Chapter 13, The **** laughing turtle

Liang Jin was very pleased to hear that his mother and daughter were playing well.

 The couple chatted for a long time before they stopped.

 On the second day, it was officially time to burn incense and worship Buddha.

 When I woke up early in the morning, I heard my neighbors setting off firecrackers.

There will be crackling firecrackers all around.

Mrs. Wu also got up early to set up the offering table and serve offerings.

The table was square and filled with all kinds of fried food and snacks, all for ancestors and gods.

 After the altar table was set, Liang Jin also got up.

Mrs. Liang also changed into bright clothes early in the morning, and the whole family was dressed smartly.

At this time, the whole family will burn incense sticks to various gods and goddesses together, and the whole family hopes that Liang Jin can be admitted to the scholar's examination.

 Wu’s second wish is that her daughter can grow up healthy and happy.

Mrs. Liang hopes to have a grandson in the coming year and find a good family for her little daughter.

At this time, the whole family will fold the gold and red paper together into small ingots, which will be burned to the gods later.

 After doing this, the whole family went to have dinner together.

When Sister Ying woke up, she was already in Liang Jin's arms.

Because the firecrackers were loud today, Mrs. Wu was afraid that no one would hear her crying in the house, so she simply took her out.

Liang Jin was full now, so he exchanged with Mrs. Wu and held Sister Ying in his arms while chatting with Mrs. Liang.

Sister Ying was lying in her father's arms, lying lazily, her chubby hands holding her father's sleeves, playing with herself.

Old Mrs. Liang was in a good mood today and said to Liang Jin, "It's rare for you to have a holiday. Let's go to a relative's house to sit and walk around together."

The Liang family is not too close to each other, and their family backgrounds are all similar. They would give each other some good food and drink whenever they have any.

 The tribesmen are more united when they come and go, and they help each other in daily matters.

Liang Jin nodded and said, "It just so happens that I haven't seen my uncle and the others for a long time. I'll go and sit down tomorrow."

Mrs. Liang was in a good mood, and said to Mrs. Wu, "Bring out all the gifts you want for the festival tonight, and we will take them out tomorrow."

 Wu replied, "I know."

  Festivals are very lively in the countryside, which is no worse than in the town.

  Rich people even set off fireworks at night.

With the sound of "bang bang bang", there was a lot of excitement outside.

Many children ran out to play with firecrackers and had a lot of fun chasing them.

Mrs. Wu stood at the back door holding Sister Ying and watched the children playing, and she was very happy.

   When you become a mother, you will find your children cute.

She hugged Sister Ying and told her, "When you grow up next year, you can play with your brothers and sisters."

Sister Ying looked at the laughing children on the street with her big round eyes and wanted to play with them.

She doesn’t need to grow big, at least she can run and jump, and it’s best if she has meat to eat.

As for growing up, she is not in a hurry. Anyway, adults do not have the freedom of being a child.

 As long as a child has enough food and clothing and is happy doing anything, she doesn't want to grow up.

 On the second day.

Liang Jin went to visit Mrs. Liang.

  Wu is preparing door-to-door gifts at home.

  Tomorrow, my parents’ house will also invite them over for dinner.

Liang Jin hasn’t been back for a long time and feels that he owes her, so he naturally wants to take her back to see his parents.

   Mrs. Wu was a generous family member. She used her own money to buy new clothes for her parents and some gifts for her nephews.

  After all, her elder brother and sister are also very kind to Sister Ying, and of course she will also be kind to her elder brother and sister's children.

 Hand some delicious snacks by the way.

There was a snack shop in the town that was particularly delicious. The pastries smelled very fragrant. Mrs. Wu bought four packs and gave one pack to each of her brothers, sisters, and younger brother.

Sister Ying saw that her mother was so excited, and she obviously wanted to go back to her parents' home.

