The Greatest Showman

Chapter 870: 1 echo 0 respond

The fermentation of news events is getting more and more intense, and it continues to intensify; at the same time, the focus of news events is gradually shifting, and the core of people’s heated discussion is no longer whether "Lan Li-Hall is malicious hype" or "Lan Li-Huo". Did you fabricate the image of a gentleman", but the root cause and driving force behind the incident.

"Len Li-Hall: Beneficiary and victim in the Internet age.

——What did he do wrong? Who did you offend? What is the bottom line? "

This in-depth analysis report comes from the "New Yorker". The article speaks richly about the ins and outs of the matter, and analyzes the culprit in sharp terms: impetuousness and shallowness in a fast-paced society; at the same time, the sword sharply points the finger at it. For every audience reader, he deeply pointed out that these readers who indulged and even pursued the hot spots of negative news became the biggest accomplices in the incident.

"The New Yorker" pointed out an important fact: after the "Entertainment Weekly" feature report came out, the Internet bullying phenomenon spread. Without waiting for an official response, without waiting to find out the truth, or even waiting for corroborating reports from other media, netizens were already eager to reach a conclusion and began to fall into trouble.

"Even criminal suspects are given the right to defend themselves before the court’s formal verdict; but in the Internet age, the central figure in the news focus has been deprived of such basic human rights. Netizens who pride themselves on God , Raised up the power of judgment in his hand and made a judgment arbitrarily and impulsively; at the same time, he refused to bear any responsibility for his judgment."

Compared with the "New York Times", the "New Yorker" report is more simple, but also more sharp. It really dissected the whole incident, and the red fruit was presented in broad daylight, sparking a new round of discussion. Frenzy.

The uproar of the entertainment media has gradually begun to spread to other fields. Sociologists have successively stood up and published their analysis and opinions on the incident. To some extent, they agreed with the views of the "New York Times" and the "New Yorker". Exploring the essence through the phenomenon, a simple news event presents a novel, profound and unique perspective.

Things are out of control.

Now, the control of the news focus is no longer in the hands of "Entertainment Weekly". Similarly, "U.S. Weekly", "New York Times", and "New Yorker" have also lost control, but completely handed over to the society. The general public.

Everyone has the right to interpret, think, and reflect. According to their education, economic status, religious beliefs, urban environment, cultural literacy and other key factors, they can interpret and deduce different viewpoints. The whole event has become more and more colorful. It's complicated, and it continues to heat up.

Some people still chose to agree with "Entertainment Weekly", others began to believe in "American Weekly", and others began to discuss the "New York Times" and the "New Yorker".

Some people still hate Lan Li, thinking that he is a polite hypocrite and hypocritical; some express their love for Lan Li and praise him for his talent and talent as an actor and artist; and some people begin to truly understand Lan Li for the first time. A name symbol that I have heard of is now gradually becoming more vivid.

Some people pay close attention to the news. They don’t care whether the report of "Entertainment Weekly" is true or false, because "Hollywood is originally an entertainment circle, and entertainment is its function, and we just want to have fun in life." As for Lanli, "become a Famous actors must be prepared to be consumed"; some people gradually begin to feel uncomfortable, maliciously fabricating news, deliberately concocting the focus, and gaining attention with slander and slander, which is disgusting.

In the upsurge of the awards season, the "hype door" incident is like riding the wind, and the topic is steadily rising, and almost all the focus of the awards season has been robbed. Under the attention of everyone, Hollywood's voice broke through the shackles and began to bubble one after another.

"Isn't this a prank?"

Surprisingly, the first actor to come forward was Rooney Mara.

This new-generation actress, who was nominated for the first queen nomination of her career by virtue of the "girl with dragon tattoo", in people’s impression, does not have much overlap with Lan Li, at least it has not been reported in the news, but this time In the chaos of the news, Rooney did not hesitate to stand up and expressed her support.

When attending the American Screen Actors Guild Awards' warm-up party, no reporter asked, Rooney took the initiative to bring up Lan Li, smiling, as if enjoying a funny show.

"To be honest, if Lanly is willing to hype, the little girls nowadays will not only know vampires and not know Lanly-Hall." In an understatement, Rooney teased "Twilight" with ease. Once, the reporters couldn't help but laugh.

Rooney shrugged, her face still indifferent and calm, but her words remained sharp, "As for the concert. This is my favorite and most appreciated concert in the past ten years. When all While people are concerned about the soul and vitality that Lan Li has injected into the concert as an artist, some people are paying attention to whether the concert is hype or not. In essence, this is different."

