The Greatest Showman

Chapter 877: Disappeared

Perceiving the staring eyes, Andy put down the phone, raised his eyes, and then saw Roy diagonally across.

At this time, Roy's face was helpless, a smile, and the absurdity and tiredness between his eyebrows lingered; Andy's mouth was raised, then he shrugged his shoulders, spread his hands, and expressed himself Helpless. Deep in the eyes of the two people, the emotions are so similar.

Lan Li disappeared.

This is a fact, not an excuse. Neither Andy nor Roy knew about Renly's whereabouts, and Nathan did not receive any news at all; what is even more exaggerated is that Renly turned off his mobile phone, and even if he wanted to track it, Andy was helpless.

In this way, Lan Li disappeared, left the apartment, left the pioneer village, left the Sinai Hospital, and completely disappeared. In the huge New York City, people came and went, and Ranley left silently after getting into the crowd.

There are no messages, no notes, and no warnings.

To be honest, Andy and Roy are indeed in a battered situation now. Because they don’t know what happened, and they don’t know what will happen: Why did Renly disappear? Where did the disappearance go? Will Lan Li be back? If so, when? If not, what should they do?

Countless question marks bombarded in my mind, but they couldn't find the answer.

The call just now was from Gavin Hunter, a reporter from US Weekly. Not for gossip or interviews, he was just concerned about Lan Li's state. But Andy was speechless, he was also paying attention to the same question, he was looking for the same answer, but he was helpless.

"You said, did Lan Li really leave?" Roy didn't hold it back after all, and asked.

Andy did not rush to answer, but seriously thought about it, "I don't think he is. He is an actor, and this has never changed, and it will never change. This is his dream and also his. Persevere. So, I believe, he didn't really leave. It's just..." Andy sighed lightly, "It just takes a while."

After speaking, the arc of Andy's mouth gradually calmed down, his smile gradually returned to calm, and a sigh was added between his brows, "He reminds me of Daniel Day Lewis. You know, a lunatic, but a real The artist." Andy said, twitching his lips mockingly.

Daniel Day Lewis, this is an actor. The reason why the prefix adjectives are not added is because "actor" is the most appropriate description, and it doesn't need much. The actor dedicated all his enthusiasm and all his madness to the performance.

In 1989, in the movie "My Left Foot", he played the Irish writer Christy-Brown (Christy-Brown). Christie was paralyzed because of polio, only his left foot can move; in order to play this role, Daniel only allowed himself to use his left foot during the filming of the whole movie, even because the agent persuaded him to eat with his hands , Daniel severely reprimanded the agent.

In 2007, in order to star in the movie "The Blood Is Coming", he shut himself up in a small wooden house next to the set, surrounded by family members, and truly experienced the actor's frenzy for profit, which eventually led to the rebellion and the devil dance Mood. From two months before the filming of the film, until two months after the film was finalized, he lived alone in a wooden house for more than half a year, and he was almost crazy.

After "The Blood Is Coming", it took Daniel more than a year to get out of the role. Because of this, the number of actors produced by Daniel is very limited. In the thirty years from 1982 to 2012, Daniel has starred in 19 films and won three Oscars for Best Actor, Golden Man, becoming the only one in history to achieve Such an accomplished actor.

The three aspirations are "My Left Foot", "The Blood Is Coming" and "Lincoln".

Not only that, but Daniel is also a unique landscape in the academy's public relations during the award season. He does not reject attending public relations occasions, but he is not keen on it; each year’s awards season college public relations activities, there are few events, so far, almost absent from most parties and activities; but the three Oscar statuettes are absolutely superior, absolute strength Successfully climbed to the top.

In the Hollywood Vanity Fair, Daniel is indeed a unique actor, incomparable. Even old actors like Meryl Streep, Jack Nicholson, and Robert De Niro are different.

Now, Andy saw the shadow of Daniel in Lan Li.

Not only performance, but not only music, but the perseverance and obsession as a dreamer, but also the persistence and pursuit of an artist. What's more commendable is that Lan Li is only twenty-two years old, which is really too much. Young, incredibly young. This also made Andy become curious, curious about the upper limit of the blue ceremony, what kind of picture is the end of this road?

Of course, as a broker, Andy’s praise is taken for granted, and he can’t take it seriously.

However, Roy did not refute, but smiled, "Are you sure it's okay?"

According to the plan, today and tomorrow, Lan Li must attend several college public relations activities; but now, Lan Li suddenly disappeared, and there is no way to contact him, and I don’t know when he will come back, or even if he will come back. The plans were all disrupted. They could have been able to take advantage of the victory, but now...

