Chapter 532: Don’t recognize anyone

Sister Ying lowered her head and saw him looking at her intently, and asked him, "Does it still hurt?"

Jing Shirong locked his black eyes on her and said nothing.

Sister Yang finished pricking the needle and pulled it out. Seeing that there was still a little bit of poisonous blood, she withdrew the needle and said to Sister Ying, "There is still a little bit of poison left. It will be more useful to wait for the old medicine king to **** it."

“Or you can take a bath with medicine and use internal force to force the poison out. The effect will be the same.”

Sister Ying knew that acupuncture would be more painful, so she thought that taking medicine would be milder.

"How about taking medicine? He is no longer as ignorant as before. Drinking medicine should be easier."

 When the time comes, take a medicinal bath and use your internal strength to force out the remaining poison, and the pain will be much less.

Sister Yang nodded, "It's okay, but why aren't Master and the others coming?"

 She walked to the window and looked towards the port, but she didn't see Old Yao Wang and the others coming.

  Could it be that they were lost at sea?

Qi Yuanming waited at the coastal entrance for a long time, but saw no one, and felt strange.

 When he came back, he told Sister Ying and the others, "I waited at the port for a long time, but I couldn't see the ship coming. I wonder if Gu Gu and the others have lost their way."

 It is normal to get lost at sea, but getting lost at this juncture would delay things.

 Happily, Jing Shirong is in normal physical condition now, and apart from having a bit of a bad temper, there are no other problems.

They can't go look for her now to avoid getting lost together, so they can only wait on the shore.

This small island is much larger than Yaowang Island. There are not too many people, and there are about ten families living there.

At this time, the islanders on the island are probably fishing, so the island is quite quiet.

Qi Yuanming patrolled the area and saw that there was no problem, so he went up to the roof and started looking for Fei Ying.

 They also need flying eagles to deliver the news, otherwise it would be difficult to spread the news across such a large area.

The third princess has probably settled the matter with Bei Yizi, and now they are just waiting for the old Medicine King to come over and help Jing Shirong recover before they can start back to the capital.

Mr. Zhong also helped with the jade mine. All the jade was sold, the mine was filled up, and the county magistrate was arrested.

As for the money from the sale, the third princess should return it to the emperor.

Xiao Zi returned to the capital with the team first.

What Qi Yuanming mainly wants to find out now is whether the poison on Jing Shirong was jointly administered by Zhao and Zhou Zhou.

There were no signs of poisoning on his body, and the old Yao Wang had no problem checking his pulse.

It seems that the glass of wine he drank that year was fine, only Jing Shirong's wine was poisonous.

 It may also be that this poison is scarce, and only a little can be given to Jing Shirong.

 But this point almost killed Jing Shirong.

They will definitely avenge this, but they still have to wait for Jing Shirong to regain his memory.

After hearing this, Sister Ying also wanted Jing Shirong to recover her memory, but they thought for a long time and found no solution.

 Memory is something like this. If you can’t remember it, you won’t be able to remember it. No matter how much you talk about it, it’s useless. You can only find another way.

Qi Yuanming suggested, "Now we can only wait for the old Medicine King and others to come over and force out the remaining poison before returning to Beijing."

There are Jing family members in the capital, and they can always be remembered when they go to a familiar home.

Sister Ying sighed, went down to the first floor, and asked the store what dishes they had in the evening.

This inn was originally built as a gazebo, but later it was converted into an inn. The owner moved here from another place.

Seeing Sister Ying wearing a gauze hat, he smiled and answered her, "There will be fried fish tonight, which my wife is good at. The vegetables are only wild vegetables on the island. It depends on whether you are used to it or not."

Sister Ying nodded, "If you're used to it, just watch it."

The island is not very rich in supplies, so they don’t choose what to eat.

Originally, Sister Ying wanted to come here to see if there were any other dishes to cook for Jing Shirong, but seeing that there weren’t many dishes in her kitchen, she forgot about it and just ate what she had to avoid wasting her food.

She asked the boss, "Is your place close to the next port?" The boss shook his head, "There is a relatively close one, but it is also an island, and there is no beach. It is all rocks and it is not easy to get to the beach. Where are you going? "

Sister Ying answered, "We are going to Yaowang Island. My husband-in-law is ill. I wonder if this place is close to Yaowang Island?"

The shopkeeper took out the map he usually looked at, studied it, and said, "Yaowang Island is not far away, but there is a lot of smoke over there and it can easily cover the island, so it is not easy to find it."

Sister Ying sighed and asked, "Then if you come out of Yaowang Island, it will be easier to find us, right?"

 They didn’t even care to look at the route when they came out and chased Jing Shirong the whole way.

 In addition, there is sea everywhere, and we don’t know the direction, let alone where we are.

The shopkeeper told her, "This is Lijiang Island. It is the most obvious island within a radius of ten miles. As long as there is no smoke and the sun is bright, you can find it."

Since I can find him, I guess there will be no problem.

Qi Yuanming and the others happened to come down when they heard this.

He said melancholy, "It's probably because they encountered smoke again when they came out."

Otherwise, there is such a small island near the sea, and their boat is still parked on the shore. If they come, they will definitely be able to see it.

As he was saying this, he heard the medicine boy's voice.

“Sister Ying, are you here?”

Sister Ying's eyes lit up, "Are they coming?"

  What you expect will come.

A few people hurriedly went out to greet him, and sure enough they saw the medicine boys coming.

Qi Yuanming asked them, "Are you lost?"

The medicine boy replied, "Yes, we haven't been out for a long time, and the direction was suddenly confused. It took me a long time to remember that there is a small island here."

They have been staying on Yaowang Island for many years and haven’t come out for a long time. Once they came out, they kind of forgot the route.

Sister Ying hurriedly asked the shopkeeper to start cooking so that she could receive the old medicine king.

 Old Medicine King touched his white beard and took a breath, "Old man, I haven't gone down the mountain for a long time. I feel tired after walking for a while today."

 The medicine boy said to him, "You are not tired, you are fat."

 Eating every day, eating so much fat and not exercising, how can I walk without panting?

 The old Medicine King was exposed and rolled his eyes at him, "I want you to take care of it. Bring the food!"

 I felt hungry all the way.

The medicine boy was angry and funny, but he also gave him a glass of water.

 Lao Yaowang and Gu Gu looked at Jing Shirong.

 Ask Sister Ying, "How is he doing? Does his head still hurt?"

Sister Ying replied, "It shouldn't hurt much anymore. I haven't seen him scratching his head. However, his memory has not been restored, and his temper has become hotter."

However, most of the red flame pattern on his forehead has faded away, leaving only a little mark.

 Old Yao Wangchao Jing Shirong waved to him to come over.

 “Come here and I’ll take your pulse.”

Jing Shirong looked at him suspiciously and saw that he had a long beard and smelled of medicine. He must be a real doctor.

 He was also afraid that he might have been poisoned, so he came over to show him.

 The old medicine king took his pulse carefully and saw that the poison in his body was almost gone, so he wrote a prescription.

“I’ll continue to drink medicine and get a few more injections and I’ll be fine.”

However, the prescription needs to be re-prepared and the effect will be milder than before.

 (End of this chapter)

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