"Rooney, did you also participate in the'One Man's Concert'?" The reporters were shocked and had never heard of the news.

"Yes. And, I like it very much." Rooney expressed her position again. "Before reporters try to pour dirty water to slander someone, I suggest you do your job first: investigate the truth of the matter, not Like a paparazzi in a supermarket tabloid, fabricated out of thin air."

Not only did he stand on Lanly's side without hesitation, but also pointed at the reporters like a knife. Rooney clearly expressed her position, and she was not the only one.

Paul Walker and Ryan Gosling not only made their own statements on Twitter and Facebook, but also took the initiative to accept interviews from reporters.

"This is definitely the most ridiculous news I have ever heard. Anyone who has been in contact with Renly should know that he is a type that is absolutely impossible to hype. Even at the Toronto Film Festival, it is more than dealing with reporters. In other words, he would rather stay in the cinema to enjoy the best movies, and he would rather share his views on the film with the fans. The reason why I became friends with Lan Li is because we have common hobbies, and we met in the cinema. "

Just on Twitter, Ryan tweeted five consecutive tweets, expressing his strong will and position, time and time again, tirelessly repeating his support for Lan Li; the same is true for Paul, who is always smiling and sunny. , The bright and friendly warm man, it is rare to show signs of emotional out-of-control.

"No, no, no! Lanly is not as accused by the media. This is not the first time I have emphasized it, I hope it is the last time I have emphasized.

"Len Li has never made a hype, nor has he ever made a hype. He is an actor and he has never changed."

"Perhaps, you should listen to the album Don Quixote seriously. As an actor and as an artist, Lan Li's talent is dazzling enough. Hype, this is completely unnecessary for him."

"Aite'Entertainment Weekly', Aite Cornell McGregor, you may be able to shut up and leave Lan Li a quiet space, these are the best. Lan Li has no hype, you don't have to blame ."

"I think the audience should understand Lanli better, watch "Love Is Crazy" quietly, and listen quietly to "Believe It Without Doubt", that is the real Lanli."

"I don't know if I still believe, I don't know if I still believe, I don't even know if I want to believe, every word you say to me."

Six consecutive tweets, the last one intercepted the lyrics of "Confirmed". At the same time, Paul also recommended this song on his personal Facebook page.

On the other hand, the two leading actors of "Crazy Love", Jennifer Lawrence and Felicity Jones also expressed their positions successively.

"I don't know the source of that reporter's news, but I know, and I also saw that Lanly is not what he described. Every viewer should have the ability to judge, open the news, go back to the history, and find things. The truth of this. All this is ridiculous.” Jennifer said righteously, “What the **** is going on with reporters now? Except for telling the truth, no one cares about the evidence and the truth? Isn’t anyone paying attention to the actor’s work? Yet?"

Felicity also expressed a similar view, "I am not interested in news like this at all. Because I don't believe a word. Lanly Hall is an actor full of infinite possibilities, but it is definitely not an'entertainment weekly'. The one described." After she finished speaking, she smiled absurdly and refused the follow-up interview.

Gal Gadot, Seth Logan, Rami Marek, Tony after another industry practitioners came forward and expressed their support for Lan Li, which made people more Surprisingly, both actors Jessica Chastain and Andrew Garfield also expressed their positions.

"The so-called incident is itself a means for the news media to concoct focus. Lan Li was originally a victim; now, the news media even condemns Lan Li for participating in the concoction of these focal is my career. I have heard the most absurd but also the most realistic jokes, but this is the status quo of our industry: actors have become victims of media hype, and at the same time they have become targets of media hype."

Jessica's speech is exceptionally strong, just like her acting style; Andrew's speech is even more surprising.

"I think you should not know that Lanly has been learning Chinese martial arts in order to shoot new works; similarly, you should also not know that Lanly has been silently fulfilling volunteer obligations. The media saw a thing you want to shape. Image, but never really dig into the truth. This is the key to the whole incident."

There are actors like Gail, Seth, and Lamy who have worked together before, and there are actors like Rooney, Jessica, and Andrew who have almost no intersection. The support from all directions is quite responsive. In addition to this, there is the support of Rose Byrne, Christine Wegg, Jamie Fox, and Dawn Johnson.

In particular, Dawn Johnson's speech really gave people a glimpse of the truth behind the "speed and excitement/emotion" contract renewal. .


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