The Greatest Showman

Chapter 976: Debut

Kristen Stewart and Rupert Sanders both derailed in a stable relationship.

What is even more chilling is that in the two-person collaboration "Snow White and the Hunter", Rupert's wife Liberty-Ross (Liberty-Ross) also starred as the birth mother of Snow White played by Christine . In other words, the two of them were darkened under Lipoti's eyelids.

After the news came out, there was an uproar immediately, and one stone caused a thousand waves of waves!

In the past six months, "U.S. Weekly" can be said to be a big show. First in the "hype door", Gavin Hunter unswervingly clarified the truth and gave Lan Li an innocence, and his momentum faintly overwhelmed the direct competitor "Entertainment Weekly"; now he handed over the real hammer, The news broke the scandal within the crew of "Snow White and the Hunter", and the influence of the news soared.

Gossip, scandal, gossip. This is always the most eye-catching news in Hollywood.

Not to mention, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston’s marriage broke down, and the news that Angelina Jolie got involved in the third party has been lively for fifteen years, but it still hasn’t completely subsided. In 2016, after Brad and Angelina's marriage came to an end, the past history once again has remnants-

The reporter broke the news that it was not Angelina who broke the marriage that year, but Brad took the initiative to seduce Angelina. He emphasized in every possible way that his marriage had broken down and put all the responsibility on Jennifer, thinking that Jennifer was unwilling to have children. This is The bomb of their marriage.

But after the news of the derailment broke out, Brad used the means of a publicist to shift the responsibility to Jennifer and Angelina at the same time. Instead, he picked himself up and created an image of a good man who loves his family.

At that time, Angelina was still a rebellious youth image. In addition to completely severing the relationship with her father, in addition to alcohol/drug/drugs, her second marriage to Billy Bob Thornton was also Shocking the world, the two people boldly drink blood, tattooed totems, etc., similar to / cult / sect, which has caused countless controversies.

Therefore, no one believed Angelina at the time. Brad's career has not been affected in the slightest.

At that time, Jennifer and Brad were famous golden girls in Hollywood, and they had a happy marriage; while Angelina was a rebellious girl who was always active on the cusp. The news of the love triangle detonated all the focus vigorously; now, "Bai Xue The negative news of the "Princess and the Hunter" crew is naturally incomparable.

However, after the "Twilight City" became popular, the relationship between Christine Stewart and Robert Pattinson has always been stable and focused. Neither of them has any lace news. Robert wholeheartedly guards Christine, watching Kristen is also very dependent on Robert. This young couple is undoubtedly the most future superstar actors in the new generation, and is expected to become another pair of Hollywood-style golden boys and girls.

This time the sudden news, like thunder on the ground, exploded vigorously. Even the reporters in the industry were surprised. They didn't expect the couple to have an accident.

As a result, all reporters were dispatched.

The next development of the matter is also bursting.

Christine publicly admitted the rumors of derailment and expressed affectionate apologies to Robert in an attempt to restore his emotions, but this move angered the public even more-obviously, under the advice of the publicist, Christine is gaining the public. Sympathy, and then put pressure on Robert, hoping to force a solution to the problem.

At the same time, Rupert also issued a letter of public apology, but Liberty did not hesitate to apply for divorce. Later, the media broke out that after Rupert tried to save his wife and failed, he immediately started looking for Christine, hoping that the two could go on, but Christine refused, and Rupert still stalked and entangled. Hold on.

As a victim, Robert was tortured and tortured. During the interview, he did not express too much opinion, nor did he condemn or comment. He just said indifferently that this was a private matter and hoped that the public would not pay too much attention. Later, after several months of re-run and communication, Robert accepted Christine again.

At the beginning of the following year, Robert and Christine broke up after all.

Later, industry insiders confirmed that the recombination of Robert and Christine was strongly requested by Summit Entertainment, in order to promote the "Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (Part 2 to be released at the end of the year and avoid affecting the box office. After the movie promotion period ended, the two broke up.

After this battle, everyone clearly realized the importance of a top publicist.

Christine was caught in a controversy because of the wrong decision made by the publicist. After changing the public relations, he returned to the independent film to polish his performance. In addition, he announced that he was coming out and completely changed his face, "Twilight. The image of "City of the City" has completely become history, returning to the front line with an alternative route.

Because of the correct decision of the publicist, Robert not only retired unscathed, but also got rid of the idol baggage of "Twilight City" and devoted himself to learning acting. The 2017 "Good Times" detonated praise for acting in Cannes. The frenzy really broke out a path of its own.