Andy smiled again and shook his head, "It's okay. In the past week, all the plans have been carried out step by step, and the effect has far exceeded expectations; to be honest, I regret it now, I would rather Lan Li stop temporarily. have a good rest."

Awards season, college public relations, Oscars, year after year, will never be absent, nor will it be late; but the deaths of birth, old age, sickness, and death are the only ones in the long river of life. If you miss it, you will miss it forever.

In this short period of half a month, the whole world was turned upside down, but Lan Li never stopped. Not only that, but everything is running normally, and it seems that there is no impact at all. Calm and calm, calm and calm, but made bystanders panicked and unable to land.

Roy twitched the corners of his mouth, "Yes, he needs a rest." The voice was chopped off without end, staying in the air, slowly dissipating, and the smile at the corner of his mouth slowly calmed down, and a trace of loss flashed under his eyes And sigh.

"Jingling bell", the phone's ringtone broke the silence in the room again, Andy glanced at the phone's caller ID, smiled and said, "At least, we can handle the matter on our hands."

It's a reporter again, a reporter who will never disappear and will never disappear.

Roy quickly cleared up his emotions and cheered up, "Then, let's get to work. I'll give Lydia Brooks a call."

Soon, Andy and Roy started to get busy.

In the recent period of turmoil, everyone was caught off guard and untouched. Both Andy and Roy were a little negligent, so that they forgot to search for the most important possibility, and then they did not find Lan Li. If they asked the Crosses, the answer would be different.

"Derek, have the text messages been sent out?" Allie was standing in front of the kitchen sink, sorting the dishes and putting them in the dishwasher. The movements of her hands could not help but stop, she asked, but did not wait for Derek. To answer, she turned her head and said anxiously, "Maybe, I should send the text message. No, maybe I should meet Lan Li in person, and I owe him an apology."

After Heather's death, Ally pushed all the faults to Lan Li. She needed an excuse and a scapegoat. Otherwise, she could not forgive herself or accept the facts. So they held a funeral quietly, they cut off all contact, they immersed in their own world, and then vented all their anger on Lan Li.

However, these stupid and childish actions deeply hurt Lan Li. The only boy who really knew Heather.

Regret, is it too late?

"The text message has been sent." Derek stood at the door of the kitchen, leaning on the door frame, with his hands on his chest, still a little tired between his eyebrows, but his expression relaxed a little, "Allie, Lan Lihui Understand. He knows you didn't mean it."

Allie shook her head, her voice trembling slightly, "He didn't blame me, but it doesn't mean I was not at fault." Thinking of this, Allie's eyes turned red again, "God, what did I do? Lan Li Without attending Heather's funeral, Heather would be sad. She must have thought it was Lanly who refused to attend."

Derek stepped forward and hugged his wife from behind, "Yes, we made a mistake. You are right, we still owe Lan Li an apology. Believe me, when Lan Li visited Heather, they were very young I will communicate in time, do you know? I am always jealous of Lan Li, because he and Heather always share the same topic, which makes me envious."

As he spoke, Derek's voice couldn't help but choked up. He quickly took a deep breath and changed the subject, "More importantly, we realize that we have made a mistake now, and we can't make it again in the future. What do you think of Lanly's proposal? What? That's the foundation."

Lan Li mentioned earlier that he hopes to set up a foundation, named after Heather Cross.

The foundation will be specifically used to fund all underage children suffering from illnesses, and will also set up a special research fund to help research and develop and cure gradual cold syndrome. The first income of the foundation will consist of tickets for "one person's concert".

That concert, from the beginning to the end, always belonged to only one person.

Allie wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and nodded, "Of course I agree."

It’s not the "Renley-Hall" but the "Heather-Cross Foundation". This incident itself explains many things. The essence of the foundation is ultimately to help those children We, not self-promotion or fame.

Ally believes that in this world, there are many patients like Heather waiting for help. She sincerely hopes that this foundation can become a kind of fire and ignite the light of hope.


"Dear Lan Li,

Sorry. Regarding everything, sorry. I know that you are Heather's best friend. For her, you are always a special existence; however, Ai Li and I made the wrong choice. I am sorry. I hope that next time we have the opportunity, we can sit down and talk face to face, and then I will express my sincere apologies again.

Heather has left, but you have never been able to say goodbye to her. The following is the address where she is sleeping peacefully.

Sincerely, Derek Cross. "8)

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