Otherwise, when a girl gets married and leaves her comfortable environment to go to someone else's house, she will feel somewhat embarrassed and have to look at her parents-in-law's face, which is similar to that of a son-in-law. If you marry well and your parents-in-law love you, your life will be harmonious.

  If the parents-in-law are mean at home, it will be a really difficult day.

 Happily her mother married well.

Although Mrs. Liang loves to act, she doesn't go too far, and her father is also very nice, mainly being nice to her mother, so it is more worthwhile for her mother to marry her.

Wu Shi didn’t think too much and was packing her things happily.

On the day of going home, Mrs. Wu got up earlier than anyone else and got up early in the morning to dress up.

 She prepared a brand new blue robe for Liang Jin and put it on for him in a good mood.

  Then he put the girl into a bright red coat, and even the quilt was beautifully embroidered for her.

She herself was also wearing a crimson embroidered skirt. She didn’t have many red hairpins in her hair, only one silver hairpin and one gold hairpin.

 The gold hairpin was a dowry from her natal family, and the silver hairpin was bought for her by Liang Jin with his private money.

 She already has a pretty face, but now she has a small yellow flower pinned to her ear, not to mention how pretty she looks.

Liang Jin was stunned and couldn't help but want to draw her.

 “The lady is so beautiful~”

 Especially after giving birth to a child, it becomes even more beautiful.

Mrs. Wu was praised by him and gave him a shy look.

Liang Jin couldn't help flirting and wanted to take her back to the house.

Mrs. Wu hurriedly said, "No, no, the carriage has been called in advance. Let's go back quickly."

Liang Jin coughed and went out to enjoy the cold wind before going to pick up the things.

Mrs. Liang looked at the big and small bags they were carrying and looked at them with disdain. She thought to herself that she would move the things to her parents' house. Sure enough, her elbows were turned outward.

 Mrs. Wu looked at Old Mrs. Liang, and there was something she didn't understand.

 Say she is moving things to her parents’ house? Didn't she prepare a lot of things for her eldest aunt?

Hmph, the tortoise laughs at the bastard, who is the green one?

Not to be outdone, Mrs. Liang retorted with her eyes, ‘You are the only one who is green! ’

 Wu Shihehe, "You are the only one who is green, you, you, you!" ’


Mrs. Liang was almost angry to death. Just as she was about to lose her temper, Mrs. Wu slipped into the carriage with her child in her arms.

Liang Jin knew nothing about the battle between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, so he got into the car with a smile.

"Mom, let's go first. If eldest sister comes back to see you, you should treat her well. Ning'er prepared all the things in the house for eldest sister. Remember to bring them back to her."

Mrs. Liang snorted and said angrily, "I know!"

 My son can read well and has no idea that women are so convoluted. He is really a fool.

 The carriage swayed all the way to the Wu family compound.

Sister Ying went on a long trip for the first time. She was very excited and babbling all the time.

Mrs. Wu was also very happy, "I'll be able to see your grandma and grandpa soon. Aren't you happy?"

Sister Ying said "hmm" twice, expressing that she was very happy.

Seeing her humming, Mrs. Wu thought she was about to poop, so she hurriedly touched her urine ring.

 Fortunately, no one did it, so I breathed a sigh of relief.

Sister Ying:…

 That is a response to you, not a shit.

 But Mrs. Wu could not understand what she meant, so she still smiled and got out of the carriage.

Mr. Wu and Mrs. Wu were extremely happy when they saw them coming.

 “You’re here? Have you eaten? Come inside and have a bowl of sweet soup.”

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "Eat it. What I ate in the morning was sweet soup. I just wanted to go home and eat ham."

 The Wu family’s pig sellers don’t have to worry about having no pork to eat during the Chinese New Year.

Especially the Wu family has secret smoked bacon and smoked ham, which taste very fragrant.

  Can I ask for a vote? If it doesn’t work, I’ll beg you again (o^^o)



 (End of this chapter)

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