The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 12: , the excitement of the Spring Plowing Festival

Chapter 12, the excitement of the Spring Plowing Festival

 Time passed quickly.

 Having basically bought all the things needed for the festival.

On the day of the Spring Plowing Festival, Liang Jin came back on time.

 The family is busy blowing things up right now.

Country people celebrate the Spring Plowing Festival very grandly, after all, it is the birthday of the God of the Land.

It is also a festival for country people to pray for good weather.

 When Liang Jin came back, Mrs. Liang happily went to pick him up.

The red pimples on Liang Qing's face have also disappeared.

At this moment, mother and daughter were very happy to see Liang Jin coming back, "Is Jin'er back?"

Liang Jin smiled and bowed to her, "Yes, my son is back. It's been a hard work for me this month."

Seeing that her son still cared about her so much, Mrs. Liang was moved and said, "No matter how hard it is, it's worth it no matter how hard Mom works for this family."

Liang Qing also came over and said, "Second brother~"

  She is shy and has a decent smile. She obviously received a lot of education from Mrs. Liang.

Liang Jin was very pleased to see his third sister becoming more and more graceful.

“Have you listened to your mother at home?”

Liang Qing nodded obediently, "Yes, I am obedient."

 She has always been a good child. She is the youngest of the three siblings, but also the most well-behaved.

Liang Jin saw that she was like a daughter, so he rubbed her head like an elder.

After they finished reminiscing about old times, Mrs. Wu came over with the child in her arms.

 “Mr. Xianggong~”

Liang Jin smiled and said, "Madam~"

The two of them looked at each other and wanted to hug each other.

Sister Ying also stretched out her little hand and made a clicking sound, as if to say, Hi, Dad.

Liang Jin noticed her and came over to hug her with a smile.

 “Come, let daddy hug you and see if our little piggy has gained any weight.”

Sister Ying was carried over, weighed, and praised, "Well, not bad, our daughter eats well."

Mrs. Wu also said, "No, Ke Huan eats a solid meal every day and feeds her a little slower. She keeps peeping, as if she wants to quarrel with me, and she doesn't know who to follow, hahaha."

Liang Jin also laughed after hearing this, "I guess you can just follow me. When I was a child, I was so angry when I couldn't eat. She is indeed my daughter, and she looks like me in everything."

 Old Mrs. Liang snorted in her heart, expressing her disdain.

 Hmph, what does it look like to you, you idiot? This girl is obviously very much like her mother, she is just a grinder, specially here to torture our mother and son.

But this was obviously not suitable to be said on the table, so Mrs. Liang snorted twice and asked Aunt Xu to take out the cooked meat soup for the young master to drink.

After Liang Jin finished eating, he went to Mrs. Liang’s room to talk for a while.

Mrs. Wu put the child in his arms and went to the kitchen to fry something.

 There are a lot of things to explode today.

 In rural festivals, incense must be burned to worship Buddha, and all offerings must be fried.

Here in Ningxi Town, there are many kinds of fried foods for worshiping Buddha.

What kind of fried taro, fried fish, fried meat skewers, fried eggplant boxes, everything is there.

Liang Jin loved to eat meat, so Wu fried more meat.

In addition to fried food, the cook is also making glutinous rice dumplings.

 The glutinous rice dumplings here are filled with fillings, either salty fillings or bean paste fillings.

 The dumplings stuffed with bean paste are used to make sweet soup, while the dumplings stuffed with meat are steamed and can be eaten with sauce.

The chimneys of every house here are smoking, and the surroundings are filled with the aroma of fried meat.

 Not only is the town lively, but the country people have a more festive atmosphere.

No matter whether it is a major festival or a minor festival, people will worship Buddha, burn incense sticks, visit relatives, and return to their natal homes.

 After all, holidays are also holidays.

At this moment, the Wu family is also cooking various meat dishes, so that they can eat happily when the Wu family comes back on the second day of the Lunar New Year.

Sister Ying is craving for it when she smells those fried skewers.

She has been drinking milk for two months and has long wanted to eat meat, but unfortunately she can't. The smell of meat almost hit her nose.

Liang Jin smiled when he saw her mouth open as if she wanted to eat.

