao Jie invited them out today, and the person behind the scenes must have gone back to deliver the news.

 The Queen will definitely call Zhao Jie over for questioning.

 (End of this chapter)

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