The Greatest Showman

Chapter 878: Belated farewell

The February sky is high and far away, and the ice-blue sky is glowing with a faint smoky gray, revealing a coolness; stretch out your fingertips, touch the sun, the shallow warmth pulsates between your fingers, but no matter what Efforts, after all, can't touch the cloud in front of me.

So, I close my fingers, leave my index finger, and trace the shape of the cloud meticulously. Using the sky as the curtain, the finger as the pen, and the thought as the paint, a magnificent picture is outlined in the brain, and the whole world becomes Brighten up.

"It's a pity the weather. You know, there are not many sunny afternoons in the winter in New York. I originally thought, I asked you to fly a kite together, and honestly, have you not been out for sports in a long, long time? , I always like to be lazy. Rehabilitation exercises must be persisted every day. You should know better than me."

"Hey, what do you think of Alaska? I was thinking recently, should I try snow sports, such as sledding or something. Did you know? Paul made a sled dog movie before, and he said that sledding is A very interesting exercise, and running wildly in the snow-covered snowfield, it must feel very exciting."

"Yesterday, Fox TV called. They said,'American Idol' wanted to invite me to sing'The Beast' in the first week of this year's live game. Ha, how about it, isn't it ridiculous? How could I possibly I promised. They really stunned their heads."

"However, I agreed to their request to use the copyright of'The Beast'. Andy suggested to them that all the finalists should sing this song collectively during the opening performance. To be honest, I think this proposal is a bit funny, a kind of prank, in general. In other words, they are all singing classic songs, and'The Beast' is not a classic. But the entertainment effect is the most important. Therefore, I did not refuse."

"...I still look forward to your singing version even more."

Lying quietly on the lawn, with Erlang's legs raised, an unlit cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth, and looking at the blue sky above his head, he talked chatteringly, as if Heather never left, as if time It never passed, they returned to Mount Sinai Hospital again, they returned to those times again, small troubles and small worries are always on their lips, but the sun is so beautiful.

The entire cemetery is so quiet, you can hear the chirping of birds and the whining of the wind, without being affected by the outside world. The harassment of the media, the hustle and bustle of the hype, the twittering of the controversy, the vigorous attention of the vigorous attention, everything is blocked outside, and it seems to have entered a completely different world.

Heather, fell asleep peacefully here.

This is New Jersey, New Jersey adjacent to New York. New Jersey seems a bit too quiet compared to the rich and noisy New York. The leisure and leisure of the countryside and the barrenness of the suburbs make every inch of the soil under your feet full of vitality.

For the New Yorker, this kind of "vitality" seems to be a contemptuous low-level taste, and one after another ridiculed it; but for the deceased, this "vitality" buried the spring's vitality and vigor, as if implying, The end does not mean the end, but the origin of another beginning.

Lan Li always has an illusion. Heather did not leave.

He knew that this was an illusion. Heather had passed away and the funeral was over. He was now lying next to the tombstone. The consciousness is very clear, the reason is very certain, everything is extremely real, and there is no place for misunderstanding. However, he still had the illusion that time seemed to be permanently frozen in a certain afternoon on Mount Sinai, and everything in the world stopped.

Unconsciously, the smile on the corner of his mouth rose, and a smile appeared in the bottom of his eyes.

"If George and Elizabeth see this scene, they should be furious, haha. By the way, George is my father and Elizabeth is my mother. I have never had the opportunity to introduce you to you. You are my friend and they are mine. Family. Last time, when my second sister Edith came to New York, I thought about it, but then I didn’t make it. Now it seems that this is a pity."

"Oh, parents. They are down-and-down nobles, you know, they have titles, but their wealth and territory are gone. Now they still have to rely on work to make ends meet. Of course, the difference is that they still live in the upper class. Maintain a bright and beautiful life, while maintaining the etiquette and style of the nobility."

"So, when they see me lying here, among a bunch of tombstones, and enjoying the afternoon leisurely, they should be frustrated. No, angry, this is not an appropriate word, they should be ashamed. Refusing to admit, They knew me, and then pretended that nothing happened or never happened, and treated me completely as a transparent person. Well, this is correct."


With a smile, the smile at the corner of his mouth oozes a bit of bitterness.

"Sometimes, I actually envy you, envious of the care and consideration of Ellie and Derek. After you passed away, they put all their faults on me, I know, but I don’t mind, because they need someone Blame, they need an object of anger, otherwise they will not be able to hold on. Losing you, for them, this is an unacceptable fact... I am really envious."