As for Rupert. After losing his position as the director of the sequel of "Snow White and the Hunter", he remained silent for four years, until Paramount became the first person to eat crabs and boldly used him as the director of the live-action Ghost in the Shell, but …Pushing on the street to Paramount vomiting blood. Then, there is no more.

News one after another, one after another, "Snow White and the Hunter" has become the focus of attention during the early publicity. The discussion gradually surpassed the two works of "Edge of Tomorrow" and "The Amazing Spider-Man", breaking the balance. , Became the most frequently discussed work in the summer file in June.

Such an accident was really unexpected. It was originally the work with the least topical gimmicks, but now it has become the hottest work. However, such an impact makes it impossible to accurately judge: Is this a positive discussion or a negative discussion? So-called cheating news, is it a bonus or a weakening to the box office of movies?

This is unpredictable.

The intervention of an unknown factor has once again heated up the heat wave of the summer vacation, and the box office trend is also full of uncertainties; but it is certain that the hottest summer vacation since the millennium is undoubtedly experienced last year. After the slightly disappointed midsummer box office competition, this year finally ushered in a bumper harvest.

However, before the official release of "Snow White and the Hunter", "Men in Black 3" led by Will Smith took the lead.

It's a pity that as much as you expect, there will be as much disappointment; as high as the attention, there will be more fierce complaints. "Men in Black 3", which returned to the original team, suffered unanimous reviews from the media and audiences. From the media review to the Rotten Tomatoes Index, from the IMDB score to the theater score, and then to the Popcorn Index, it fell across the board.

With a production cost of 225 million U.S. dollars for the 4,248 screening theaters, only 54 million box office figures were obtained during the premiere weekend!

Compared with the "Dark Shadow" and "Super Warship" who threw blood on the street, "Men in Black 3" still relied on the influence of the previous series. The box office of the premiere weekend did not completely collapse, and it defeated the three consecutive championships. "The Avengers" won the North American weekend box office championship in the fourth week of May. At least the press release looks decent.

However, leaving aside the 200 million start of the "Avengers", it is only compared with the "Men in Black" series of films themselves. The first two works were released on the Independence Day holiday and were released on Tuesday in advance. Even so, the two films The box office of the work’s premiere weekend was still above 50 million, and that was 15 years ago and 10 years ago.

Now look at the premiere data of "Men in Black 3", it is simply horrible.

Following Johnny Depp, Will Smith's market appeal has also plummeted, and the glory of the past is gone; now, only the "rock age" of Tom Cruise remains. Of the four big box office stars of the baby boom generation, only Robert Downey Jr. relied on "Iron Man" and his performance remained strong.

Does this mean that the young actors of Generation Y are about to rise up and succeed in succession?

The answer will be announced soon. UU reading

In the first week of June, "Snow White and the Hunter" took the lead on the cusp of the show, and Universal Pictures held its grand premiere at the Chinese Theater in Los Angeles.

This sensational premiere attracted more than 400 reporters and more than 1,000 spectators, and the entire Hollywood Boulevard was completely enclosed; not to mention as many as forty celebrities and guests helped out, including Mark Ruffalo, Jeremy Renner and Tom Hiddleston, three members of the "Avengers", Qi Qi came to help Chris Hemsworth.

On the same day, the premiere began at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and lasted formidable until 11 o'clock in the evening. The absence of Robert Pattinson became the biggest focus of the night, and the high frequency of mention was so weak that even the powerful Charlize Theron could not help Christine.

The focus of the premiere seems to be shifted.

Nevertheless, this is still a well-deserved absolute focus of the first week of June.

This can be seen by a simple example: this week, "Snow White and the Hunter" is the only work to be premiered; and for the following three weeks, at least two blockbuster movies have premiered every week. It can be seen that even insiders are quite optimistic about the box office prospects of this work, and avoid confrontation as much as possible.

After the premiere, comments from various parties came out.

Media review, 57 points; Rotten Tomatoes Freshness Index, 48%, and mass media score 5.6. For a commercial popcorn, such a score is unsatisfactory, but it is not unacceptable; however, the IMDB score is 6 points, the popcorn index is 52%, and even the theater score is only "B", and the audience scores. A total fall, this is bad, serious bad.

The summer game of the Y-generation actor, "Snow White and the Hunter", has a bad start!

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