The Greatest Showman

Chapter 977: The pressure strikes

The summer battle of young actors of the new generation, Chris Hemsworth and Kristen Stewart’s "Snow White and the Hunter" took the lead, but the media reputation and audience feedback collapsed, and the vigorous premiere was welcomed. There was an earth-shaking sound of cursing, and it might be weird to say it, but the truth is--

In the first round of evaluation, the most outstanding word-of-mouth came from professional media. The overall evaluation of the media was 57 points. This is the highest score among all the evaluations after the premiere. It surpassed the mass media, surpassed the professional audience, and even surpassed the general audience. This is really surprising.

The total collapse of word-of-mouth is really shocking, and even the media reporters are shocked. If commercial popcorn is rejected by the media, that's it, but now even the audience doesn't buy it, what should we do?

Then... Then you can only look forward to the miracle of the "Transformers" style! No, it's not "Transformers", but "Twilight".

Back then, the "Transformers" popcorn index was as high as 85 percent, and the theater score was as high as "A". Amidst the media's scolding, the vigorous war and the bravery reached a new box office high; and "Twilight" "City of the City" is amidst the disgust of the media and audiences, relying on the effect of loyal fans, it broke out an astonishing box office.

Now, "Snow White and the Hunter" can only look forward to the fan effect. After all, both actors, Chris and Christine, have a huge fan base, especially considering that "The Avengers" is still sweeping the ranks above the list. Couldn't Chris win some bonuses?

The answer is: no.

50 million, "Snow White and the Hunter" only handed over a box office figure of 50 million US dollars during the premiere weekend!

Such an achievement is really far from the predicted number of the media, and the 100 million threshold is still short of a "Men in Black 3"; compared to the investment cost of 170 million, the downturn in the premiere has almost The work is doomed to fail. Yang Fan had just encountered fatal news on the journey.

With much attention, eager anticipation, and enthusiasm, the premiere box office was only a disappointing 50 million. Such a number fell through everyone's glasses and was so shocked that people were speechless. It was the scene of a large-scale car accident. .

Almost overnight, the media began to be pessimistic.

Although it is said that Christine’s “derailment gate” obviously brought an immeasurable negative impact, which caused a serious blow to the box office of the premiere; but objective analysis, even if the negative impact broke out, the actual box office of 50 million and one The forecasted box office of 100 million is also too far away to get a reasonable explanation at all.

Some media have said that a work without magnificent special effects and no top-notch brand costs 170 million yuan in production costs, which is originally a spectacle.

Logically speaking, it is normal for the investment cost of such works to be controlled at 100 million. Among the six major Hollywood studios, Universal Pictures, which has always been stingy, made a serious mistake in the budget of "Snow White and the Hunter", which led to the subsequent chain of bad news, which was a decision-making mistake.

But more media said, "We were too hasty!"

They have successively analyzed that the baby boom generation is still the mainstay of Hollywood. Even if the box office of "Dark Shadow" and "Men in Black 3" have failed miserably, the discussion of Johnny Depp and Will Smith is still incomparable, and the market is calling for it. Force still exists objectively.

In the past two decades, Gen X has never been able to complete the succession-Leonardo DiCaprio, once the most promising, embarked on the self-tortured Oscar chase after the "Titanic" The road; now, Generation Y is still fledgling, and it is far from the moment to take over the scepter.

Whether it's Chris Hemsworth or Kristen Stewart, it's true.

Chris’s popularity is entirely based on the body of Marvel Pictures, not to mention that Thor’s box office has suffered a loss. In addition, he has no works to prove himself at all; and Christine’s attention After leaving the "Twilight City", there is no influence at all.

To put it simply, popularity is the work and the role, but not the actor's own.

In Hollywood, the "box office appeal" is definitely not that simple. After one or two works are successful at the box office, the media can't wait to believe that the leading role has box office appeal, but in fact there is no mass basis at all. After leaving the work, They can't call the audience into the cinema at all.

Johnny Depp and Robert Downey Jr., their box office appeal is relatively limited in their roles. Only Tom Cruise and Will Smith at their peak are the real market darlings.

As long as the audience sees their name on the poster, even if they don't know anything about the movie, even if they don't know the reputation of the media, they are still willing to buy tickets to enter the movie theater and get a glimpse of the truth. This is the real box office appeal, which disappeared after the second decade of the 21st century.

Therefore, although Lan Li has repeatedly achieved excellent results, the media still holds a skeptical attitude towards his box office appeal.