The words paused for a moment, and suddenly there was a burst of warmth and sorrow in his eyes. Lan Li tightly closed his eyes tightly. The emotions disappeared quickly like a low tide, and the smile bloomed again.

"Heather, tell you a secret. This is my second life. My name is Chu Jiashu. I used to spend ten years on the hospital bed. I know that all of your depression and struggle. Know; in the end, I also reached the end of my life, and when I woke up again, I became Lanly Hall."

"Heather, have you heard? This is the reason, this is the reason why I always refuse to give up, this is the reason why I chase my dreams, this is the reason why I am different. If you can hear it, remember, Run, keep rushing, and keep running towards the light of hope. If you have a second chance, you must not give up this time. You must not."

The greatest secret hidden deep in my heart, whispered to another soul, a soul so similar to him and so connected, as if lying beside him is not Heather Cross, but the former Chu Jiashu, Beyond the barriers of time and space, he once again saw himself in the past and Heather in the past. The two images gradually overlapped, making it difficult to distinguish.

This is the first and last time. This is a secret belonging to Renly and Heather, just like "saying you won't give up".

The faint sunlight fell, and the sorrow and melancholy hovering in the chest melted and disintegrated; the faint warmth penetrated in and flowed along the blood towards the heart. The smile was outlined again, and his eyes opened, the dark brown eyes regained the usual look.

I sat up straight, turned my head and looked at the epitaph on the tombstone, "Heather Cross, 1995-2012, when the music is flowing, I will realize that there are some things, after all, the darkness cannot come from me. Taken away."

Lan Li chuckled and read the epitaph carefully. He liked this sentence, and always did so. A trace of relief flowed through his eyes, "This time, Don Quixote will not regret it, until the end of life. For a moment, she was still a dreamer." Then, she patted the tombstone lightly, as if tapping Heather on the shoulder, and then set the butterfly kite in front of the tombstone again.

"Goodbye. Heather Cross." Saying goodbye, it came after all, although it was too late.

There was no hesitation, no sigh, let alone reluctance, Lan Li stood up, took a step forward, and left the cemetery.

Suddenly, there was a strong wind, and the wind was violent. Lan Li turned his head reflexively, and then saw the butterfly kite next to the tombstone, fluttering and turning in a frantic manner, delineating the trajectory of the wind. The higher you fly, the higher you fly, whizzing by, soaring freely.

Finally, disappearing into the ice-blue sky, it seems that it touched the outline of the cloud, melted into the golden sunlight, and was nowhere to be found. Lan Li knew that it was finally free.

He retracted his gaze, stepped forward again, and walked towards the entrance of the cemetery unhurriedly.

The huge cemetery occupies a vast area, and it may take 30 minutes or even 60 minutes to measure it only by feet. Therefore, people always drive their cars directly into the cemetery, then park on the side of the road, and then climb up the steps to sweep the graves.

However, Lan Li did not drive there today, just reached out and stopped a taxi, left New York, arrived at the cemetery, and then waved to the driver to leave. He needs a little time to be alone, and a little time to say goodbye. As for how to leave, Lan Li has never worried.

Leaving the cemetery slowly, his feet didn't feel tired. Nearby is a small town, not noisy and prosperous, but not desolate and remote, just a small town full of life.

Let the footsteps lead without deliberately identifying the direction. I walked for a long time, not knowing whether it was ten minutes or forty minutes. Finally, I felt hungry, so I just walked in a dilapidated bar on the side of the road. Stopped, opened the door and went in.

The old bar is full of smoky historical texture. There are five or six guests sitting sparsely, peeling peanuts, chatting without a word, a little restlessness in the tranquility, and a touch of warmth. Compared to New York, the bars here always look more friendly and cordial.

"Good afternoon, what do you need?" The young bartender standing at the bar dropped the rag in his hand and walked over.

Lan Li's eyes fell on the small stage next to him. A middle-aged man was sitting on a high stool, tuning the guitar in his arms, his long golden brown hair was messy, and his unbuilt beard looked even worse. Wearing a greasy and dirty little top hat, no lights and no microphone, he is busy with his own affairs.

"Is there anyone in the kitchen now?" Lan Li asked skillfully. After getting the affirmative answer, he ordered the simplest hamburger and fries, then ordered a glass of beer, and enjoyed the afternoon leisurely and comfortably. 8)

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