Chapter 522: Fighting between the couple

Sister Ying turned around and caught a glimpse of his happy smile. She also raised the corners of her lips and her mood improved.

A bunch of wild yams was enough. Sister Ying carried the wild yams, patted the dirt on her body, and prepared to go back to the cave.

 But it is easier to go down the mountain than to go up the mountain.

 The Qinggong exercise went very smoothly just now.

It is quite tiring to climb up, especially the steep slope, which is very tiring.

Jing Shirong, however, was like a normal person, jumping up and down easily.

 He waited at the entrance of the cave for a long time, but did not see Sister Ying coming up.

He tilted his head, puzzled, wondering why she was so slow?

He leaned over from behind and looked down, only to see the tigress panting and climbing up.

Jing Shirong hummed like a child, and cast his eyes away at Sister Ying's slow figure, as if he was mocking her for being as slow as an old lady.

Sister Ying heard him laughing at her from afar, so she was not upset and shouted loudly.

 “Come down, carry me up.”

Jing Shirong heard her calling him and snorted, but kept his airs and refused to go.

 If he doesn't come, Sister Ying has the law to punish him.

"I'll shout three times. If you don't come down, you can sleep alone tonight. Don't even think about being next to me."

Jing Shirong already understood the meaning of sleeping and what it meant to be with her.

 He frowned, hesitating whether to listen to her or not.

Although I have no memory, I still have a strong energy, as if I am competing with Sister Ying.

Sister Ying called him, but he didn't respond, so she had to come up by herself.

The hillside was very steep, and the night light was not very bright. She did not use Qinggong, fearing that she would step on the ground and fall into pieces, so she had to climb up by herself.

Climbing a hillside is strenuous work, especially since she was carrying wild yams in her hands. She was panting from exhaustion.

When she came up, she was carrying wild yams. She was panting and rolled her eyes at Jing Shirong, and said, "You can sleep by yourself tonight. Don't expect me to coax you."

 After saying that, he angrily went to the fire, threw the wild potato into the fire, and roasted it for a while.

Jing Shirong saw her fuming and seemed to understand that she was angry, but he didn't know what to do.

He tilted his head and looked at her angrily back. He slowly moved over and looked down at her expression.

When Sister Ying saw him coming, she snorted and turned around, not wanting to look at him.

Jing Shirong saw her turn around, so he moved over and looked at her face again.

Sister Ying didn't want to look at him, so she continued to turn around, giving him only a back view.

Jing Shirong saw that she was ignoring him, so he snorted, walked over, squatted down, and poked her back.


He rarely made a sound. Sister Ying's eyes widened in surprise, but she did not turn around and continued to give him a cold look.

Jing Shirong called out, but there was no response from her. He tilted his head, not quite understanding why she didn't turn back?

 Finally he opened his mouth and finally spit out one word, "You."

 After "you" is used, there is nothing more to say.

Sister Ying was happy and felt that his ability to speak was an improvement. Then he turned around and gave him a cute look, "What are you doing? You can tell me if you have something to say."

Jing Shirong pouted. The words were on his lips, but he couldn't speak them very well.

He looked at Sister Ying in a daze, then walked over, squatted in front of her, took her little hand and put it on his chest to pat her.

Facing his innocent eyes, Sister Ying softened her heart and raised her hand to touch his head and smooth his hair.

While stroking him, I said to him, "You haven't behaved well today and have been angry with me. If you do this again next time, I really won't treat you well."

Jing Shirong raised his head, feeling very comfortable being licked by her. He closed his eyes in enjoyment, almost grunting like a little wolfdog.

Sister Ying saw how easy it was to bribe him, so she gave him a coquettish look and went to see if the wild potato was ripe.

She used a branch to pull out the wild potato, let it cool for a while, blew on it, picked it up, and peeled it.

 “Here, eat it while it’s hot.”

Jing Shirong sat next to her, opening her mouth and crying for food.

Sister Ying fed him a mouthful and asked him, "Is it cooked?" Jing Shirong tilted his head to look at her, thought about it, nodded, and the child replied, "It's done."

He made progress, and Sister Ying patted his head as a reward, "That's great, you have to speak from now on, remember?"

Jing Shirong nodded and shook his head.

Sister Ying pinched his handsome face and taught him, "Say yes."

Jing Shirong was not angry when his face was pulled. The clever little boy imitated it and said, "Yeah."

He learned how to do it. Sister Ying was happy and peeled some roasted potatoes for him.

The potato is a bit choking, just eat two to satisfy your cravings.

Jing Shirong also felt a little choked. He searched around the cave based on instinct, and actually found natural water in the cave.

 He leaned over and took a sip of the mountain spring water.

 Thinking about it for a while, he took another handful and wanted to give it to Sister Ying to drink.

Sister Ying was happy to see that he had learned how to find something to drink for herself. She came over to him, held his palm and took a few sips.

 Then he looked up and smiled happily at him, "Thank you, sir~"

When she smiled, Jing Shirong also raised the corners of his mouth, as happy as a child.

After finishing the roasted potato, Sister Ying wiped Jing Shirong's hands and asked him to take her back.

"Let's go back to the stone house. It's too cold here to sleep."

Jing Shirong knew the stone house she was talking about and shook his head, not wanting to go back.

He was still hurting from the injections he received from Old Yao Wang and Gu Gu, so naturally he didn't want to go back.

Sister Ying pointed to his head and explained to him, "You are injured here, and Old Yaowang and the others are helping you. They are good people, let's not get angry with them, okay?"

She spoke softly and her hands were gentle. Jing Shirong frowned and thought about the meaning of her words.

Sister Ying leaned close to his ear and told him, "If you don't go back, you can sleep on the floor by yourself at night. Anyway, I won't sleep on the floor with you."

Jing Shirong half understood and half understood this sentence. He looked at her with a silly expression, not understanding what sleeping on the floor meant.

Sister Ying pointed to the ground covered with dirt and fallen rocks, and motioned for him to lie down.

 “Lie down and try it yourself to see if you feel comfortable.”

Jing Shirong lay down as he was told. The stone was ice cold and still tingling.

Moreover, the ground is full of sand. When he lies down, his hair is covered with sand and dirty. He doesn't like it.

So he pursed his lips, came over with a pitiful handsome face, opened his mouth and said, "Pat." He asked Sister Ying to pat the sand on his hair.

Sister Ying sighed and asked him to squat down while she swept the sand off his head.

  pat the dirt on him again.

 “Can’t you go back? Huh?”

"If you don't go back, you can sleep here and I will go back by myself."

 After saying that, he turned around and left.

Jing Shirong watched her go out, stamped her feet, grunted, and followed her out.

Sister Ying heard the footsteps behind her and knew he was coming, so she raised her lips proudly.

He thought to himself, you are a little brat, my aunt still doesn’t know about you?

This guy has been a germophobe since he was a child. He keeps everything clean no matter where he goes, and there is no dirt at all under his fingernails.

How can he sleep on the sand for one night like this? She didn't believe it.

 If he returns to normal, he can make do with it for one night.

 But now he has become ignorant and stupid, like a child, and he must be making do with it without understanding.

No, isn’t it that Peipianpidian followed?

 (End of this chapter)

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