Chapter 533, a childish litter

Sister Ying breathed a sigh of relief when the old Yao Wang said this and thanked her hurriedly.

“Then let me cook some dishes for you.”

 She had nothing to repay them except cooking a few more of their favorite dishes.

Old Yao Wang and the others still like to eat this. He waved his hands like an old child and said, "Go ahead and cook more dishes. We are all hungry."

Sister Ying smiled respectfully and said, "Okay, you guys have a rest first, the food will be ready in a while."

She and Brother Sen went down to cook, while the old Yao Wang and the others stared at Jing Shirong in the private room.

 He asked Jing Shirong, "Haven't you remembered who you are?"

Jing Shirong glanced at him coldly and said "Huh". "Can not remember."

 Old Yao Wang asked, "Sister Ying has also forgotten?"

Jing Shirong frowned, not knowing what he wanted to ask.

The old Yao Wang looked at Gu Gu and deliberately teased him, "Since I can't remember it, otherwise I will forget it. It just so happens that my disciple likes Sister Ying very much. Otherwise, I will give Sister Ying to my disciple as his wife." , you don’t like Sister Ying anymore anyway.”

Jing Shirong's eyebrows narrowed slightly, murderous intent rising in vain.

The corner of his mouth raised coldly, "Really?"

This powerful murderous aura, let alone ancient, made even the medicine boy step back with numbness.

“Master, don’t talk nonsense. I have a sister-brother relationship with Sister Ying. I won’t compete with Brother Jing.”

 After saying that, he picked up his feet and ran downstairs.

Qi Yuanming saw him running away, so he also ran away to avoid being affected by the fish pond.

Only the old Medicine King still dared him without fear of death, "I think you don't seem to like Sister Ying very much. Since you don't like her, what if you give her to my disciple? You can also marry another one."

Jing Shirong narrowed his black eyes coldly and held a sharp sword in his hand. He didn't like hearing these words.

 He didn't like the woman just now, but it was no one else's turn to worry about her.

 Seeing that his sword had been drawn out a little, the old Yao Wang swallowed with a cold feeling on his back, "Okay, forget it, I'll go down and take a look."

 Young people today are really awkward.

  If you don't like it yourself, you won't let others care about it. It's very domineering.

Originally, he wanted Sister Ying to stay on the island for a few more days and let her teach the Yaotong how to make delicious meals.

 It probably won’t work now.

Seeing him running away, Gu Gu also followed him downstairs.

He also leaned over and said, "It's okay, why are you provoking him? He only has more internal energy now than before, so you'd better offend him."

 Old Medicine King coughed and then said fearfully, "Then I want to see how much his internal strength has increased."

This is a very vicious family. Although it can make people die in their sleep, it can greatly increase the internal strength of people with strong martial arts skills, which is a blessing in disguise.

 Old Medicine King is interested in this poison and wants to go back and study it more.

Gu said, "They still have to go back to the capital, so let's not delay their affairs. Or do you want to go back with them?"

“Back to the capital? So soon?”

 At first he was not used to such a large group of people chattering.

 Now that we have finally adapted, are they leaving?

They are really a bunch of scumbag men and women, playing with people's feelings.

 Sister Ying and her group

 Gu Gu couldn't laugh or cry, "Don't imitate those nonsense words from Sister Yang, it sounds weird."

 Old Yao Wang snorted childishly, "Do you think I'm happy? Then everything she said was in line with my mood."

 You can't just sum up everything with "fuck", right?

 Jiang Gu couldn't help but laugh, "Damn it, you've learned all this?"

This old naughty boy, does he have such good learning ability?

The old Yao Wang snorted childishly, "That's natural, I will always have such a strong learning ability." Sister Ying and Sister Yang were frying small fish with the shopkeeper in the kitchen, and the aroma wafted far away.

 Lao Yaowang and Gu Gu sat at the table early and waited.

Qi Yuanming and Sen Geer lit the fire together, and they cooperated perfectly.

Only the drug boy served Sister Ying tea and water with a calm face, and told Sister Yang a few jokes, making the two beauties laugh.

Qi Yuanming gave him a childish look and couldn't help but say, "You brat, you are so young and look at your face like this. I'll see how you find a wife in the future."

But Yaotong took a very open-minded view, "It all depends on fate. Besides, I'm still young. Brother Qi, on the other hand, is very old. Brother Jing has already embraced the beauty, so why are you still alone?"

Qi Yuanming choked, "Me."

Who said he was alone? Isn’t this what everyone is doing together?

 Besides, doesn’t he want to get married now?

Who stipulates that you must get married when you are old enough?

snort! vulgar! shallow!

Sister Yang looked at his childish look and shook her head funny, telling the medicine boy, "Ignore him, he is very childish. Qi is about three years old."

Qi Yuanming opened his mouth wide with disbelief on his face, "Sister Yang, why are you so stupid? You actually help this brat to bully me? Is it possible that you still like this brat?"

 He was so angry that his heart was filled with sourness.

 Obviously he is more sunny and handsome than Yaotong, why do Sister Yang and Sister Ying only like to play with Yaotong? Isn't he fun?

Sister Yang was speechless and glanced at him, "To set you on fire, you talk so much."

He is so big, but he is childish to death. He is jealous of the first place. It is strange that he can marry a wife.

Seeing that she looked down upon him so much, Qi Yuanming said angrily, "Stop cursing me. If I really can't marry a wife in the future, you have to marry me and make me a wife!"

Sister Yang groaned and couldn't help but roll her eyes at him, "You think so well, who wants to marry you and daydream about it?"

Qi Yuanming was unconvinced, "What's wrong with me? Am I bad? I'm tall and handsome, so why am I not good enough for you?"

Sister Yang glanced at him up and down, but she didn't like her, "I just don't deserve it! If you want a wife, go find her yourself. Don't try to blackmail me."

Qi Yuanming was angry, "No! The more you look down on me, the more I want to marry you!"

"Just wait for me. When I go to Jiangnan, I will propose marriage to your parents and see if you can run away."

Sister Yang put her hands on her hips and said, "You dare?"

She doesn’t want to marry this idiot. He’s greedy, stupid, and childish. Who wants to marry him?

Qi Yuanming was determined, "If you don't want to marry me, I will marry you anyway, so I will marry you!"


The two of them were at odds with each other, staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

The Sen brothers looked on and shook their heads. They thought to themselves that these two were a good match. They were both three years old and they could play house together.

Sister Ying also smiled and shook her head, continuing to fry potato slices.

 At noon, we eat fried food with wine, and then give them a plate of fried vermicelli, which is particularly appetizing when paired with wine.

 The vermicelli is fried and the small fried fish is served.

Sister Ying shouted from downstairs, "Brother Rong, it's time to eat."

Jing Shirong sat by the window holding his sword. He lowered his head and glanced coldly and saw them all sitting down to eat, then came down holding his sword. He looked very cold and aloof.

Sister Ying moved a chair for him and asked him to sit down.

 “Eat this plate of fried vermicelli and don’t drink the wine. I’ll have a headache soon.”

The tone of her instructions made Jing Shirong frown, but he didn't say anything else.

 Everyone else also sat down and started eating, while Gu Gu and Old Yaowang poured two glasses of wine and drank.

Seeing this, Sister Yang also wanted to taste the wine.

But Qi Yuanming said, "What kind of wine does a girl drink?"

 (End of this chapter)

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