The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 521: , the cute and adorable Jing Fool

Chapter 521, Cute Jing Fool

Sister Ying rested her head on his shoulder, hugged his neck tightly with her two little hands, and leaned against him dependently.

“Today it’s you who puts me to sleep and you sing to me, and I’ll forgive you.”

Jing Shirong knew what she meant by singing, which was the song she sang to him in the secret room during the day.

So he recalled it and then hummed with a nasal voice.

Hold Sister Ying while humming and rocking, really coaxing her to sleep.

Sister Ying twitched her lips in surprise when she saw him making a sound.

She could feel that although Jing Shirong's memory was formatted, his learning ability was very good.

He can't speak yet, but as long as he is taught slowly, he will definitely learn it.

So the grievance was gone, and Sister Ying began to cheer up again.

She hugged Jing Shirong's neck, raised her head and kissed him on the cheek, telling him, "You have to be good from now on, or I won't kiss you anymore."

Jing Shirong looked at her innocently with black eyes, as if thinking about the meaning of her words.

Sister Ying gave him a signal, kissed him again, and explained to him, "This is what a kiss means."

 “If you make me angry again from now on, I won’t kiss you anymore.”

Jing Shirong Jun looked at her innocently, as if he understood.

He lowered his eyes and stared closely at the moist cherry mouth, lowered his head and pressed it.

  Then he remained there without moving, his black eyes blinking, with an innocent look on his face.

He was covering himself like this, which made Sister Ying blush.

She gently pushed him away with her little hand, "Don't make trouble."

It’s true that you don’t learn what you should learn, and you learn what you shouldn’t learn.

Jing Shirong saw that her face was flushed, so he reached out and poked her cheek, and then her moist red lips.

Sister Ying has a big head. I wonder why he suddenly became interested in her mouth? Helpless and funny.

 She pointed outside the cave, trying to divert his attention.

“It’s very windy at night, shall we go back?”

Jing Shirong saw her pointing outside and vaguely knew that he was going out.

 But he was stabbed a few times by the old guys at night and his head still hurt, so he didn’t want to go back.

 He glared at Sister Ying, came to his senses, and continued to be angry as before.

Sister Ying was helpless and couldn't laugh or cry, "They stabbed you, why are you angry with me?"

 Fortunately, she was not there at the time, otherwise he would have held a grudge against her.

But that's not what Jing Shirong was angry about. What he was angry about was that she actually got up without calling him? He even sneaked outside and left him behind!

 This is what makes him angry.

Sister Ying obviously didn't realize what she was angry about.

 It wasn’t until he took a rope and tied her wrists that she vaguely understood.

 “You? Why are you tying me up?”

If he wants to be tied up, she should tie him up, right?

Jing Shirong didn’t answer. He raised his chin childishly and snorted, meaning don’t even think about running away.

Sister Ying had no choice but to explain to him, "I won't run. When did I run away?" It was obviously you who was running.

Jing Shirong seemed to understand the tone of this rhetorical question.

 But his perception is that Sister Ying is running. Why did you say he ran away? ?

So he puffed up his cheeks angrily, grabbed the back of Sister Ying's hand angrily, and took a bite.

“Oh, you!” Sister Ying was bitten on the back of her hand. It didn’t hurt at all, but she was a little speechless.

 “Why are you still biting?”

Who did this guy learn from? He always bites people?

Sister Ying felt that it was necessary to correct him, so she took his hand and "snapped" him twice, scolding him like a child, "You can't bite people casually, you know?"

 “If you bite again next time, I will hit you.”

 Speaking, he slapped the palm of his hand twice more to make him remember it.

This little pain is nothing, but Jing Shirong was unhappy when he was beaten even though he was right.

He pouted, took a step back, and stared at Sister Ying innocently with his big eyes, as if he didn't understand why she wanted to hit him?

 He is obviously a good boy, why do you still beat him?

Seeing him glaring at her angrily, Sister Ying reasoned with him, "You are too angry now. You need to control your temper. You can't lose your temper in the future. Do you understand?"

Jing Shirong didn't listen and didn't understand. He angrily took Sister Ying's hand and tried to slap her palm.

Sister Ying groaned and stared at him with big eyes, "You dare? Give it a try."

Jing Shirong was stunned by her tigress-like glare and forgot his movements for a moment.

His big eyes looked straight at her fierce little face, and he swallowed. He was instinctively afraid, and slowly lowered his hand, not daring to hit her.

Sister Ying will be scared when she sees him, she will be angry and funny, she will come close to him and ask fiercely, "Are you still going to hit me?"

 If you dare to hit her, she will backhand you.

Jing Shirong was frightened by her, his handsome face was aggrieved, he curled his lips, moved to the wall, squatted down, grunted like a wounded wolfdog, and "faced the wall and thought about his past" again.

This time Sister Ying did not coax him, but went to find firewood to make a fire by herself.

After lighting the fire, she went outside to take a look. She saw some wild yams at the bottom of the mountain, so she picked some and roasted them.

When she came out of the cave, Jing Shirong heard footsteps and secretly looked back.

Seeing her going out, he grunted and wanted to stand up and chase after her. But remembering that she had just hurt him, he hesitated to follow her.

By the time he was struggling, Sister Ying had already gone far away.

Jing Shirong thought about it for a long time, and finally chose to follow.

He thought angrily that he just went out secretly to take a look, came back after watching, and never talked to her. He was still angry.

So he followed Sister Ying out at a slow pace, sneaking behind Sister Ying like a thief.

Sister Ying raised her lips when she heard the footsteps behind her. She knew he was following him, so she didn't look back. She lowered her head and dug wild potatoes.

Jing Shirong hid behind the stone, stretched out his head, and peeked in a silly manner.

She saw Sister Ying shoveling the soil with a stone. She was digging loudly, but she was too slow.

Finally he couldn't stand it anymore, so he walked to the potato field on the other side, found a wooden stick, and used it like a dog plow to dig out the soil.

Sister Ying turned around and took a sneak peek, only to find that the guy was digging in the soil like a puppy.

 He is also a little clever. After digging the soil, he digs out the wild yams. Then he threw her behind Sister Ying like a thief. Then he hid behind the stone with a "whoosh" sound and peeked at Sister Ying's reaction.

Sister Ying knew that he threw wild potatoes at her back, so she deliberately didn't look at them and kept digging.

Jing Shirong hid behind the stone and stuck his head out to observe her. Seeing that she didn't notice the wild potato he threw, he stamped his feet anxiously!

 He felt that this Xiangxiang woman was too stupid.

 She wouldn’t even know if a wild potato was thrown to her.

Sister Ying deliberately didn't look back, just to see what he would do.

 After waiting for a while, she saw him walking towards her. This time he did not throw the wild potato to her back, but in front of her.

The string of wild yams was thrown in front of her with a loud bang. It was impossible for her to pretend not to see it.

In the end, I could only pretend to be surprised and say, "Hey, there are so many wild yams, I'm so happy." The acting was not good enough.

 But a certain fool took it seriously. Seeing that she liked it, he grinned happily, like a child.

 (End of this chapter)

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