 “Are you hungry?”

Mrs. Liang took her with her for a short time. Knowing that she was greedy, she asked Aunt Xu to carry the child to Mrs. Wu.

Liang Jin was pleasantly surprised when he saw that his mother knew the child quite well, "Mom, could it be that you helped take care of Sister Ying this month?"

Old Mrs. Liang snorted, "Who will take her? I won't take her, she's a grinder."

Liang Jin clicked his tongue and defended his daughter, "Our sister Ying is so cute. She is white, fat, and soft. Why do you say she is a grinder?"

What a well-behaved child he is.

Old Mrs. Liang said to herself, "You are a good boy, you cry at every turn, you cry at every turn, you are obviously here to torture me."

 But in front of her son, she still pretends.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about her anymore. I have prepared two gifts for the gentleman in your academy. Come and have a look. Remember to give them gifts when the time comes."

 Nowadays, teachers are very respected. After all, whether a child will become a talent or not depends on whether he or she pays attention to teaching.

Old Mrs. Liang hopes that her son will be admitted as a scholar as soon as possible so that he can bring glory to his family. Of course, he must be nice to Mr. Academy.

Liang Jin smiled and said yes, and also said that in the future, if he takes the scholar examination, he will give all the silver medals he gets to his mother.

Mrs. Liang grinned happily when she heard her son say this.

 She usually has a sullen face and doesn't treat anyone well, but only here in Liang Jin can she smile happily.

Wu took the child back to the kitchen and could hear the laughter in her mother-in-law's courtyard.

She whispered to Sister Ying in a low voice, "I don't know what kind words your father said to appease your grandmother. She smiles so boldly, not much different from an old lady in the country."

Sister Ying also laughed when she heard this, but she put her eyes on the fried meat skewers and blinked.

Seeing this, Mrs. Wu deliberately teased her, "Want to get some meat?"

 After saying that, he deliberately lowered Sister Ying and asked her to get closer to the meat skewers.

Sister Ying’s eyes were excited and she reached out to grab the meat skewers.

 But Wu immediately lifted her up again.

She groaned, and Wu held her down again, and when she was about to catch the meat skewers, he held her up again.

Repeatedly, Sister Ying twice said protest.

Wu Shi was so happy that she said, "Now I understand why your grandmother and your father have such a good relationship. They can only have such a good relationship if they are biological children."

She is also a mother herself. She has a child and is happy every day. No wonder Mrs. Liang beamed as soon as Liang Jin came back. She was indeed her biological daughter.

Sister Ying couldn't eat any meat, so she yawned and fell asleep.

 At night, after the whole family had a lively meal together, they went back to their houses to sleep.

Liang Jin and Mrs. Wu were lying on the bed, with a baby in the middle. The couple chatted a lot.

“You’ve worked hard these days. Mom didn’t give you any trouble, right?”

  Wu Shi shook his head and said no, "We are all fine at home, don't think too much about it."

 Look, she will also give Mrs. Liang face.

Liang Jintian really thought they didn't quarrel, so he laughed.

“Sister Ying is becoming more and more cute. She keeps holding me with her little hand, thinking she hasn’t forgotten me.”

Mrs. Wu also thinks so, "She just loves to play with others. She went to my mother's place the day before yesterday and played with her for a long time."

 This incident was purely accidental.

That day, the neighbor brought some persimmons over. Mrs. Wu went over to chat with the neighbor's daughter-in-law for a while, and then left the child with Mrs. Liang.

 Old Mrs. Liang no longer wants to take care of her children. She is exhausted every time she takes care of her children.

 Sister Ying just likes to tease her. Either grab her clothes or grab her fingers.

If Mrs. Liang talks about her, she will immediately cry, crying loudly.

Every time Mrs. Liang cried, her head was buzzing, and in the end she had no choice but to give in to her.

Sister Ying laughed for a long time every time she succeeded. When Mrs. Wu came back, she saw her grandfather and grandson having fun, and she laughed.

Poor Mrs. Liang can't tell her the pain, and she can't tell Mrs. Wu that this girl is bullying in the movie.

 No one would believe me if I told you, so I had to endure it myself.

 I’m really angry!

 (End of this chapter)

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