Now, the same is true for Chris and Christine. As a result, the media sighed with surprise. For Gen Y, the box office appeal is still too greedy. The most important thing at the moment is to invest in the work and build its own reputation and image step by step. Too hasty.

Previously, it was this group of media who exclaimed that Gen Y was about to take over the baby boomers and impacted the US market; now it is this group of media that advises Gen Y to return to reality on a down-to-earth basis. Whether it's black or white, it all depends on the lips of a media reporter.

In any case, after the box office data for the premiere of "Snow White and the Hunter" was disappointing, the discussion not only did not cool down, but continued to heat up. The media began to call on the younger generation to be immature and need to continue polishing; this also made people further reduce Expectations for "Edge of Tomorrow" and "The Amazing Spider-Man".

Especially "Edge of Tomorrow"-there is no fan base, no box office call, and even the publicity stunts are relatively weak.

Lower expectations? Before the release, the "Edge of Tomorrow" media predicted that the box office was only 25 million. How can we continue to lower our expectations? Is it possible to lower the expected value to 20 million again? Or less than 20 million? For the "Edge of Tomorrow" with a production cost of 130 million, it was almost a disastrous ending before it was released?

The forecast box office data of the media is really too bad, and there is a lot of bad news. This has also triggered strong dissatisfaction among Don Quixotes, and even triggered a scolding war on the Internet. With the failure of the premiere of "Snow White and the Hunter", the arguments and scolding not only did not abate, but they became more intense--

Even "Snow White and the Hunter" failed, and "Edge of Tomorrow" is even more unlikely to succeed. This is the point of view of the crowd eating melons by the sidelines, and Don Quixote has to come forward and fight with reason.

But if Lan Li had read the box office numbers predicted by the media, he would agree with a smile on his face, even exclaiming the accuracy and professionalism of the media's predictions.

In the last life, Tom Cruise's version of "Edge of Tomorrow", premiered at a box office of 28 million, and in the end, the cumulative box office in North America barely exceeded 100 million. In other words, the media's forecast numbers are actually correct, and they are professional enough.

So, what about this life? It's totally unrecognizable, and even the schedule is completely changed. What will happen to the box office of the premiere of "Edge of Tomorrow"?

On the lips, the media are all clamoring for decompression and lowering expectations; in fact, the pressure and burden are quietly increasing, and the entire film industry practitioners are tense, and the six major film companies are even more atmospheric. dignified. Not because of the success or failure of a certain movie, but because of the downturn of the entire market. Everyone is responsible.

Since the "Avengers" unveiled the big screen of this year's summer file, after starting with historical performance data, the North American summer file has ushered in four consecutive fights:

"Dark Shadow", "Super Battleship", "Men in Black 3", "Snow White and the Hunter".

What is even more frightening is that word-of-mouth and box office rush together, and there is no light and hope at all. Among them, the box office data for the premiere of "Sombra" and "Super Warship" have not crossed the 30 million threshold, and their investment costs should not be The cheapest "Sombra" also One hundred and fifty million-"The Edge of Tomorrow" is only one hundred and thirty million.

So, is this a downturn in the market? Or did the "Avengers" work drain all the box office potential of the market? How long will such a sluggish pattern last, and which work can be broken? This is related to the annual income and performance of all film companies. Naturally, every company is eager to pay attention.

In terms of name, this is the hottest summer vacation since the millennium; in the century, they were worried about the regression and decrease of box office numbers during the same period. The disappearance and cannibalization of interests can be called the nightmare of every film company.

As a result, the pressure began to gradually increase. It's just the second week of June, and everyone is looking forward to it. This week's North American box office will be a big hit.

This week, "Madagascar", "Prometheus" and "Edge of Tomorrow", the three works were crowded in the same weekend to be released, compared with the deserted work of "Snow White and the Hunter" last week, this Zhou seems too crowded.

For the three films, the result of the head-on confrontation is likely to be tragic. In the end, they will lose all of them. But for other film companies, the confrontation of the three works can effectively stimulate the market, and they don’t care. Which work stands out and wins the box office champion, what they care about is that the audience re-enters the cinema and the market becomes lively again.

Following last week’s "Snow White and the Hunter", the craze for summer archives has further increased. "Madagascar," "Prometheus," and "Edge of Tomorrow" joined forces to fight each other. So, what is the result? Was it a certain work that won a big victory, or did all three of them benefit, or did all three of them be wiped out?

No one can predict the trend of the summer file.

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